Holy Trinity Church, Burrington
The village of Burrington is signposted from the A377 and from the B3217
You are very welcome to visit Holy Trinity Church, it is unlocked from approximately 9am to sunset everyday. The Church is situated in the centre of the village and accessed via a path from the village square where there is limited parking. To open the heavy oak door which gives access from the porch into the Church, pull the door towards you, turn the handle anti clockwise and push the door. At this point there is a small step down into the Church. Tea and coffee are available if you want to make yourself a drink.
Currently there are no toilet facilities in the Church. The nearest public toilets can be found at the Parish Hall, Disabled toilet facilities require a ‘Radar Key’ to access.
We hope you enjoy your visit.
Contacts you might find helpful
Rev’d Tony Rockey. Tony’s rest day is Monday Tel. 01769 581712 email: rector@littledartchurches.org.uk
Rev’d. Adrian Wells. Adrian’s rest day is Friday Tel. 01884 861383 email: vicaradrian@btinternet.com
Rev’d. Janet May. Janet’s rest day is Friday Tel. 01769 580791 email: curate.janet@littledartchurches.org.uk
Church Warden - Tel. 01769 520297
Forthcoming events
8th February Coffee Morning in the Parish Church
8th February Quiz night in the Parish Hall in Aid of Church
9th February Holy Communion in the Parish Church
16th February Morning Prayer in the parish Church
8th March Holy Communion in the Parish Church
14th March Coffee Morning
15th March Morning Prayer in the Parish Church