Parish Council Meeting held on the 24th September 2024


Present Mr J Short Mr K Pincombe (Chairman) Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson Mr A Fraser-Smith Dr S Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)   

In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor

Apologies Mr P Bailey Mr P Smale Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 27th August were agreed and signed.


2. Clerk’s report

i. Defibrillator First Aid course, the course was very good but sadly not as many attendees as hoped.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. Train service at Kings Nympton Station, Mr Pailthorpe has made a very good video, you can see it on YouTube (unlisted, as not for publication) here https://youtu.be/vhWSExQa7kE?feature=shared

It was raised that the train timetable in at Barnstaple has been co-ordinated with the bus service.

ii. Church clock service, two quotes have been received the Cumbria Clock Company’s quote is for £195 plus VAT with a free call out, Smith of Derby is £332 plus VAT, so it was proposed to go for the first quote by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Fraser-Smith, all in favour.


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting. Or call 0345155 1004 in this time of serve weather if something is urgent, please call in, the call will be logged and you will receive a reference number which you can monitor the progress of the issue. Please keep reporting poor roads.

The Parish Council have a grant for ploughing out the verges, this was discussed as to which road to be ploughed out, it was agreed to get quotes for the stretch of road between Balls Corner and Bables Tenement, this will be undertaken. The sign at Red Post was highlighted as one of the finger posts has fallen off, Cllr Short agreed to look at this.


5. County and District Councillors items

Cllr Henderson ROAD REPAIRS ACCELERATED Road repairs have accelerated with the help of £10 million extra funding that we invested in our roads budget this year. In a report before the Full Council meeting this week, (Thursday 5 September), Councillor Stuart Hughes, Cabinet Member for Highway Management, said the County Council’s investment had enabled “a significant scaling-up” to tackle repairs on the county’s road network. He praised the efforts being made by highways teams as delivery had been “gathering pace” over the summer. Since April, more than 18,000 square metres of road have been patched in over 350 locations across the county. These repairs have targeted sections of road which are deteriorating, patching extensive areas before potholes or safety defects form. In the past four months the patching repairs that have been undertaken are already the equivalent of around 80% of the patching achieved for the whole of the last financial year. That highlights the difference this additional funding is making. Dragon patchers have been used on double-shifts to complete more than 5,250 patches, covering


over 33,000 square metres and a new carbon saving road repair material, called Elastomac, has been used to repair around 7,000 square metres of Devon’s roads following successful trials on small to medium size patches. Elastomac is a surfacing material which is partly made of recycled road planings and recycled tyres. It reduces waste and carbon emissions while also being quicker to cure than traditional material used in pothole repairs, reducing traffic disruption. Around £2 million of the funding is being invested in drainage improvements, while over 10km of double white lines have also been refreshed along with road markings at 175 roundabouts and 197 zebra crossings.

To tackle potholes, we also invested an extra £2 million in highway revenue funding this year, on top of the £10 million capital funding. This has helped contribute to the repair of more than 47,500 potholes across the county so far this year. Devon and Torbay’s proposal to create a Combined County Authority has been given the green light by the new Government, the two councils confirmed on Thursday 19 September. A decision by the previous Government, to establish the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (CCA), was deferred in June pending the General Election in July. Establishing the CCA is legally required to assume responsibility for new funds and powers transferred by Government from Whitehall to Devon and Torbay.

DEVOLUTION TO GO AHEAD Devon and Torbay’s final proposal for the CCA followed a widespread consultation that drew responses from a cross-section of organisations including Devon’s District councils, Town and Parish councils, and representatives from the business, education and skills, housing, transportation, health service providers and voluntary sectors. Last month, the two Leaders of Devon County Council and Torbay Council initially wrote to the new Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State (SoS) for Housing, Communities and Local Government, the Rt Hon Angela Rayner MP, asking the Government for a meeting to discuss the proposal. And now, the Government has confirmed that the Devon and Torbay proposal, first submitted to Government in May 2024, is officially back on track. It’s hoped that with draft regulations to create the CCA to be made this Autumn, the Devon and Torbay CCA could hold its first meeting early in the New Year. The CCA will deliver the devolution deal – a whole raft of powers, responsibilities, and funding, devolved to Devon and Torbay from Whitehall – and will enable important decisions to be made locally on local priorities such as jobs and skills, housing, and the environment.

With potential for the range of devolved powers to expand, the current proposals would see the new body having direct control of adult education to create up to 50,000 new training and retraining opportunities by 2030. Through Local Skills Improvement Plans, the proposed CCA will work with business and education leaders to create a stronger, joined-up relationship between employers and schools, colleges and universities to provide the skilled workforce the local economy needs for the future. The Government has re-confirmed the transfer of £16 million capital funding to invest in new green jobs, homes, skills, and business growth and accelerate Devon and Torbay’s transition to a net-zero economy, capitalising on the area’s world-leading expertise in green science and technology. The Government is offering a stronger partnership with Homes England, capitalising on the Affordable Housing Programme and Brownfield Infrastructure and Land Fund to create a joint action plan for affordable housing schemes for local people and reduce homelessness. The proposal includes additional land assembly and compulsory purchase powers and would facilitate greater Community Land Trust-led delivery. On transport, the proposed Deal builds on Devon County Council and Torbay Councils’ long history of working together on local transport planning. The proposed Deal will strengthen this joined-up approach with Devon and Torbay working as equal partners on a CCA and improving the efficiency and co-ordination of public transport. There is an ambition to introduce a single ticketing system for travellers and investment in services to provide greater access to public transport. The CCA would be responsible for working with Devon County Council, Torbay Council, District Councils and the business and education sectors to support high growth sectors such as advanced manufacturing, marine engineering, defence, photonics and digital. One of the first tasks of the CCA would be to agree a Local Growth Plan working with the private sector which set out clear priorities and an investment plan. There will also be close collaboration and productive joint working between the CCA and Police and Crime Commissioner.



BARNSTAPLE TRAIN STATION Cabinet has approved a new scheme at Barnstaple Railway Station which will make it easier for passengers to transfer between bus services and trains and access the town centre. At the meeting on Wednesday cross-party support was given to the construction of the Bus-Rail Integration Enhancements at Barnstaple Railway Station. The scheme has a budget of £785,670 and follows the Department for Transport awarding us £14.1 million Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding in 2022. Cabinet also approved a countywide ‘pinch point’ removal programme, a series of minor highways improvements which will improve bus service efficiency. The enhancements at the Railway Station will improve bus-rail integration which is used by over 500,000 passengers every year.

Cllr Henderson also raised regarding the hedges along the A377 DCC officers have been out and assessed the badly overhanging hedges, action will be taken.

Cllr Davies no report.                                                


6.Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                    


Burrington Parish Hall



J Pickard printing



Clerk’s salary



Office expenses



7. Planning                                                                                            


Outline application to replace existing building with a single storey dwelling, with all matter reserved accept for access, Valle Vue.



Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) in respect of raising the roof by 300mm, amendments to internal layout, porch, fenestration, re-positioning of PV panels and changes to external materials - Plot 2, Bedport Poultry Farm.







Proposed conversion of existing barn into two-bedroom house at Barton Farm Barton Court Road From Pavington Cross To Burrington Burrington



Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) in respect of raising the roof by 300 mm, Aesthetic changes to the style of the property which include amended fenestration, re-positioning of PV panels and changes to the external materials and revised internal layout - Plots 3 and 4, Bedport Poultry Farm.




i. S106 Public Open Space off-site contribution, NDC Richard Slaney has been contacted with the quote for the lights around the MUGA. Quotes have been received for the gates either end of the Village Green, but slight amendments need to be made prior to deciding and submitting for the 7th October meeting.

i. NDC enforcement updates none available.


8. Parish Hall report.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                                               i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 29th October 2024 7.30pm


                                                            …………………………Chairman …………………………Date




Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 26th November 2024 7.30pm Parish Council meeting




                            BURRINGTON PARISH COUNCIL

                       Parish Council Meeting held on the 27th August 2024


Present Mr J Short Mr K Pincombe (Chairman) Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr P Smale Dr S Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)    

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Mr P Bailey Cllr P Henderson County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 30th July were agreed and signed.


2. Clerk’s report

i. Defibrillator course, the course has been organised for the 7th September, 7pm to 9pm in the Parish Hall, this will be put on the Parish email again.

ii. Enquires were made regarding the Fire Extinguisher training it was £220 plus VAT, for up to 20 people, there are no plans to organise this at present.

iii. The water situation when the fire brigade attended a recent fire was raised, the lack of water from the fire hydrant in the village to tackle a fire was telling on the outcome of the fire, this is to be raised with SWW.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. Train service at Kings Nympton Station, Mr Pailthorpe organised the photo shoot at KN station on July 27th it was well attended, a video of the event and promoting the interest in trains stopping at that station has been made, Mr Pailthorpe emailed to say “I have put together a short video about the station campaign. Still, some work to do, but wanted to share it to get thoughts”. You can see it on YouTube (unlisted, as not for publication) here https://youtu.be/vhWSExQa7kE?feature=shared


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting. Or call 0345155 1004 in this time of serve weather if something is urgent, please call in, the call will be logged and you will receive a reference number which you can monitor the progress of the issue. Please keep reporting poor roads.

The hedges along the A377 were highlighted as being so overgrown that at certain points two lorries or large vehicles cannot pass, it was also commented the standard of work on the recent job undertaken on Kingford Hill was very poor. These comments will be passed onto Cllr Henderson.

It was suggested to see if there was a volunteer in the parish willing to take on the Road Warden for the parish, Cllr Henderson is to be asked for details and an email put out.


5. County and District Councillors items

Cllr Henderson no report.

Cllr Davies gave a report:                                                              

Feedback to me during and after the Chulmleigh Old Fair week has been largely positive with some suggestions that I will pass on to the Fair Committee and a couple of issues to raise with NDC and DCC.



Ilfracombe's water sport hub has won a regional award. Link here: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/news/2024/regional-award-for-ilfracombes-watersports-


· North Devon Community lottery has now raised more than £10k for charities and good causes.

· Market Quarter progress in Barnstaple is good (Queen Street car park/ Boutport Street etc)

· Bicclescombe Park and Yeo Valley Woodland have been given green flag awards.

· Turner in Barnstaple exhibition is open at the Museum (small watercolour original on loan from the Tate but also an enlargement with a fingerprint on the boat if you look carefully). Link here: https://barnstaplemuseum.org.uk/whatson/turner-in-barnstaple/

· A further £50,000 of funding is to be made available for households in North Devon struggling with the cost of living crisis. Link here: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/benefits-and-grants/household-support-fund

· Reminder to apply for the Community Councillor fund – no application received to date.

· Last but by no means least. As Ian Roome was elected as our MP, David Clayton was elected as the new Leader of the Council with Peter Leaver as Deputy.

Cllr Davies also reported on activity along the A377 at Bouchland Lane this is to be confirmed.

The consultation is out for the National Planning Policy Framework, the requirement if it gets approved is to double the housing requirement, with no 5-year land supply it can open up to hostile developments around the boundaries of villages, towns etc. ND and Torridge are holding visionary workshops to discuss where to grow the expansion of housing the bigger towns are favoured along with the suggestion of along the tarka line, Burrington can make a comment regarding development in and around the village.

Burrington would support housing in and around the periphery of the village, the parish needs genuine reasonably priced houses, affordable houses and local needs to allow local people to remain in the area they have grown up in, Burrington is commutable to Barnstaple and other larger towns. Housing will keep the parish vibrant and allow a younger demographic to participate in the active, social, well organised life of Burrington, especially now with the reopening of both pubs including the Barnstaple Inn in the village.

Burrington also offers a shop, access to the post office, an excellent Village Hall with many activities both church and chapel and an inclusive ethos.

The Parish Council purchased the field opposite the village hall with the hope of getting 4 affordable houses built, but came up against the restricting rules of DCC so this project can not go ahead for 10 years.

The Parish Council would far rather development be around the village than scattered around on the farms, the road structure and amenities are far better around the village hub. It is very unlikely affordable houses will be included in these farm developments; the village needs to grow at its base with less emphasis on sporadic development in the surrounding countryside.

These comments will be sent to Cllr Davies to be included at the Visionary Workshop.


6.Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                           


Burrington Parish Hall



Clerk’s salary



7. Planning                                                                                                               


Proposed forestry building at Heales Cottage Burrington



Outline application to replace existing building with a single storey dwelling, with all matter reserved accept for access, Valle Vue.

No objections


Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) in respect of raising the roof by 300mm, amendments to internal layout, porch, fenestration, re-positioning of PV panels and changes to external materials - Plot 2, Bedport Poultry Farm.

No objections






Proposed conversion of existing barn into two-bedroom house at Barton Farm Barton Court Road From Pavington Cross To Burrington Burrington

No objections





i. S106 Public Open Space off-site contribution, NDC Richard Slaney has been contacted a revised S106 Expression of Interest form to include consideration of equalities section has to be completed, duly done. 

The quote for the lights has been sent which has to be agreed at the Strategy and Resources meeting on the 7th October then ratified at the council meeting on the 20th November.

Quotes for the gates either end of the Village Green are to be obtained to be included for consideration on the 7th October.

i. NDC enforcement updates none available on previously reported, a new report of a mobile home sited behind the hanger past the air ambulance at Eaglescott, this field was purchased at the end of June, the mobile home with planting of shrubs a trench dug for what looks like services for connection have been installed, this will be reported to Enforcement. It was also raised regarding the legality of the radar station being used as a permanent dwelling; this is to be raised to ensure all is in order with planning.


8. Parish Hall report.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                                                                    i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

It was commented by visitors to the village who were very pleased to see a public convenience sign and the toilets open for use.



The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 24th September 2024 7.30pm




…………………………Chairman …………………………Date




Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 29th October 2024 7.30pm Parish Council meeting



 Parish Council Meeting held on the 30th July 2024


Present Mr K Pincombe (Chairman) Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk) 

In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor

Apologies Mr J Short Mr P Bailey Dr S Smale Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 25th June were agreed and signed.


2. Clerk’s report

i. Defibrillator course, the course has been organised for the 7th September, 7pm to 9pm in the Parish Hall, there has been some interest in the course a further parish email and notice in the Parish Magazine will be sent closer to the time.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. Train service at Kings Nympton Station, Mr Pailthorpe has organised to get as many people as possible down to KN station on July 27th at 10.30 to get a photo representing the strength of feeling about having trains stop on request.

The update from Mr Pailthorpe on the KN Station campaign. Despite numerous competing events (Chulmleigh Fair, Chittlehamholt Fair, mid Devon Show, the arrival of summer) we got a terrific response to the publicity shot - with nearly 40 people turning up. The Facebook Group now has nearly 180 members, and I am working on a little video based on comments there and interviews I did at the station.

The big question is - what to do with this. It would be great if you were able to discuss at your next meeting, to see what ideas there might be for taking it to GWR or elsewhere


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting. Or call 0345155 1004 in this time of serve weather if something is urgent, please call in, the call will be logged and you will receive a reference number which you can monitor the progress of the issue. Please keep reporting poor roads.

There was a Public Sector Highways Transport Networks Conference on the 27th June starting at 9.30am, no councillors were available to attend.


5. County and District Councillors items

Cllr Henderson reported HEALTH IN AN AGEING DEVON We’ve published our latest Annual Public Health Report and this year the theme is Health in an Ageing Devon. The report, which you can view here, highlights the challenges that an ageing population in Devon presents, the underlying factors that can contribute to poor health and what we can all do to help ensure that we live healthier for longer. Devon has an older population and faster older population growth than the UK average. Over the next 20 years the predicted proportion of those aged 75 and over living in Devon will increase from 13.7 per cent this year to 18.4 per cent by 2043. This population change, says the report, and that people are spending more years


in ill-health, poses challenges in relation to the health, wellbeing and quality of life for all of us. Coupled with a reduction in the birth rate in the future, this means that the ratio of younger people to older people will also reduce. This will inevitably affect our frontline workforce and carers, both paid and unpaid. Currently across Devon there are just over two working-age people to one older person. By 2043, we expect this to reduce to 1.7 working aged people to one older person. The report also illustrates how, over the past decade, life expectancy has stalled and remained similar both locally and nationally. The average life expectancy across Devon is 85 and 87 years (male and female respectively) with average healthy life expectancy being approximately 77 and 79 years. This shows that people in Devon are on average living around a decade in poorer health and, as with life expectancy, no significant improvement in healthy life expectancy has been seen over the last decade. It also looks at other areas including risk factors for older people, the predicted growth in long-term conditions and disabilities such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity and the importance of physical activity, vaccinations, screening and oral health. SUPPORT FOR HOUSEHOLDS WHO ARE STRUGGLING As schools close their doors for the summer holidays, we are aware that the financial challenges facing some households in Devon will be intensified over the next few weeks. Increased costs such as food and activities, particularly with the current cost of living, and reduced incomes due to childcare, mean that this year’s break could be especially difficult. That’s why we are reminding people of the support available through the Government’s Household Support Fund, which is planned to run until Monday 30 September. Earlier this year we were allocated a little over £5 million from the Government to help households struggling to pay higher bills for energy, food, water, and other essential items. We’ve used just over £2.2m of the fund to send children who receive benefits-related free school meals supermarket vouchers worth £105 to spend on replacing the meals they would have had at

school during the day. It’s the equivalent of £15 per week of the one week May half term and six-week summer holiday and has been distributed in one lump sum now to allow families some flexibility on how they spend the vouchers and try to help with the additional pressure the summer period puts on household budgets. We’ve already sent these supermarket vouchers to families whose children currently receive free school meals, so please check your inbox and redeem them. If you were expecting to receive the vouchers, but didn’t, get in touch with our team as soon as possible by emailing freeschoolmeals@devon.gov.uk or calling 0345 155 1019. People’s circumstances change all the time, so if you didn’t previously qualify for free school meals but your income has recently reduced or stopped, please apply via our website. It’s the quickest and easiest way for your eligibility to be assessed and you will get an instant decision. You can find out more about the free school meal holiday voucher scheme on our website. CARBON EMMISSIONS CONTINUE TO FALL Our long-term efforts to reduce carbon emissions are continuing to pay off after the latest figures show that we are ahead of schedule in our goal to reduce our emissions by 70 per cent by 2030. The latest report on our carbon footprint shows that emissions continue to decline. The total level of emissions we produced in 2022/23 was 19,400 tonnes (of carbon dioxide equivalent), a 56 per cent fall when compared to the 43,826 tonnes in our baseline year of 2012/13. The figures take into account emissions created in areas such as our vehicle fleet, school transport and buildings.

Street lighting is one of our main sources of emissions and the latest figures show that these emissions fell by almost a quarter in 2022/23 when compared with 2021/22 (4,576 tonnes falling to 3,465 tonnes). This is largely due to the project to convert all of Devon’s 79,000 streetlights and highways signals to LED lightbulbs and to put in better controls so that lights can be dimmed. This project is in its final stages and 90 per cent complete. We have also completed retrofitting nine council buildings, increased the number of electric vehicles in our fleet while staff are travelling less when compared to pre-Covid and moved to agile working and video conferencing. Other contributory factors that have reduced our carbon footprint include the reduced carbon intensity of the grid electricity we use. More than half of the grid electricity we use in the UK now comes from non-fossil fuel sources.

Cllr Davies sent a report:                                                    

  •  Chulmleigh Old Fair has been a success with good attendance and fair weather !
  •  Barnstaple Pannier Market is hosting an exhibition of local artist Rosemary Barrow.
  •  Ilfracombe's water sport hub has won a regional award.                                     898
  •  North Devon Community lottery has now raised more than £10k for charities and good causes.
  •  Market Quarter progress in Barnstaple is good (Queen Street car park/ Boutport Street  etc)
  •  Bicclescombe Park and Yeo Valley Woodland have been given green flag awards.
  •  Turner in Barnstaple exhibition is open at the Museum (small watercolour original on loan from the Tate but also an enlargement with a fingerprint on the boat if you look carefully).
  •  Aton Wood enforcement case 12957 - Stacey Salter is on leave but I have made a note to chase on the 21st August which was the date given in the last correspondence for various actions.
  •  Last but by no means least. As Ian Roome was elected as our MP, David Clayton was elected as the new leader of the council with Peter Leaver as deputy.


6.Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                    


Burrington Parish Hall



West of Engalnd Fire Protection



Aylescott Feed (postage for Annual Report)



Jo Rice First Aid cours



NDC Dog bins



7. Planning                                                                                            


 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Proposed forestry building at Heales Cottage Burrington



Erection of a milking parlour over an existing silage pit at Bircham Farm Burrington



Works to dwelling inclusive of single storey extension at Ticavin House Burrington



Change of use and conversion of barn to form additional accommodation to the main house at The Old Parlour Upcott Farm Burrington



Erection of 2 buildings comprising of 4 industrial units for use class B2 and B8 at Bables Tenement Burrington



Removal of condition F (Agricultural tie ) attached to planning permission NM/3278 (Proposed Bungalow) at Valle Vue Road from Forches Cross to Abbotsmarsh Wood Burrington



Outline application to replace existing building with a single storey dwelling, with all matter reserved accept for access, Valle Vue, Burrington

No objections


Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) in respect of raising the roof by 300mm, amendments to internal layout, porch, fenestration, re-positioning of PV panels and changes to external materials - Plot 2, Bedport Poultry Farm.

No objections









i. S106 Public Open Space off-site contribution for Land at Golland Farm, this was discussed, quotes are to be obtained for the lights around the MUGA, gates onto the Village Green, re paint the white lines on both the car parks and tarmacing the Square.

A second quote has been obtained for the installation and upgrade of the lights around the MUGA, for £1612.84 plus VAT, this was conditionally approved (Cllr Smale is endeavouring to get a third quote), proposed by Cllr Woldridge seconded by Cllr Fraser-Smith, all in favour, this quote will be used if a third quote is not forthcoming.

i. NDC enforcement updates coved in Cllr Davies report.


8. Parish Hall report.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust.



11. Correspondence                                                                                                                               i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

ii. There is a public meeting on the 31st July at Clovelly Parish Hall subject “Challenging the Madness of Net Zero”

iii. West of England Fire Protection are offering “To deliver basic extinguisher and fire warden training” the question is to be asked of the cost of delivering this.



The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 27th August 2024 7.30pm




…………………………Chairman …………………………Date




Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 24th September 2024 7.30pm Parish Council meeting


 Parish Council Meeting held on the 25th June 2024


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr P Bailey Mr K Pincombe Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson Dr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk) 

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Cllr P Henderson County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 28th May were agreed and signed.


2. Clerk’s report

i. Defibrillator course, some interest has been expressed in the course so it was agreed to arrange a date in July for the course to be held on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday whichever is convenient with Mr Rice the trainer.

ii. D Day commemorative event, Beacon lighting on the 6th June, the evening made a profit of £330 which will be donated to the Royal British Legion. The collection in the church on the 9th June raised £86.80 this will also be given to the Royal British Legion.

iii. The Annual Report was distributed to councillors; the remainder will be posted.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. Train service at Kings Nympton Station, Mr Pailthorpe has floated on Facebook a plan to get as many people as possible down to KN station on July 27th at 10.30 to get a photo representing the strength of feeling about having trains stop on request.  We will only get one shot at this (pun intended) so it would be great if you could publicise within your communities - I will put stuff on all the various community facebook groups, but let’s try to make it a good event!!

ii. An email has been received regarding helicopter activity at Eaglescott Airfield, at present it was agreed to do nothing as a Parish Council, NDC Enforcement have been contacted.



4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting. Or call 0345155 1004 in this time of serve weather if something is urgent, please call in, the call will be logged and you will receive a reference number which you can monitor the progress of the issue. Please keep reporting poor roads.

There is a Public Sector Highways Transport Networks Conference on the 27th June starting at 9.30am on zoom for anyone wishing to attend.

As requested from the last meeting Cllr Bailey has been in contact with the Probation Service to clean up the Square, they came on Friday the 30th May at 10 o’clock to clear around the tree etc. This was undertaken also the hedge along the footpath on the Village Green was pared back for health and safety concerns to allow easier walking along the public footpath, an email has been received from Mr Waterhouse Bodgar House regarding this.





5. County and District Councillors items                                                                         

NDC had arranged a Parish Forum on Tuesday 18 June 2024, unfortunately no councillors were able to attend but the presentations have been circulated.                                                                                         

Cllr Davies reported in alignment with its commitment to combat climate change the council has resolved to replace selected vehicles with electric alternatives (3.5t Tipper and Panel Van). The council are also looking into installing more electric vehicle charging points in council-owned facilities.

Barnstaple Bus Station is set to reopen this summer with a new café and toilets. Work on a new and improved layout for the station is under way, bringing the building up to date and providing a safer and more comfortable visitor experience. NDC has announced the revocation of the Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) for Braunton. This is the only AQMA in NDC area and the decision comes after pollution levels of Nitrogen Dioxide have remained more than 10% below the exceedance level for five consecutive years. The council is developing a new district-wide Air Quality Strategy with the aim of addressing broader pollution concerns.  I have forwarded the Environmental Enhancement bulletin no.14. Awards for Tarka Leisure Centre (hailed as ‘blueprint for success’) and Yeo Valley Woodland (best community woodland and best overall woodland). I have forwarded a defibrillator scheme from London Hearts re funding circa £660 per unit. North Devon’s food and drink festival, FOODfest, is due to return in 2024 and scheduled for Sunday 20th October in the Barnstaple Pannier Market. Further information here: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/news/2024/north-devons-food-and-drink-festival-foodfest-returns-for-2024

Cllr Davies received confirmation from Richard Slaney that NDC has banked a S106 Public Open Space Off-site Contribution for Land at Golland Farm, Burrington (application 77570) totalling £9,874. The schemes eligible to benefit from these funds are: enhancement/ improvement of the Village Hall or Village Green. The deadline for spend isn’t until 2034.

Cllr Davies said he has a Councillor grant of around £300 that can be applied for, the suggestion was to re mark the white lines on the hall car park.


6.Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                           


Rent for MUGA



Burrington Parish Hall






Bethesda Graveyard Trust



Old Gospel Hall



Hall re lights



Church re lights



Clerk’s salary and office expenses


Ii Agree and sign the Annual Governance Statement.

iii. Agree and sign the Accounting Statement.

iv. Sign the Exemption form, it was proposed by Cllr Smale seconded by Cllr Woldridge to agree all three documents, all in favour

vi. Agree the Fixed Asset Register, the wording on this will be updated. It was noted the Beacon has never been inspected this will be undertaken.

v. Toilet Grant, this has been agreed for allocation by NDC.


7. Planning                                                                                                               


 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 3 dwellinghouses (ClassQ(A)(B)) at Abbots Marsh



Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 2 dwellinghouses (ClassQ(A)(B)) at Abbots Marsh




Repair and rebuild section of collapsed east gable cob wall and re render in a lime based render at Church Gate Burrington



Proposed forestry building at Heales Cottage Burrington



Erection of a milking parlour over an existing silage pit at Bircham Farm Burrington



Works to dwelling inclusive of single storey extension at Ticavin House Burrington



Change of use and conversion of barn to form additional accommodation to the main house at The Old Parlour Upcott Farm Burrington

No objections


Erection of 2 buildings comprising of 4 industrial units for use class B2 and B8 at Bables Tenement Burrington

No objections


Removal of condition F (Agricultural tie ) attached to planning permission NM/3278 (Proposed Bungalow) at Valle Vue Road from Forches Cross to Abbotsmarsh Wood Burrington








Cllr Bonner declared an interest in 78813 and took no part in discussions.                         895                            

i. S106 Public Open Space off-site contribution for Land at Golland Farm, this was discussed, quotes are to be obtained for the lights around the MUGA, gates onto the Village Green, re paint the white lines on both the car parks and tarmacing the Square, proposed by Cllr Smale seconded by Wooldridge all in favour.

i. NDC enforcement updates have been received on Aton Wood, covering resurfacing of the track on site,

storage of materials, large Shed and lean-to, the siting of a Winnebago (Recreational Vehicle) / mobile home, lorry Container and two smaller sheds. So, this is being looked into by NDC.


8. Parish Hall report.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                                                                    i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

ii. It was noted there may be commemorative events to mark VE Day or VJ Day next year.

It was highlighted that one of the bungalows at Pound Close is empty a lot of the time, this has been reported to North Devon Homes.



The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 30th July 2024 7.30pm




…………………………Chairman …………………………Date




Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 27th August 2024 7.30pm Parish Council meeting


Annual Parish Council Meeting held on the 28th May2024


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr P Bailey Mr K Pincombe Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Dr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)     

In attendance

Apologies Cllr K Davies District Councillor Cllr P Henderson County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Election of Officers the clerk asked for nominations for the post of chairman, it was proposed by Cllr Smale to re-elect Cllr Short as Chairman seconded by Cllr Bonner, all were unanimously in favour. Cllr John Short was duly elected as chairman.  

The Chairman asked for nominations for the post of vice chairman Cllr Pincombe was proposed as Vice Chairman by Cllr Benson seconded by Cllr Wooldridge, unanimously all in favour; Cllr K Pincombe was duly re-elected as Vice Chairman.

Representatives from the Parish Council on the Parish Hall committee, Cllr P Bailey and Cllr Wooldridge were appointed as the Parish council’s representatives.

Bethesda Graveyard Trust representative, Cllr John Short and Cllr Bailey were nominated as the representatives.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 30th April were agreed and signed.


2. Clerk’s report

i. D Day celebrations, these will take place on Thursday the 6th June, the Beacon will be lit, the event starts at 7.30pm.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. The Wicksteed inspection, these minor requirements have been competed by Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey, thank you to both.

ii. Train service at Kings Nympton Station, the facebook page has 150 members, the objective is to find the correct person in Network Rail who would be in a position to authorise any changes, Martin Pailthorpe is looking into this then a case will be presented.


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting. Or call 0345155 1004 in this time of serve weather if something is urgent, please call in, the call will be logged and you will receive a reference number which you can monitor the progress of the issue. Please keep reporting poor roads.

There is a Public Sector Highways Transport Networks Conference on the 27th June starting at 9.30am on zoom.






The latest Road Map highways update, highlighted “Landowners and occupiers are required by law to properly maintain their trees and vegetation bordering the highway.

Landowners are advised to regularly check the health of their trees and take action where appropriate.”

As requested from the last meeting Cllr Bailey has been in contact with the Probation Service to clean up the Square, they are due to come this Friday the 30th May at 10 o’clock to clear around the tree etc. The bus shelter was painted last year, the Parish council had to supply the materials, it was suggested to ask if the play equipment could be painted and the goal posts, this will be done. It was also noted about the hedge on the Village Green belonging to Brodgar House, the owners are responsible for keeping it cut, but the footpath is very reduced by the growth, likewise the road hedge was not cut last year.

The grass verges by the Beacon as there is an event on the 6th, the grass contractor is to be asked to cut around the seat and Cllr Bonner has kindly agreed to top off the remainder as it is quite long.


5. County and District Councillors items                                                             

NDC have arranged a Parish Forum on Tuesday 18 June 2024 at 6.30 pm in the Barum Room at Brynsworthy Environment Centre.

The suggested topics for updates to be provided to Parish and Town Councils are as follows:

Devon and Torbay Devolution Deal, Update on the works to the Recycling Processing Hall and bailer/method for reporting missed bins, collection queries etc. Update on the Local Plan Review

 Section 106 monies – what it can and can’t be used for. Rural Grants that are available.

Cultural Strategy and Community Governance Reviews – timeframe for reviews.


6.Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                    


Clerk’s salary



Burrington Hall



Community First



WH Buckingham



WM & SE Woolridge grounds work for the flood between Red Post and Forches


i.                 The MUGA net was discussed as there has been balls go over, this has been fixed but a new net will be required soon.

ii.                Toilet grant no notification has been received as yet this will be looked into.


7. Planning                                                                                            


 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) to allow raising of the roof by 300mm, amendments to porch, fenestration, external materials and re-positioning of solar panels and to Plot 1, Bedport Poultry Farm



Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 3 dwellinghouses (ClassQ(A)(B)) at Abbots Marsh



Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 2 dwellinghouses (ClassQ(A)(B)) at Abbots Marsh




Repair and rebuild section of collapsed east gable cob wall and re render in a lime based render at Church Gate Burrington



Proposed forestry building at Heales Cottage Burrington

No objections


Erection of a milking parlour over an existing silage pit at Bircham Farm Burrington

No objections


Works to dwelling inclusive of single storey extension at Ticavin House Burrington

No objections








i. NDC enforcement no updates have been received. There has been a great deal of activity at the Winnebago on the A377 this will be reported to NDC. Vehicles have also been seen at Bouchland Lane, photos were taken and forwarded to Sargeant Brown, who has been dealing with this.


8. Parish Hall report.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                                               i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

ii. An invitation has been received from the North Devon records office to view some unique items from the extensive collections. With a short introductory talk by Scott Pettitt, Head of Devon Archives & Local Studies, plus an optional strongroom tour, on the 18th June between 2pm and 4pm.

iii..An invitation has also been received to join Rural Villages Service Group.

An email is to be put on the Parish email asking if there is any interest in holding a defibrillator training evening now there are two defibrillators in the village.



The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 25th June 2024 7.30pm




…………………………Chairman …………………………Date




Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 30th July 2024 7.30pm Parish Council meeting

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 30th April 2024

  at 7.00 p.m.                               


Present: Mr.J Short (in the Chair), Mr A Fraser-Smith, Mr P Bailey, Mr A Bonner Mrs G Benson,  Mr K Pincombe Mr P Smale Dr S Smale Mr J Woolridge & Mrs A Snell (clerk)

In Attendance Cllr K Davies (District Councillor) Cllr P Henderson (County Council)

and 5 members of the public



1. The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th April 2023 were agreed and signed.                                         


2. Chairman’s Report

Cllr Short welcomed everyone to the meeting, reporting on the year there has been no changes to the council in the last 12 months. Last spring the bus shelter was cleaned and painted. In May we had various events to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III, which involved beacon lighting, a joint service on Sunday the 7th along with a cream tea at the church on the 8th May.

A commemorative tree to celebrate the coronation was planted by Mr Victor Mock by the seat on Bircham Hill, very sad to say Mr Mock recently passed away at the ripe old age of 100.

The roads are getting worse by the day but please keep reporting:

The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it       PLEASE REPORT or ring 0345 1004 115

the call will be logged and you will receive a reference number which you can monitor the progress of the issue.

Whether it works remains to be seen don’t hold your breath, the Parish Council manged to get a grant through our County Councillor Paul Henderson to plough out the verges on Bircham Hill to help with the water run-off, another grant has been agreed for next year. The Parish Council have organised a jetter to jet the drain between Red Post and Forches to try and solve the long-standing flooding problem, this seems to have solved the problem with one side of the road being filled with tarmac. A grant from Cllr Henderson has been applied for. Thank you to Cllr Henderson for his support of the Parish.

All planning applications have been responded to, with local knowledge conveyed to the planners.

A Kings Nympton parish councillors has asked the parish to spread the word regarding getting a regular train stop at Kings Nympton, a committee has been formed with Cllr Alan Fraser-Smith representing the parish, a facebook page has also been set up. It is hoped S106 money will become available to make improvements to open spaces, the priority being the PC field. A free Landmark tree has been given by the Devon Wildlife Trust; it is a Rowen tree which has been planted at Red Post. The Parish Council have endeavoured to get the gritting route extended to Red Post, the winter before last there was such difficulty at Townbrige but sadly to no avail.

A new bus timetable has been received with a bus service 5 days week, this has been circulated via the email and was put in the magazine. Two new seats have been purchased and placed in the Methodist graveyard. Thank you to John Wehner who annually audits the Parish Council accounts.

To post information on the website please contact the clerk Angela Snell, to post on the Burrington email please email: admin@burringtonnorthdevon.com thank you very much to Fiona Coxshall, for all her efforts, likewise Carol Poulton as editor of the Parish magazine. Thank you to my fellow councillors for their continued work and the clerk.


3. Financial Report -These were made available to the meeting.

a) It was proposed by Mr G Short, seconded by Mr S Holton for the Parish Council to look at raising the annual payments which was minuted at the last APM, the suggested figure at this meeting was10%.

At the subsequent Parish Council meeting it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Fraser-Smith to raise the annual grants to:

£70 donation to be made to Church for electricity used by public light.
£200 donation to be made to the Parish Hall for electricity used by lights,

£350 Grant to the Burrington Church Buildings Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£120 Grant to the Bethesda Graveyard Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£60 Grant to the Old Gospel Hall for maintenance of the graveyard. All in agreement.

The NDC toilet grant, if it is no longer being granted by the District Council, the PC would grant the Hall £500 from the precept to cover the loss of grant, all in favour of these financial arrangements.

Mr Les Parker thanked the Parish Council for their continued support towards the maintenance of the Old Gospel Hall graveyard.


4. Parish Hall Chairmans Report

The Multi Use Games area agreement was signed, all in agreement. ii. It was agreed for the Parish Council to put aside £1500 for use by the hall if required in this year.

The Parish Hall has had no Major issues to report during the Year. All scheduled decorations have been carried out, and any repairs have been actioned immediately. Thank you to Matt for his hard work in keeping the Hall clean and functionable throughout the year. Thanks also to Paul and Sarah for overseeing this. During the year the Hall have installed a second Defibrillator for use of by the Parishioners. It is located in the Entrance Porch of the Hall on the road and has 24/7 access. All curtains throughout the building have been renewed and new rails fitted where required. An enormous thank you to everyone who helps with the organisation and the running of our Social Events held during the year. Without this dedication the Events would not be so successful. We have events planned for the coming year, with Johnny Cowling (Comedian) returning on the 28th of September, for an evening of Entertainment. Tickets only please book via burringtonph@gmail.com. Our very successful Bingos and The Christmas Fayre will also be held again during the coming year. Thank you to all the committee for attending the meetings during the year, I would like to thank all the officers, the Secretary, and the Booking Secretary for all the extra work that they put in over and above attending the meetings. The committee are pleased to confirm they will not be requiring any top up from the fund held on their behalf by the Parish Council this year.

At the hall committee meeting it was agreed to open the disabled toilet to all, to have the disabled and unisex sign on the door, so an accessible toilet for all. The hall report was given by Graham Short.


5) Report from the Burrington Church Buildings Trust, and Friends of Holy Trinity. The Church Buildings Trust report was given by Stuart Holton. During the last 12 months Burrington Church Building Trust have continued to support the PCC with the maintenance and upkeep of Holy Trinity Church, the only Grade 1 Listed building within our parish. The Trust continues to pay the cost of maintaining the Churchyard in full which includes the cutting of the graveyard approximately 14 times a year as well as keeping hedges and boundaries under control. We have also contributed toward the cost of other annual inspections and maintenance costs such as cleaning of the gutters. We have agreed to make a financial contribution to the PCC to aid with their grant application for the proposed refurbishment of the kitchen area and the installation of a toilet. The Churchyard is one of Burrington’s public places within the Parish where any one can visit to remember friends, family and loved ones; any one of any religion or denomination is entitled to be buried within the graveyard and the Trust would welcome any financial assistance the Parish Council can make towards the upkeep. Finally; I’d like to thank all Trustees for their hard work over the last twelve months and a particular thank you to the Trust’s Officeholders Kay Elworthy, Andrew Coxshall and Paul Bailey.


Report from Burrington church PCC. We continue to offer a warm welcome to everyone to the regular services at Holy Trinity Church. The Church is open most days. The main door from the porch into the Church can be hard to open. Just pull firmly on the handle and twist anticlockwise, still holding the handle in that position stop pulling on the handle and the weight of the door should pull it open. If you are unable to access the Church contact numbers for key holders are available in the notice board by the Church Gate. There is a Church Service at 10.30am on 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month. Last year we held 2 joint Service with members of the Methodist Church, the first was to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. Donations from that service were forwarded to the Princes Trust. The second was the annual Remembrance Sunday Service with all donations being given the Poppy Appeal. Food donations at our Harvest Service with a small exception are donated to the Freedom Centre at Barnstaple. On June the 9th we will be holding a special service commemorating the D-Day Landings. The Remembrance Sunday Service in November and the Parish Carol Service in December. Other events at your Parish Church include a monthly Coffee morning on the 1st Saturday. Monthly Cream teas during the summer, usually on the 4th Sunday. However; the Cream Tea in May will be on Monday 27th and combined with a Plant stall. Please make a note of our BBQ on August 10th and the Afternoon Tea on Monday August 26th. When you visit your Parish Church, please take the opportunity to have a look around this beautiful old building with a wonderful Rood Screen and carved bosses in the ceiling, also look around for the carvings representing a ‘green man’. Additionally, you will find, nestled into the choir stalls, a selection of reading books and jig-saw puzzles which you are welcome to borrow. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supports our regular gatherings. You may have noticed that some pews have been removed from the back of the Church to provide a social area. This has been possible because the long-awaited permission to install an accessible toilet at the back of the Church and improved kitchen facilities has now been received. We have obtained tenders for the work and will be contacting the chosen contractor. The PCC would like to thank everyone who helps with the floral arrangements in the church and cleaning the church. Also; those who have put-on fund-raising events on behalf of the Church including the popular Quiz night, Bingo and Burns Night all in addition to the other activities previously mentioned. A special thank you to everyone who has supported any or all of the events and or by donating raffle prizes, plants for the plant sale. We couldn’t do it without you. We advertise Church Services and other events in the Church in the Parish magazine, on the Notice Boards in addition to Burrington email and Facebook pages. Finally; we would like to thank Holy Trinity Building Trust who assist in maintaining the Church Building and Friends of Holy Trinity who assist with the payment of Insurance costs and Utility bills. Their ongoing support is much appreciated and needed. However; their finances are limited and your continued support at our regular Church Services and social events is very much appreciated. If anyone would like to be involved with future planned events or have ideas for events please contact us. It is always good to have new ideas and an extra pair of hands is always welcome. Please contact, Gill Benson or any PCC member or just come along. Everyone is welcome. Gill, Church Warden, Tel 01769 520297.Report given by Gill Benson.


Report from the Friends of Burrington. The Friends are now in their sixteenth year helping to generate and administer an income stream to supplement the Church expenses which are the responsibility of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) Any funds generated by The Friends are used to support the running costs of the Church itself, thus allowing The Friends to provide support in paying bills such as utilities (electricity, water, heating etc), cleaning and insurance premiums which are necessary for the ongoing operation of the Church. We have received a good level of support from the membership and are holding funds to support the PCC as and when required. We held our AGM on Monday 29th April 2024. May I offer thanks to Gill Benson her role as treasurer. We are currently without a secretary and will be keen to appoint someone to this position in the very near future. Report given by Alan Fraser-Smith.


6). The Community Shop, September 2023 marked the 8th anniversary of the opening of the Burrington Community Shop. We sadly lost Jack Earnshaw from the committee this year but we also gained 2 new members – Sue Bailey and, most recently, Martha Dean – so we are now a 9 strong committee. Sue organised a survey of our residents to get their views on the shop – on improvements we could make and items we could stock – and we are considering those findings in our planning. Almost everyone who responded said they found the shop to be an important asset within the village and hoped it could continue. The cost-of-living crisis is still proving to be tough for everyone and we are making every effort to keep our prices competitive. Our volunteers who source our stock work hard to get the best possible deals and are very inventive in their ordering to achieve this. Our overall mark up is over 5% lower than many other similar community shops and we try to keep the mark up lowest on certain ranges of food that our most vulnerable customers buy. The finances of the shop are always finely balanced and we are grateful to Pickard’s for keeping our rent contribution for this year the same as last year. We are budgeting to run a small deficit in 2024/25 financed through our general reserves, thus enabling us to continue with the aforementioned pricing policy as far as possible in the year ahead. We have managed a couple of upgrades to the shop this year, installing some smart new cupboards at the back of the shop to give our volunteers more space for storage and for booking in goods. And just in time for summer we have bought a lovely, new and larger ice cream freezer, to replace the old broken one. This gives us more freezer space overall. We are also working on a new website to keep our customers up to date with latest news and offers. I would like to thank all of the members of the committee, and our volunteers, for their hard work and support during the year. Without their work there wouldn’t be a shop in the village. Additionally, we give a huge thank you to Molly and Faye in the shop who provide such a friendly and helpful front for the shop. Report given by Phil Brough.


7. County and District Councillors items, Cllr Henderson reported It would be nice to deliver a more positive report for the year end but unfortunately circumstances dictate that the previous year has been especially trying. However, unlike many County Councils elsewhere across the UK Devon did not need to issue a section 114 notice (effectively declaring themselves bankrupt). In fact, the financial year-end ended up slightly in surplus (to the tune of around £100,000) but this was achieved at a cost. We have lost our mobile library service and the year has also seen the closure of the Link Centres across Northern Devon without however those service users being unduly affected. There remain’s increasing pressures on both the adult health and social care budgets as well as those for children’s services.

However top of the list across every parish I visit is the state of the highways. The cancelling of HS2 has released additional funding to Devon over the next 3 years and an additional £10m has been identified from the existing DCC budget to go towards highways. Be under no illusions though, these may seem like ‘significant’ sums (and they would be if they were paid into our own personal accounts) but it is a drop in the ocean compared to what is required to maintain, let alone repair the Devon Road network. Justifiable questions are being raised over the working practices of current repairs being carried out and as I understand this is being reviewed – not before time. However, I would urge all residents to report any defects to DCC and should the response not be what one might expect, please forward through to me with the reference no issued when the problem was first reported.

More recently, the subject of devolution whereby Devon joins up with Torbay has been the subject of public consultation. This was discussed by Councillors at a meeting at the end of April. Serious concerns were raised from the feedback about the level of representation District Councils would have as well as the longer term funding plans. However, at the full council meeting the resulting vote was in favour to proceed with the devolution. For the record, I initially supported a motion to defer the decision so that more clarity over apportionment of seats as well as funding could be established but the amendment failed. In the main vote I chose to abstain – I’m not against devolution but my parishes have been telling me this is not a good deal for North Devon and I fully agree with what I was being told. Finally, the Leader of Devon County Council John Hart announced he was standing down so a new leader will be chosen by the Conservatives, the controlling party of DCC who will have responsibility for the policy/direction od DCC as we head to an election in 12 months time.


Cllr Davies Once again it has been a pleasure to act as your District Councillor over the past year and I have continued to attend as many meetings as possible reporting and providing updates on both local and wider issues as well as answering questions as best I can. As you are aware the council is constrained by a backdrop of reduced funding in real terms but has again managed to set a balanced budget for 2024/25 and this has been achieved without cuts to services. We continue to face financial challenges made worse by unfair funding and we will continue to challenge for ‘levelling up’ funds/ Fair Funding Review. The improvements to the Market Quarter, the Panier Market and Queen Street/ Bear Street car park are progressing (approximately £6.5m secured from the Future High Street Fund) with the official reopening of the Pannier Market celebrated on 24th November 2023. Work started on the rebuilding and restoring of 36-7 Boutport Street in March 2024 and will continue until late 2025. Plans for the new NDC hub in Barnstaple town centre have been backed by councillors. The council will expand its face-to-face customer service offering by relocating to a vacant unit at Green Lanes Shopping Centre. The new hub will give the council a more visible presence in the town centre and enable it to extend its opening hours to Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm. Officers from Barnstaple’s Neighbourhood Policing Team will also be available to speak to on a daily basis. There are other positives to note and these include – expansion of the Yeo Valley Woodland in Barnstaple with an additional 24,000 trees planted; awards for the National Land Information System department, Natasha Rowland shortlisted in the ‘Outstanding Individual Contribution’ category nominated in recognition of her services to combat homelessness and Tarka Leisure Centre won Commercial Pool Project Of The Year category at the UK Pool and Spa Awards 2023; publishing of new guidance documents and various supporting workshops; the much celebrated opening of Ilfracombe Watersports Hub; and maintaining a sufficient supply of land for housing to meet the target for the next five years. Closer to ‘home’ – I am pleased to report that there have been no noise complaints brought to my attention concerning Eaglescott. There has been however significant disturbance caused by material movement to Bouchland Farm site for the creation of a ménage. The material was initially being brought to site from the North Devon Link Road project under a Clar agreement. I received confirmation that Griffiths immediately stopped their lorries delivering to site after visiting and assessing the site on 26th Oct 2023. Further deliveries were reported to me in March 2024 and I continue to monitor the situation/ channel complaints through Paul Henderson as County Councillor. I will continue to support projects eligible under the Community Councillor Grants scheme.


8. Parish Council Field, the Parish Council are hoping to get S106 money to make improvements and offer facilities to the community, the first project will be the entrance and gates, other projects are additional car parking and a dog walking facility.

The Phone Box is listed but is still a usable telephone box.


9. The Annual Report will be circulated in June every parish organisation was invited to put forward information for inclusion as the Report will be delivered to every household.




…………………………. Chairman ……………………..……Date     





 Parish Council Meeting held on the 30th April 2024


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr P Bailey Mr K Pincombe Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Dr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)     

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor Cllr P Henderson County Councillor



Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th March were agreed and signed.


2. Agree and sign any resolutions brought forward at the APM, it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Fraser-Smith to increase the annual grants, all in favour

                  £70 donation to be made to Church for electricity used by public light.
£                £200 donation to be made to the Parish Hall for electricity used by lights,

£                 £350 Grant to the Burrington Church Buildings Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£                 £120 Grant to the Bethesda Graveyard Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£                 £60 Grant to the Old Gospel Hall for maintenance of the graveyard. All in agreement.

                   The NDC toilet grant, if it is no longer being granted by the District Council, the PC would grant the

                   Hall £500 from the precept to cover the loss of grant, all in favour of these financial arrangements.


3. Clerk’s report

i. D Day celebrations, these will take place on Thursday the 6th June, the Beacon will be lit, with a bar and proposed BBQ to be held at Forches, a Church service will be held on Sunday the 9th June.


4. Chairman’s Report  

i. The Wicksteed report the few minor issues are being addressed by Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey

ii. The Rowan tree has been planted at Red Post.

iii. Train service at Kings Nympton Station, an email has been received from Martin Pailthorpe, “I think the main thing is that the Facebook Group now has 150 members and a lively discussion. And we are hoping to get the word out through shop windows/local magazines etc to those who don't do Facebook!

The big thing is to work out how best to make our case to the relevant authority - any suggestions/contacts welcome! Cllr Alan Fraser-Smith attended the meeting.


5. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting. Or call 0345155 1004 in this time of serve weather if something is urgent, please call in, the call will be logged and you will receive a reference number which you can monitor the progress of the issue. Please keep reporting poor roads








6. County and District Councillors items                                                                                  789

Cllr Davies, reported The Barnstaple Pannier Market is calling your name. With careful refurbishment, redecoration, and repairs, it’s now the perfect platform to showcase your goods and connect with customers. The market has undergone an incredible transformation, bringing back its timeless charm and creating a vibrant space for trade. Link to more information here: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/business/barnstaple-pannier-market

· NDC welcomes new fleet of 16 kerbside recycling vehicles. Designed with ergonomic precision, the Romaquip Kerb-Sort vehicles feature seven fully enclosed compartments, minimising litter risk and enabling the separate storage of various materials. These vehicles are equipped to load from both sides simultaneously, and advanced features such as automatic compaction of plastic, cans, and cardboard optimise load space. The vehicles have a cleaner engine type which aligns with our environmental goals, making the fleet greener and contributing to reduced environmental impact. Friendly reminder. Please place your small waste electrical and electronic equipment like kettles, toasters, charging leads and mobile phones in a carrier bag on top of your black/ green recycle box. Mixing them with plastics and tins cause our machines to jam. Remember, no larger than a standard-sized carrier bag. Thanks for your cooperation. The University of Exeter has launched a survey to better understand public attitudes to the possible reintroduction of wildcats in the South West. All residents in the South West are invited to take part, and the survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and closes on Thursday 23rd May. Link here: https://exe.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0qC1bpdKQ5IgAKi The sun shone down on Barnstaple on Saturday 20th April as it hosted the Barnstaple Busking Festival across the town centre. The town was bustling as passers-by were treated to an eclectic mix of entertainment from over thirty acts in the high street, on The Strand and the Square, accompanied by a well-received Punch and Judy show on Library Square. This year’s event was supported by Flourishing Barnstaple funded by the Government’s Cultural Development Fund.  For those seeking a refreshing dip along the coastline of North Devon you can easily stay informed about the water quality of our beaches on the Environment Agency’s Swimfo page here: https://environment.data.gov.uk/bwq/profiles/


7. Finance

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                       


DALC affiliation fee



Burrington Parish Hall



Country Profile



North Devon Council (dog bins)


i. The bank account is standing at £13,715.51 at the end of the financial year.

. Planning                                                                                              


 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) to allow raising of the roof by 300mm, amendments to porch, fenestration, external materials and re-positioning of solar panels and to Plot 1, Bedport Poultry Farm



Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 3 dwellinghouses (ClassQ(A)(B)) at Abbots Marsh



Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 2 dwellinghouses (ClassQ(A)(B)) at Abbots Marsh




Repair and rebuild section of collapsed east gable cob wall and re render in a lime based render at Church Gate Burrington

No objections








i. 76399 an amended site has been submitted, emails have been received from the applicant regarding the parish council comments letter sent to NDC, after discussion and consideration, the response was made that the Parish Councillors made the decision on the contents in the letter, on the evidence in front of them.

All planning applications submitted to NDC come before the Parish Council as the Parish Council is a consultee, applicants are most welcome to come and speak at a PC meeting, then they can hear the comments that the PC will put forward as a response to NDC.


i. NDC enforcement no updates have been received.


9. Parish Hall report.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. Two new benches have been purchased for the area.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                                               i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

ii. Cllr Benson asked if the people from the Probation Service could be contacted again to see if the Square could be cleaned up again, Cllr Bailey is to contact them.

The North Devon Community Lottery, it seems if the parish registers and then anyone buys a ticket from the parish 50p of the £1 goes to the community, it was suggested to contact the Community Shop as that is the ideal place to sell them in the shop.

It was noted at the APM that no grant was received last year from Cllr Davies, Cllr Bailey has already spoken to Cllr Davies regarding highway demarcation on the village hall car park, £300 is to be applied for.

Devon Communities Together are to be contacted to see any grant is available for demarcation of the spaces.


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 28th May 2024 7.30pm for the





…………………………Chairman …………………………Date




Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 25th June 2024 7.30pm Parish Council meeting

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 25th April 2023

at 7.00 p.m.                                      


Present:      Mr.J Short (in the Chair), Mr A Fraser-Smith, Mr P Bailey, Mr A Bonner Mrs G Benson, : Mr K Pincombe Mr S Smale Mr J Woolridge & Mrs A Snell (clerk)

In Attendance Cllr K Davies (District Councillor) and 5 members of the public

Apologies Mr P Smale and Cllr P Henderson (County Council)

1. The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th April 2022 were agreed and signed.                                         

2. Chairman’s Report

Cllr Short welcomed everyone to the meeting, reporting on the year Simon Smale was welcomed onto the Parish Council in May, we have a full council put up for the nominations for the Parish Council May elections in May which will mean no election. The Platinum Jubilee Celebrations were held in June for Queen Elizabth II a good time was had for the Beacon lighting and tree planting along with the tea in the hall. In relation to the tree planting as the longest serving councillor, the Parish Council would like to pay tribute to Gordon Short who became chairman of the Parish Council in 1973 and continued for over thirty years, Gordon always planned for the future and was determined that Burrington was ahead and well prepared for the future. He was determined to be part of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations and will be remembered for providing and planting a copper beech at Forches Cross, just by the Beacon.  As a past Chairman Gordon gave instructions to the current chairman to “make sure the tree is kept watered!”. Also: a joint service was held in the Church. Many thanks to all those who have helped with all the various events that were held. We have had a change in personnel who post on the website, thank you to Tracy Ford for all her past services, it is now the clerk Angela Snell, so if you want anything posted please forward to Angela, likewise the email, thank you again to Tracy, the contacts are now Pauline Down who has helped Tracy in the past and Fiona Coxell, thank you for all their efforts, likewise Carol Poulton as editor of the Parish magazine. Thank you to my fellow councillors for their continued work and the clerk.

3. Financial Report -These were made available to the meeting.

a) It was proposed by Mr G Short, seconded by Mr L Parker and agreed, that the Parish Council grants £60 donation to be made to Church for electricity used by public light.
£175 donation to be made to the Parish Hall for electricity used by lights,

£300 Grant to the Burrington Church Buildings Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£100 Grant to the Bethesda Graveyard Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£50 Grant to the Old Gospel Hall for maintenance of the graveyard. All in agreement.

It was commented to raise these figures by a suggested 5%, this will be considered when agreeing the precept.

The NDC toilet grant is no longer being granted by the District Council, the proposal from the previous Parish Council meeting was that the PC would grant the Hall £500 from the precept to cover the lose of grant, it was commented lots of people use the toilets and they are very much appreciated, the hall committee are willing to make up the cost difference, it was agreed by the meeting to put forward this resolution. The toilet sign opposite the hall has deteriorated, it was agreed by all to purchase a new sign.

Mr Les Parker thanked the Parish Council for their continued support of £50 towards the maintenance of the Old Gospel Hall graveyard.

4). Chairman of the Parish Hall Committee

i. The Multi Use Games area agreement was signed, all in agreement. ii. It was agreed for the Parish Council to put aside £1500 for use by the hall if required in this year. I am pleased to report a successful year for the Hall. The Social Fundraising events organised by the Hall, that have taken place this past year, have again been very successful. Thanks to the organisers and helpers of these events. The scheduled repainting of parts of the building have been undertaken, with the Club end, Kitchen and Foyer walls and doors being done this year. Thank you to the Cleaners for keeping the hall in a clean and tidy state ready for bookings to take place. Thank you to all the committee for attending the meetings during the year, I would like to thank all the officers, the Secretary, and the Booking Secretary for all the extra work that they put in over and above attending the meetings. We have a few events planned for the coming months Bingos, Christmas Fayre and on the 7th October another Evening with Johnny Cowling (Comedian). Ticket only more details to follow. The committee are pleased to confirm they will not be requiring any top up from the fund held on their behalf by the Parish Council this year.

5) Report from the Burrington Church Buildings Trust, and Friends of Holy Trinity

The Church Buildings Trust report was given by Stuart Holton he would like to report that Burrington Church Building Trust continue to support the PCC with the upkeep of Holy Trinity Church. The Trust continue to fund the upkeep of the Churchyard at a cost of £1,480 per year and would welcome any support the Parish Council and North Devon District Council are able to provide. The Churchyard is a public place and any person of any religion has a right to be buried there and we would respectfully ask that it be considered along with the other graveyards in the parish for continued support. Gill Benson is currently planning to develop the rear of the Church improving the kitchen area and would like to install a toilet the Trust has agreed to offer financial support to enable the PCC to apply for grants towards the cost of the alterations. We look forward to your continued support. Mr Holton also raised further issues regarding road deterioration in the parish, the proposed Lengthmans scheme that Cllr Henderson has suggested, the continuation of traffic light on the A377 from Kingford to Umberleigh. The District Council policies including the purchasing of Green Lanes shopping centre were highlighted among other things

Report from Burrington church PCC, the PCC continue to offer a warm welcome to everyone at the regular services at Holy Trinity Church. The Church is open most days. The main door from the porch into the Church can be hard to open. If you are unable to access the Church contact numbers for key holders are available in the notice board by the Church Gate. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who support our regular social gatherings, including Coffee Mornings, Soup Lunches and Cream teas. Unless otherwise specified any monies raised is used towards maintaining and running the Church or put aside for the hoped for work to install accessible w.c. at the rear of the Church and improved kitchenette and social facilities. In addition to our regular events we would like to thank Liz and Bryan Griffiths for putting on a brilliant Quiz earlier this year and hope they will be kind enough to do so again next year. We would also like to say thank you to everyone who has provided soup for the soup lunches or put on events such as Bingo in aid of the Church and to Peter for the Easter Egg Hunt at our recent Coffee Morning. Future events - 7th May 10.30am Coronation Commemoration Service, 8th May 3pm Cream Tea in the Church / Churchyard, 21st May 3pm Cream Tea including a plant stall which we are holding for the 2nd time after a very successful event last year. Cream Teas are held every 3rd week during the summer months. 12th August BBQ in the Churchyard, last year’s being cancelled due to the extreme heat. 17th September Parish Church Harvest Festival service and supper, 12th November Parish Remembrance Sunday Service, December Carols around the Oak Tree in the village square. And a possible Burns Night Celebration in 2024.

Plans to install an accessible w.c. in the rear of the Church plus an improved kitchenette and social area. We are pleased to say that we are now one step away from getting approval, and checking daily to see if the ‘Chancellor’ has given his approval. Once received, hopefully some changes will occur fairly quickly, whilst others will take longer. To carry out the planned work we will need to apply for and obtain Grant funding. Finally, we would like to thank Holy Trinity Building Trust whose remit is to assist in maintaining the Church and Friends of Holy Trinity whose remit is to assist with the payment of Insurance costs and Utility bills. Their ongoing support is much appreciated. However, their finances are limited. If anyone would like to get involved with any of our planned events or the work being planned in the Church please contact, Gill Benson or any PCC member or just come along. Everyone is welcome. Report given by Gill Benson.

Report from the Friends of Burrington. The Friends are now in their fifteenth year helping to generate and administer an income stream to supplement the Church expenses which are the responsibility of the Parochial Church Council (PCC). Any funds generated by The Friends are used to support the running costs of the Church itself, thus allowing The Friends to provide support in paying bills such as utilities (electricity, water, heating etc), cleaning and insurance premiums which are necessary for the ongoing operation of the Church. We have had a fairly quiet year but are holding funds to help the PCC with future running costs as and when they are requested by the PCC. We wish the PCC well in their plans to develop the kitchen area at the rear of the Church and we are in strong position to help with running costs during this period. We will be seeking to reinvigorate our small committee during the course of this year as we approach our AGM in the Autumn and would welcome any offers of help to ensure the continued smooth running of the Friends of Holy Trinity. Report given by Alan Fraser-Smith.

6). The Community Shop, September 2022 marked the 7th anniversary of the opening of the Burrington Community Shop. We lost 2 members of the Committee this year but gained 3 new members – Phil Brough who has taken over responsibility for the bread orders from Colin, Barry Page and Sue Bailey. Jack Earnshaw has stood down as Chairman of the Committee and has been replaced by Phil Brough, although Jack remains a committee member. Sue is currently organising a short survey to be sent to all parish households to find out more about how the shop can meet the community’s needs. The shop is being well used. We are pleased to see that the increase in sales which started during the Covid lockdowns has been maintained as new customers stayed with us. Our sales are now averaging over £5000 a month. The cost-of-living crisis is being felt by the shop the same as everywhere else. The cost of our stock is increasing almost weekly. As much as possible we have tried to absorb these increases, but inevitably many prices have had to be increased. Because of the success of the shop over the last three years we are trying to reduce the mark up on many product lines. As a Community Shop we are a “not for profit” company that uses its excess income to support the community. We consider that reducing prices as much as possible is one of the best ways of meeting that obligation. Our treasurer is currently drafting our budget for the forthcoming year and as part of that we will be negotiating the fee that we pay to Pickard’s for hosting the community shop. The finances of the shop are finely balanced and we will endeavour to continue to work to provide an affordable and viable service to the community whilst meeting our financial obligations. I would like to thank all our volunteers, too many to name here, who take a huge load off the committee, and also to thanks the members of the committee for their hard work and support during the year. Without their work there wouldn’t be a shop in the village. Additionally, a huge thank you to Molly and Faye in the shop who provide such a friendly and helpful front for the shop. Report given by Me Phil Brough.

.7. County and District Councillors items, Cllr Henderson reported he has had strong words with Richard Sables about meeting the PC to discuss the outstanding issues, of Bouchland Lane and access onto the A377, he has now agreed that he will come out so expect an email from him shortly with some suggested dates so that anyone who wants to attend can attend. Highways – the news isn’t good I’m afraid. In a nutshell both A and B roads will become the main focus with all other roads including unclassified only receiving minimal attention. There is no budget and the language used for this is ‘managed decline’. Without a significant investment from central government this situation is unlikely to change. I would urge the continued reporting of all potholes/defects though and if there are any really pressing issues that are not being addressed, then please bring them to my attention. Mobile Library Service – with DCC having to identify additional budget savings, the provision of the mobile library service has been under consultation (this is DCC and Libraries Unltd) and is likely to cease owing to the fact that the vehicles used at present are more or less at end of life with no monies available for replacements. Not sure if Burrington is visited but my guess is it probably is. The consultation runs until the end of May so if people wish to comment, they can visit devon.gov.uk

Cllr Davies reported once again it has been a pleasure to act as your District Councillor over the past year and I have continued to attend as many meetings as possible reporting and providing updates on both local and wider issues as well as answering questions as best I can. As I reported last month one of NDCs most recent challenges has been to bridge the £2m budget gap and I am pleased to say this has been achieved without cuts to front line services. The council is working to be become financially sustainable and as part of the commercialisation strategy purchased Green Lanes Shopping Centre in Barnstable. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to acquire this strategic asset and compliments other significant regeneration improvements being delivered within Barnstaple town centre through the Future High Street project. I am pleased to say that there was a positive return for the Council for the four and half month’s ownership in the 2021-22 year of £243,600. Furthermore; the draft budget for the current 2022-23 year shows a net return to NDC of £343,530 and the actual financial performance for the Green Lanes Shopping Centre is in line with the budgeted position. Various repairs and upgrades were known and costed at the time of purchase and are taken into account. The improvements to the Market Quarter, the Panier Market and Queen Street/ Bear Street car park are progressing (approximately £6.5m secured from the Future High Street Fund) with planning/ listed building applications approved and work currently ongoing in the Panier Market. The new Tarka Leisure centre in Barnstaple was completed and officially opened in June 2022 by British Olympics hero Eddie ‘the eagle’ Edwards. The centre is owned by NDC and run by Lex Leisure under a 20-year lease contract. The project was part grant funded, including £1.5m from the Coastal Communities Fund and £1.8m from the National Lottery via the Sport England Strategic Facilities Fund. The Ilfracombe Watersports Centre is due to complete shortly and will include community facilities (including boat storage, slipway and café) and provide new homes for three local watersports clubs, Ilfracombe Pilot Gig Club, Y-Sail and Ilfracombe Canoe Club. There are other positives to note and these include – planting 25,000 trees to enhance the environment at Yeo Valley Woodland in Barnstaple; bringing back empty homes into occupation; the Outreach team making our town streets safer and housing the homeless; assisting refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine; launching of the ‘Flourishing Culture’ strategy with support from Arts Council England. The council is constrained by a backdrop of reduced funding in real terms but has managed to set balanced budgets each year. We continue to face financial challenges made worse by unfair funding and we will continue to challenge for levelling up funds. I am pleased to say I received only one noise complaint concerning Eaglescott. You will be aware that Section 106 contributions will be due from Cross Park Farm and also Bedport Farm approvals. I have continued to support projects eligible under the Community Councillor Grants scheme.

Regarding the roads especially pot hole problems it was raised could the road up Bircham Hill be reclassified as a B road also highlighted the gritting route into the village which is up Bicham Hill, at present finishing at Pound close there has been a request form the Parish council for the finish to be at Red Post to avoid the problems at Townbridge. There was a suggestion that there should be a well-maintained route to every village. Pot holes are now identified by “what three words”. It was commented that the process of maintaining roads and pot holes needs to be addressed and the work process improved. It was suggested to write to the MP Selaine Saxby regarding the state of the roads highlighting pot holes.

There is money from DCC to train Road Wardens at present with that scheme the PC has to purchase any materials then be reimbursed. The suggestion from the floor was an amount could be set aside from the precept for minor road repairs but this was felt to be very difficult to manage.

8. Allotments, there has been a leaflet drop in the village along with notices on the email and in the Parish magazine, but to date there are only two interested parties this is felt to be insufficient as an Allotment Association needs to be set up by those using it to run the venture, so at present this will not proceed.

It was also raised from the floor regarding individual property owner’s responsibility to cut their hedges and keep trees cut back on road frontages, as many seem to be not carrying out their responsibilities.

A note will be put in the Annual Report to be circulated to every household.

Cllr Henderson commented on the disbanding of the mobile library Cllr Benson said there are lots of books in the church that can be borrowed.

The Phone Box is listed but is still a usable telephone box.

9. The Annual Report will be circulated in June every parish organisation was invited to put forward information for inclusion as the Report will be delivered to every household.




…………………………. Chairman ……………………..……Date     





 Parish Council Meeting held on the 26th March 2024


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr P Bailey Mr K Pincombe Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk) 

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor Cllr P Henderson County Councillor

Apologies Dr S Smale


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation

The prospective purchasers of 2 Jenny Fox Cottage attended the meeting regarding access from the property onto the tarmac area of the Village Green, through the 5-bar gate that has been put as a boundary.

Cllr Short explained previous enquiries have been made for access to that property and the old school, over the tarmac area, the reply has historically always been to decline, no constant traffic flow is allowed a one-off access with consultation with the Parish Council is permitted. The visibility is very limited at the juncture with the highway. The question was asked regarding the 5-bar gate and the conclusion was a cheap fix.

The prospective residents were thanked for attending


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 27th February were agreed and signed.


2. Clerk’s report

i. D Day celebrations, these will take place on Thursday the 6th June, the Beacon will be lit, with a bar and proposed BBQ to be held at Forches, a Church service will be held on Sunday the 9th June.

ii. 2 Jenny Fox Cottage has been covered in public participation.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. The Wicksteed report the few minor issues are being addressed by Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey

ii. The Rowan tree has yet to be planted at the desired location.

iii. Train service at Kings Nympton Station, an email has been received from Martin Pailthorpe, “The committee are meeting again on 11 April and before that I would like the councillors involved to spread the words and ideally get people to sign up on a Facebook group, I have created called friends of kingsnympton station - I know Kings Nympton, Chulmleigh and Chittlehamholt all have Facebook groups on which they can spread the word but not sure what about you? Are there notice boards etc?

The reply was sent regarding the email, facebook and notice boards.

Cllr Alan Fraser-Smith is to attend the meeting.

iv. A new bus timetable has been received with a bus service 5 days week, this has been circulated via the email and will be put in the magazine.

iv. Bouchland Lane, the lorry’s have started again, Cllr Davies is looking at the logs, the road condition is awful, the levels are to be checked when completed to ensure they comply with permission granted when the cross section and levels were submitted. The application that came for consultation, a menage, was not in the realms of the actual process that has taken place.




4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting. Or call 0345155 1004 in this time of serve weather if something is urgent, please call in, the call will be logged and you will receive a reference number which you can monitor the progress of the issue. Please keep reporting poor roads.

ii. One was route at Braggamarsh, this type of request has to go through the Neighbourhood Highway Officer, a Mr Richard Sables and he is not happy or inclined to put this forward, even with it being a great danger to road users.

iii. The expanse of water flooding the road just along from the Millenium Copse was discussed again, the sides of the road need digging out to access the drain and clear the silt before the camera can be used to assess the situation, Roy Brown is to be lined up to undertake the work, all in favour, then Active Drainage the company with the camera are £220 plus VAT, they will put a camera along the drain and if possible and required jet the drain to try and clear it. Cllr Henderson offered a Locality grant of £250; an application will be submitted in April. Thank you, Cllr Henderson. The pot holes either side of the area are very deep, dangerously deep.

Cllr Henderson commented on the over grown hedges on the A377 that Cllr Pincombe has been highlighting, Cllr Henderson is endeavouring to get hedges trimmed back. If the Parish Council has access concerning with regard to an application Cllr Henderson said to contact him in an effort to get parish concerns flagged up.


5. County and District Councillors items

Cllr Henderson reported that the Links Centres are being closed these are mental health centres in Barnstaple, Bideford and Ilfracombe, the closure has been called in, but the Scrutiny Committee agreed to close these centres as there is now a very good support network for those in need with the centres not being efficiently used.

The Special Educational Need budget is in the region of £143 million out of a DCC budget of £750 million, £93 million has been received from government, efforts are being made to reduce this. Cllr Henderson noted on Mr Richard Sables, who has been most difficult to communicate with from the PC point of view, is giving a low-quality performance.

Cllr Davies reported on the Climate and Environment Grants, as you may be aware, North Devon Council has set aside funding to re-open the Climate and Environment Grant Fund (CEG) for one more year! £20000 has been allocated to be awarded to small Parishes towards funding projects with a strong emphasis on sustainability and countering climate change.

North Devon Community Lottery is up and running, tickets are available from the North Devon Community Lottery website. A National award for North Devon council's Land Charges team has been won.

The next stage of the Barnstaple "Market Quarter" improvements will start on Tuesday 26 March, as North Devon Council's contractors, Pearce Construction, plan to set up a site compound in an area of Queen Street car park. The compound will be used by Pearce until late 2025, as they set about rebuilding and restoring 36-7 Boutport Street. The site compound will take over a number of parking spaces within Queen Street car park, and car park users are being encouraged to use the quieter neighbouring Bear Street car park. The council purchased 36 and 37 Boutport Street in 2021 to refurbish it for community and business use. 36 Boutport Street will become a cultural hub for North Devon, while 37 will be a new build incorporating housing and employment units around a central arcade walk-way from the Queen Street car park to the town centre.

North Devon and Torridge District Councils are asking residents to help them work out how best to encourage cultural activity in the region by taking part in a survey.The councils have launched the Northern Devon Flourishing Culture Participation Survey in order to help them understand current engagement in culture; events attended, museums visited and crafts created. The ultimate aim is to encourage more of the cultural activities that make northern Devon a great place to live, work and visit.






6. Finance


Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                              


Clerk’s salary



Office expenses


i. The bank account is standing at £13,966.68 at the end of the financial year.

7. Planning                                                                                                               


 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) to allow raising of the roof by 300mm and amendments to glazing, materials, porch and configuration of solar panels Bedport



Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) to allow raising of the roof by 300mm, amendments to porch, fenestration, external materials and re-positioning of solar panels and to Plot 1, Bedport Poultry Farm

Cllr Davies declared an interest.











i. 76399 an amended site has been submitted, after discussion it was agreed to respond by saying, after communication with the applicant “the ethos of the business is for the cabin to be isolated and in contact with nature”, the location of the cabin is adjacent to a road, the location needs to be looked at, an alternative location would be advised to comply with the ethos.

If it was deemed suitable at the present location the gateway on the application should be blocked up completely, the Parish Council would strongly advise this as a condition, for safety reasons, the access from this entrance is so dangerous to those exiting and entering and road users passing the site.

i. NDC enforcement have replied regarding the cars at Balls Corner. The “what 3 word” references have been submitted for structures that need to be looked at there are 3 around the parish.


9. Parish Hall report.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. At the AGM it was agreed to purchase a new bench for the area.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                                                                    i. DALC newsletter is circulated.


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 30th April 2024 7.00pm for the





…………………………Chairman …………………………Date




Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 28th May 2024 7.30pm Annual Parish Council meeting





 Parish Council Meeting held on the 27th February 2024


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr P Bailey Mr K Pincombe Mrs G Benson Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Dr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)         

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Mr A. Bonner Cllr P Henderson County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 16th January were agreed and signed. The total for the Parish Hall defibrillator should have read £1500, with a grant of £750 received.


2. Clerk’s report

i. D Day celebrations, these will take place on Thursday the 6th June, the Beacon will be lit, with a bar and proposed BBQ to be held at Forches, a Church service will be held on Sunday the 9th June.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. The Wicksteed report the few minor issues are being addressed by Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey

ii. Devon Wildlife have offered a free tree to communities, this has been accepted, a rowan tree has been collected. It is hoped to plant this at Red Post behind the Parish Council seat. Watering and maintenance will have to be undertaken during the summer months especially if the weather is dry.

iii. Train service at Kings Nympton Station, an email has been received from Martin Pailthorpe saying, “I am keen to get heads from all the communities together, and have had reps from Chulmleigh and Chittlehamholt councils put forward. I am hoping to arrange a meeting with them to take things forward

While I take the point that Burrington councillors themselves don't use the train much, it would still be good to have representation from the village, as the more communities we have onboard the (hopefully) stronger our case will be. Perhaps you could moot this at your next meeting to see if anyone is prepared to come forward?

Cllr Alan Fraser-Smith is to represent the parish, the council was thanked for all the communities responses that have come forward.

iv. Bouchland Lane, the lorry’s as yet have not started but it is anticipated they will when the weather improves.


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting. Or call 0345155 1004 in this time of serve weather if something is urgent, please call in, the call will be logged and you will receive a reference number which you can monitor the progress of the issue. Please keep reporting poor roads.

ii. The expanse of water flooding the road just along from the Millenium Copse was discussed again, on looking at the application the Neighbourhood Highways Officer needs to be consulted, a Mr Richard Sables. Mr Sables said he would support an application. Workmen have visited the site and made a hole in Cllr Wooldridge’s hedge for the water to drain away, on looking at the DCC website it says work is completed but it is not. It was proposed by Cllr P Smale seconded by Cllr Fraser-Smith to pay between




£100-£150 to employ someone with a camera to survey the drain before an application is submitted, to assess the situation, all in favour.

v. Discussion took place regarding a one-way route at Braggamarsh including the dangerous junction onto the A377, further enquires are to be made with Cllr Henderson but he was not in attendance. Cllr Pincombe is to contact Cllr Henderson.


5. County and District Councillors items

Cllr Henderson reported DCC BUDGET 24/25 Above inflation increases for vulnerable children and adults and more money for potholes There will be an increase of 10.4 per cent in spending on children’s services DCC have agreed a 4.99 per cent increase in council tax for the coming financial year. It comprises 2.99 per cent for general services with an extra two per cent for adult care. It means an extra £1.56 a week for the average Band D householder. There will be increases of 10.4 per cent in spending on children’s services, six per cent on adult services and 4.7 per cent on climate change, environment and transport. Councillors also agreed an extra £1.5 million to boost regular road drainage since the target budget was set last month to tackle the increase in potholes caused by this winter’s heavy rainfall. There will also be £716,000 extra to bring the homelessness budget back up to £1.45 million to support the work of district councils and homeless organisations for another year. Devon’s revenue spending on services will increase from just under £700 million to £743 million in 2024/25. That’s an overall rise of 6.3 per cent in spending. In addition, councillors approved a capital budget of over £155 million for investment in infrastructure such as schools and roads. The council tax for an average Band D home will rise by £81.54 to £1,715.67 – an extra £1.56 a week. The budget includes savings, alternative funding and additional income of £49.6 million. The budget was approved by 34 votes to 14. PUBLIC ASKED TO HAVE THEIR SAY ON DEVON AND TORBAY DEVOLUTION DEAL A six-week public consultation was launched on Monday 12 February on the draft proposal to create a Combined County Authority (CCA) for Devon and Torbay to oversee new powers and funding transferred from Government. The ground-breaking devolution deal announced by Levelling Up Minister Jacob Young last month, proposes to create the CCA, which would be a formal partnership of elected members drawn from the councils of Devon and Torbay, including district councils, together with representatives from business and education. People are being invited to have their say on how the CCA would work, the powers that it would have and the functions it would be responsible for. These include investment in local economic growth, delivering affordable housing, improving public transport, and meeting net zero ambitions. Further information about our joint consultation with Torbay Council and details of how to respond are available at www.devontorbaydeal.org.uk Establishing the CCA would not mean removing or merging local councils and does not require a Mayor for Devon and Torbay. All councils would continue to exist and would still be responsible for public services in their area. Among the Devon and Torbay devolution deal proposals are: • The new body would have direct control of adult education to create up to 50,000 new training and retraining opportunities by 2030. Through Local Skills Improvement Plans, the proposed CCA will work with business and education leaders to create a stronger, joined-up relationship between employers and schools, colleges and universities to provide the skilled workforce the local economy needs for the future. • Over £16 million of new funding would be invested in new green jobs, homes, skills, and business growth to accelerate Devon and Torbay’s transition to a net-zero economy, capitalising on the area’s world-leading expertise in green science and technology. • There would also be a stronger partnership with Homes England, working closely with district councils in Devon to create a joint action plan for affordable housing schemes for local people as well as reducing homelessness. The proposal includes additional land assembly and compulsory purchase powers and would facilitate greater Community Land Trust-led delivery. • The joined up local transport planning by Devon County Council and Torbay Council will be strengthened to improve the efficiency and co-ordination of public transport. There is also an ambition to introduce a single ticketing system for public transport passengers. • From 2025 the Government is also offering to transfer responsibility for planning and delivery of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to Devon and Torbay, engaging with Devon’s district councils, to support high growth business sectors as well as funding town centre enhancements. The results of the


consultation will be considered by both Councils in April. Devon County Council and Torbay Council will consider whether they want to submit the proposal to Government, either with or without amendments, or not at all. The Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities would examine any submission and make regulations setting up the CCA. A summary leaflet about the consultation will be available in all Devon and Torbay libraries as well as district council offices. You can take part in the consultation, which closes at 11:59pm on 24 March 2024.

No report was put forward from the planning forum meeting.

Cllr Henderson has kindly given a grant of £1000 for further hedge ploughing, this will be undertaken in due course, quotes from other contractors will be obtained as it was felt a better job could have been undertaken this year.

Cllr Davies reported on new guidance for farmers for planning, the guidance is on the NDC website. There is a new Barnstaple town centre hub, it is in Green Lanes the cost to fit out the hub was £230,000, it is NDC customer services which will be open from 9am -5pm, Monday to Friday, DCC Police are also in the centre.

The GB Spring Clean is going on until the 31st March, NDC are providing equipment for the clean, the contact is Mr Paul Burton. Ms Natasha Rowland has been presented with a Local Government Chronicle Award for her work in trying to combat homelessness.




6. Finance


Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                              


NDC dog bins



Defib sales



Clerk’s salary



Burrington Parish Hall



7. Planning                                                                                                               


 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Demolition of two agricultural buildings and erection of two new dwellings (fall back to Class Q 75205 and 74299) and proposed conversion of grade two listed agricultural building to dwelling together with associated works at Golland Farm Burrington



Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) to allow raising of the roof by 300mm and amendments to glazing, materials, porch and configuration of solar panels Bedport



Prior notification for erection of one forestry building to store equipment/vehicles Heales Cottage



Approval of details in respect of discharge of condition 4 (landscaping) attached to planning permission 75015 (retrospective application - temporary change of use of land for the siting of temporary caravan for use as a rural workers dwelling together with erection of 1 polytunnel, 1 shed & 1 compost toilet) Kingsland Gardens


















i. NDC enforcement have replied regarding the cars at Balls Corner. Cllr Short is to speak to the bus company regarding the bus that is parked at Balls Corner. There appears to be a development at Stone Ridge as the barn is being shored up and a septic tank is on site, this will be added to the cases.


9. Parish Hall report. The defibrillator is in and working.




10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. The AGM is to be held the night following the PC meeting.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                                                                    i. DALC newsletter is circulated. There is a free portrait of the King, this will be applied for.

The school signs at Townbridge and outside the hall have been taken down and removed. It was highlighted the number of large lorries that are getting stuck and/or causing damage in the village, Cllr Short is to put a larger sign at Red Post.


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 26th March 2024 7.30pm



…………………………Chairman …………………………Date




Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 30th April 2024 7.30pm ANNUAL PARISH MEETING followed by a PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 


Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 30th April 2024

at 7.00 p.m.                               


Present: Mr.J Short (in the Chair), Mr A Fraser-Smith, Mr P Bailey, Mr A Bonner Mrs G Benson,  Mr K Pincombe Mr P Smale Dr S Smale Mr J Woolridge & Mrs A Snell (clerk)

In Attendance Cllr K Davies (District Councillor) Cllr P Henderson (County Council)

and 5 members of the public



1. The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th April 2023 were agreed and signed.                                         


2. Chairman’s Report

Cllr Short welcomed everyone to the meeting, reporting on the year there has been no changes to the council in the last 12 months. Last spring the bus shelter was cleaned and painted. In May we had various events to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III, which involved beacon lighting, a joint service on Sunday the 7th along with a cream tea at the church on the 8th May.

A commemorative tree to celebrate the coronation was planted by Mr Victor Mock by the seat on Bircham Hill, very sad to say Mr Mock recently passed away at the ripe old age of 100.

The roads are getting worse by the day but please keep reporting:

The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it       PLEASE REPORT or ring 0345 1004 115

the call will be logged and you will receive a reference number which you can monitor the progress of the issue.

Whether it works remains to be seen don’t hold your breath, the Parish Council manged to get a grant through our County Councillor Paul Henderson to plough out the verges on Bircham Hill to help with the water run-off, another grant has been agreed for next year. The Parish Council have organised a jetter to jet the drain between Red Post and Forches to try and solve the long-standing flooding problem, this seems to have solved the problem with one side of the road being filled with tarmac. A grant from Cllr Henderson has been applied for. Thank you to Cllr Henderson for his support of the Parish.

All planning applications have been responded to, with local knowledge conveyed to the planners.

A Kings Nympton parish councillors has asked the parish to spread the word regarding getting a regular train stop at Kings Nympton, a committee has been formed with Cllr Alan Fraser-Smith representing the parish, a facebook page has also been set up. It is hoped S106 money will become available to make improvements to open spaces, the priority being the PC field. A free Landmark tree has been given by the Devon Wildlife Trust; it is a Rowen tree which has been planted at Red Post. The Parish Council have endeavoured to get the gritting route extended to Red Post, the winter before last there was such difficulty at Townbrige but sadly to no avail.

A new bus timetable has been received with a bus service 5 days week, this has been circulated via the email and was put in the magazine. Two new seats have been purchased and placed in the Methodist graveyard. Thank you to John Wehner who annually audits the Parish Council accounts.

To post information on the website please contact the clerk Angela Snell, to post on the Burrington email please email: admin@burringtonnorthdevon.com thank you very much to Fiona Coxshall, for all her efforts, likewise Carol Poulton as editor of the Parish magazine. Thank you to my fellow councillors for their continued work and the clerk.


3. Financial Report -These were made available to the meeting.

a) It was proposed by Mr G Short, seconded by Mr S Holton for the Parish Council to look at raising the annual payments which was minuted at the last APM, the suggested figure at this meeting was10%.

At the subsequent Parish Council meeting it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Fraser-Smith to raise the annual grants to:

£70 donation to be made to Church for electricity used by public light.
£200 donation to be made to the Parish Hall for electricity used by lights,

£350 Grant to the Burrington Church Buildings Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£120 Grant to the Bethesda Graveyard Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£60 Grant to the Old Gospel Hall for maintenance of the graveyard. All in agreement.

The NDC toilet grant, if it is no longer being granted by the District Council, the PC would grant the Hall £500 from the precept to cover the loss of grant, all in favour of these financial arrangements.

Mr Les Parker thanked the Parish Council for their continued support towards the maintenance of the Old Gospel Hall graveyard.


4. Parish Hall Chairmans Report

The Multi Use Games area agreement was signed, all in agreement. ii. It was agreed for the Parish Council to put aside £1500 for use by the hall if required in this year.

The Parish Hall has had no Major issues to report during the Year. All scheduled decorations have been carried out, and any repairs have been actioned immediately. Thank you to Matt for his hard work in keeping the Hall clean and functionable throughout the year. Thanks also to Paul and Sarah for overseeing this. During the year the Hall have installed a second Defibrillator for use of by the Parishioners. It is located in the Entrance Porch of the Hall on the road and has 24/7 access. All curtains throughout the building have been renewed and new rails fitted where required. An enormous thank you to everyone who helps with the organisation and the running of our Social Events held during the year. Without this dedication the Events would not be so successful. We have events planned for the coming year, with Johnny Cowling (Comedian) returning on the 28th of September, for an evening of Entertainment. Tickets only please book via burringtonph@gmail.com. Our very successful Bingos and The Christmas Fayre will also be held again during the coming year. Thank you to all the committee for attending the meetings during the year, I would like to thank all the officers, the Secretary, and the Booking Secretary for all the extra work that they put in over and above attending the meetings. The committee are pleased to confirm they will not be requiring any top up from the fund held on their behalf by the Parish Council this year.

At the hall committee meeting it was agreed to open the disabled toilet to all, to have the disabled and unisex sign on the door, so an accessible toilet for all. The hall report was given by Graham Short.


5) Report from the Burrington Church Buildings Trust, and Friends of Holy Trinity. The Church Buildings Trust report was given by Stuart Holton. During the last 12 months Burrington Church Building Trust have continued to support the PCC with the maintenance and upkeep of Holy Trinity Church, the only Grade 1 Listed building within our parish. The Trust continues to pay the cost of maintaining the Churchyard in full which includes the cutting of the graveyard approximately 14 times a year as well as keeping hedges and boundaries under control. We have also contributed toward the cost of other annual inspections and maintenance costs such as cleaning of the gutters. We have agreed to make a financial contribution to the PCC to aid with their grant application for the proposed refurbishment of the kitchen area and the installation of a toilet. The Churchyard is one of Burrington’s public places within the Parish where any one can visit to remember friends, family and loved ones; any one of any religion or denomination is entitled to be buried within the graveyard and the Trust would welcome any financial assistance the Parish Council can make towards the upkeep. Finally; I’d like to thank all Trustees for their hard work over the last twelve months and a particular thank you to the Trust’s Officeholders Kay Elworthy, Andrew Coxshall and Paul Bailey.


Report from Burrington church PCC. We continue to offer a warm welcome to everyone to the regular services at Holy Trinity Church. The Church is open most days. The main door from the porch into the Church can be hard to open. Just pull firmly on the handle and twist anticlockwise, still holding the handle in that position stop pulling on the handle and the weight of the door should pull it open. If you are unable to access the Church contact numbers for key holders are available in the notice board by the Church Gate. There is a Church Service at 10.30am on 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month. Last year we held 2 joint Service with members of the Methodist Church, the first was to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. Donations from that service were forwarded to the Princes Trust. The second was the annual Remembrance Sunday Service with all donations being given the Poppy Appeal. Food donations at our Harvest Service with a small exception are donated to the Freedom Centre at Barnstaple. On June the 9th we will be holding a special service commemorating the D-Day Landings. The Remembrance Sunday Service in November and the Parish Carol Service in December. Other events at your Parish Church include a monthly Coffee morning on the 1st Saturday. Monthly Cream teas during the summer, usually on the 4th Sunday. However; the Cream Tea in May will be on Monday 27th and combined with a Plant stall. Please make a note of our BBQ on August 10th and the Afternoon Tea on Monday August 26th. When you visit your Parish Church, please take the opportunity to have a look around this beautiful old building with a wonderful Rood Screen and carved bosses in the ceiling, also look around for the carvings representing a ‘green man’. Additionally, you will find, nestled into the choir stalls, a selection of reading books and jig-saw puzzles which you are welcome to borrow. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supports our regular gatherings. You may have noticed that some pews have been removed from the back of the Church to provide a social area. This has been possible because the long-awaited permission to install an accessible toilet at the back of the Church and improved kitchen facilities has now been received. We have obtained tenders for the work and will be contacting the chosen contractor. The PCC would like to thank everyone who helps with the floral arrangements in the church and cleaning the church. Also; those who have put-on fund-raising events on behalf of the Church including the popular Quiz night, Bingo and Burns Night all in addition to the other activities previously mentioned. A special thank you to everyone who has supported any or all of the events and or by donating raffle prizes, plants for the plant sale. We couldn’t do it without you. We advertise Church Services and other events in the Church in the Parish magazine, on the Notice Boards in addition to Burrington email and Facebook pages. Finally; we would like to thank Holy Trinity Building Trust who assist in maintaining the Church Building and Friends of Holy Trinity who assist with the payment of Insurance costs and Utility bills. Their ongoing support is much appreciated and needed. However; their finances are limited and your continued support at our regular Church Services and social events is very much appreciated. If anyone would like to be involved with future planned events or have ideas for events please contact us. It is always good to have new ideas and an extra pair of hands is always welcome. Please contact, Gill Benson or any PCC member or just come along. Everyone is welcome. Gill, Church Warden, Tel 01769 520297.Report given by Gill Benson.


Report from the Friends of Burrington. The Friends are now in their sixteenth year helping to generate and administer an income stream to supplement the Church expenses which are the responsibility of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) Any funds generated by The Friends are used to support the running costs of the Church itself, thus allowing The Friends to provide support in paying bills such as utilities (electricity, water, heating etc), cleaning and insurance premiums which are necessary for the ongoing operation of the Church. We have received a good level of support from the membership and are holding funds to support the PCC as and when required. We held our AGM on Monday 29th April 2024. May I offer thanks to Gill Benson her role as treasurer. We are currently without a secretary and will be keen to appoint someone to this position in the very near future. Report given by Alan Fraser-Smith.


6). The Community Shop, September 2023 marked the 8th anniversary of the opening of the Burrington Community Shop. We sadly lost Jack Earnshaw from the committee this year but we also gained 2 new members – Sue Bailey and, most recently, Martha Dean – so we are now a 9 strong committee. Sue organised a survey of our residents to get their views on the shop – on improvements we could make and items we could stock – and we are considering those findings in our planning. Almost everyone who responded said they found the shop to be an important asset within the village and hoped it could continue. The cost-of-living crisis is still proving to be tough for everyone and we are making every effort to keep our prices competitive. Our volunteers who source our stock work hard to get the best possible deals and are very inventive in their ordering to achieve this. Our overall mark up is over 5% lower than many other similar community shops and we try to keep the mark up lowest on certain ranges of food that our most vulnerable customers buy. The finances of the shop are always finely balanced and we are grateful to Pickard’s for keeping our rent contribution for this year the same as last year. We are budgeting to run a small deficit in 2024/25 financed through our general reserves, thus enabling us to continue with the aforementioned pricing policy as far as possible in the year ahead. We have managed a couple of upgrades to the shop this year, installing some smart new cupboards at the back of the shop to give our volunteers more space for storage and for booking in goods. And just in time for summer we have bought a lovely, new and larger ice cream freezer, to replace the old broken one. This gives us more freezer space overall. We are also working on a new website to keep our customers up to date with latest news and offers. I would like to thank all of the members of the committee, and our volunteers, for their hard work and support during the year. Without their work there wouldn’t be a shop in the village. Additionally, we give a huge thank you to Molly and Faye in the shop who provide such a friendly and helpful front for the shop. Report given by Phil Brough.


7. County and District Councillors items, Cllr Henderson reported It would be nice to deliver a more positive report for the year end but unfortunately circumstances dictate that the previous year has been especially trying. However, unlike many County Councils elsewhere across the UK Devon did not need to issue a section 114 notice (effectively declaring themselves bankrupt). In fact, the financial year-end ended up slightly in surplus (to the tune of around £100,000) but this was achieved at a cost. We have lost our mobile library service and the year has also seen the closure of the Link Centres across Northern Devon without however those service users being unduly affected. There remain’s increasing pressures on both the adult health and social care budgets as well as those for children’s services.

However top of the list across every parish I visit is the state of the highways. The cancelling of HS2 has released additional funding to Devon over the next 3 years and an additional £10m has been identified from the existing DCC budget to go towards highways. Be under no illusions though, these may seem like ‘significant’ sums (and they would be if they were paid into our own personal accounts) but it is a drop in the ocean compared to what is required to maintain, let alone repair the Devon Road network. Justifiable questions are being raised over the working practices of current repairs being carried out and as I understand this is being reviewed – not before time. However, I would urge all residents to report any defects to DCC and should the response not be what one might expect, please forward through to me with the reference no issued when the problem was first reported.

More recently, the subject of devolution whereby Devon joins up with Torbay has been the subject of public consultation. This was discussed by Councillors at a meeting at the end of April. Serious concerns were raised from the feedback about the level of representation District Councils would have as well as the longer term funding plans. However, at the full council meeting the resulting vote was in favour to proceed with the devolution. For the record, I initially supported a motion to defer the decision so that more clarity over apportionment of seats as well as funding could be established but the amendment failed. In the main vote I chose to abstain – I’m not against devolution but my parishes have been telling me this is not a good deal for North Devon and I fully agree with what I was being told. Finally, the Leader of Devon County Council John Hart announced he was standing down so a new leader will be chosen by the Conservatives, the controlling party of DCC who will have responsibility for the policy/direction od DCC as we head to an election in 12 months time.


Cllr Davies Once again it has been a pleasure to act as your District Councillor over the past year and I have continued to attend as many meetings as possible reporting and providing updates on both local and wider issues as well as answering questions as best I can. As you are aware the council is constrained by a backdrop of reduced funding in real terms but has again managed to set a balanced budget for 2024/25 and this has been achieved without cuts to services. We continue to face financial challenges made worse by unfair funding and we will continue to challenge for ‘levelling up’ funds/ Fair Funding Review. The improvements to the Market Quarter, the Panier Market and Queen Street/ Bear Street car park are progressing (approximately £6.5m secured from the Future High Street Fund) with the official reopening of the Pannier Market celebrated on 24th November 2023. Work started on the rebuilding and restoring of 36-7 Boutport Street in March 2024 and will continue until late 2025. Plans for the new NDC hub in Barnstaple town centre have been backed by councillors. The council will expand its face-to-face customer service offering by relocating to a vacant unit at Green Lanes Shopping Centre. The new hub will give the council a more visible presence in the town centre and enable it to extend its opening hours to Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm. Officers from Barnstaple’s Neighbourhood Policing Team will also be available to speak to on a daily basis. There are other positives to note and these include – expansion of the Yeo Valley Woodland in Barnstaple with an additional 24,000 trees planted; awards for the National Land Information System department, Natasha Rowland shortlisted in the ‘Outstanding Individual Contribution’ category nominated in recognition of her services to combat homelessness and Tarka Leisure Centre won Commercial Pool Project Of The Year category at the UK Pool and Spa Awards 2023; publishing of new guidance documents and various supporting workshops; the much celebrated opening of Ilfracombe Watersports Hub; and maintaining a sufficient supply of land for housing to meet the target for the next five years. Closer to ‘home’ – I am pleased to report that there have been no noise complaints brought to my attention concerning Eaglescott. There has been however significant disturbance caused by material movement to Bouchland Farm site for the creation of a ménage. The material was initially being brought to site from the North Devon Link Road project under a Clar agreement. I received confirmation that Griffiths immediately stopped their lorries delivering to site after visiting and assessing the site on 26th Oct 2023. Further deliveries were reported to me in March 2024 and I continue to monitor the situation/ channel complaints through Paul Henderson as County Councillor. I will continue to support projects eligible under the Community Councillor Grants scheme.


8. Parish Council Field, the Parish Council are hoping to get S106 money to make improvements and offer facilities to the community, the first project will be the entrance and gates, other projects are additional car parking and a dog walking facility.

The Phone Box is listed but is still a usable telephone box.


9. The Annual Report will be circulated in June every parish organisation was invited to put forward information for inclusion as the Report will be delivered to every household.




…………………………. Chairman ……………………..……Date     



 Parish Council Meeting held on the 16th January 2024


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr K Pincombe Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Dr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk) 

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Mr P Bailey Cllr P Henderson County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 28th November were agreed and signed.  


2. Clerk’s report

i. Defibrillator, a DHSC Community automated external Defibrillator has been successfully applied for on behalf of the Parish Hall Committee to have one at the Hall. 50% of the funds were received for the defibrillator and storage box totalling just under a £1000, it is waiting to be installed


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. The Wicksteed report the few minor issues are being addressed by Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting. Or call 0345155 1004 in this time of serve weather if something is urgent, please call in, the call will be logged and you will receive a reference number which you can monitor the progress of the issue.

ii. The expanse of water flooding the road just along from the Millenium Copse was discussed again, on looking at the application the Neighbourhood Highways Officer needs to be consulted, a Mr Richard Sables. This will be undertaken, it was reported there is an enormous pot hole/hole at the side of the road which is constantly filled with water, if caught with a vehicle could cause serious damage, it was suggested to put a steak in the hedge by it with a cone on the top, as a cone would not stay in the actual hole, an application to the Highway Maintenance Community Enhancement Fund is to be made to see if the problem can be rectified

v. Discussion took place regarding a one-way route at Braggamarsh including the dangerous junction onto the A377, councillors have observed people using this very dangerous junction, further enquires are to be made with Cllr Henderson. It appears SAT NAVS use this route


5. County and District Councillors items

Cllr Henderson reported in regard to a possible one-way system at Braggamarsh……best route forward is to send a request from the PC through to Richard Sables. I wouldn’t disagree that it would be a proactive move but knowing how DCC score these applications, they’ll look at the traffic data and if there has been no reported incidents (from minor up to a fatality), the chances of achieving this are practically non-existent. I’m not saying it’s right, to me DCC should be proactive instead of reactive, but that is where we are at the moment. However, I’m happy to support the PC towards this aim.

Cllr Davies reminded councillors of the forthcoming North Devon Planning forum on the 30th January; it can be joined virtually. Also, Cllr Davies reminded the council to submit Enforcement Priorities, after discission there appears to be three these will be submitted.                                                   780



6. Finance


Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                       





Clerk’s salary



Office expenses



i.                 The Cambridge and Counties Savings Account, the account has now been opened.

ii.                The second Precept letter has to be submitted this will be undertaken

7. Planning                                                                                            


 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Demolition of two agricultural buildings and erection of two new dwellings (fall back to Class Q 75205 and 74299) and proposed conversion of grade two listed agricultural building to dwelling together with associated works at Golland Farm Burrington



Change of use of land & erection of 2 holiday lodges at Week Parks High Bickington



i.                 S106 Priorities Golland, the two suggested priorities are enhancement of the Village Green, initial quotes have been obtained for the two entrance gates and new lighting for the Green. The second priority is the enhancement to the Old Sports Field entrance.

ii. The Sports Field was discussed, over the Christmas period there were some comments on social media regarding the amount of dog mess on the Field, there is a dog bin at the entrance by the hall please pick up after your dog. The suggestion raised was to have a gate where the fence has been broken by Pound Close, as the fence has been repaired in the past to no avail, then perhaps put another dog bin there.


9. Parish Hall report. The hall defibrillator is the responsibility of the hall committee.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                                               i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

ii. An email has been received from the Devon Wildlife Trust offering a free Landmark Tree for your Parish or Town, this is going to be applied for. The suggested site was Five Oaks on the wide verge opposite the sign post.

The gas main maintenance work was discussed as this will continue from High Bickington past the Radar Station on towards Ashreigney in the coming months, so road hold ups may occur.

An email has been received from a Kings Nympton Parish Councillor asking for comments on regular train stops at Kings Nympton, the letter will be put on the Parish email, for parishioners to be able to comment.


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 27th February 2024 7.30pm



…………………………Chairman …………………………Date




Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 26th March 2024 7.30pm COUNCIL MEETING 





 Parish Council Meeting held on the 28th November 2023


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr K Pincombe Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Dr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)    

In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor

Apologies Mr P Bailey Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 31st October were agreed and signed.  


2. Clerk’s report

i. The Energy Outreach Project was advertised on the Parish email no responses have been received.

ii. Defibrillator, a DHSC Community automated external Defibrillator fund is offering grants towards defibrillators Cllr Bailey has submitted an application on behalf of the Parish Hall to have one at the Hall.

The full grant was not offered but a 50% grant, this will be discussed by the Parish Hall committee.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. The Wicksteed report has been received there are no major issues but a few minor ones, Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey will look into this in more depth and review what needs to be undertaken.

ii. The dog waste bin at Balls Corner was reported as being dangerous, Cllr Short has rectified the situation and received a thank you.


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.

ii. The verge was ploughed out along Bircham Hill during the month. A further application can be submitted for more ploughing out.

iv. The expanse of water flooding the road just along from the Millenium Copse was discussed, further work needs to be undertaken to try and get it cleared as it has been like this for some weeks, walkers without wellington boots would not be able to pass, Cllr Henderson said the Parish Council could apply to the Locality budget to get specific highway jobs undertaken, Cllr Henderson is to send a link for the application. The area needs a camera to assess the situation then to be rodded and or jetted to try and resolve the problem, so long as the drain has not collapsed.

v. Further enquires with Cllr Henderson are to be made regarding a one-way route at Braggamarsh including the dangerous junction onto the A377.


5. County and District Councillors items

Cllr Henderson reported on New Road funding and how this will help tackle the repair backlog, DCC have welcomed the Government’s announcement of an £8.3 billion investment for road maintenance over the next 11 years throughout the country. DCC will receive and extra £6.663 million this financial year, from the funding redirected for the scrapped HS2 rail line extension to Manchester. It will be followed by the same amount next year. And then there will be a minimum of £208.6 million between now and 2033/34.

DCC will be using the money to carry out patching work and other repairs before potholes deteriorate



further this winter due to wet and freezing conditions of the season. The majority of the funding for this financial year will enable us to bring forward resurfacing schedules earmarked within its future works programme.

Cllr Henderson has asked again for any roads that are in need of being repaired to report to him, to get them on the list for repair, this will be circulated on the parish email again.

The highways contract at DCC is coming up for tender again, Cllr Henderson is hopeful it will be taken back in house, as the quality of work that is being undertaken at present is not of a good standard as there is a lack of quality control.

The Government is in advance discussions to agree a devolution deal with Devon and Torbay, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has announced that the Government is close to finalising a ground breaking Devolution Deal that will transfer a range of new powers and funding from Whitehall to Devon and Torbay. Levelling up Minister, Jacob Toung, wrote to Leaders of DCC and Torbay Council last week, confirming the Governments commitment to continuing negotiations and praising the councils on their constructive leadership on the devolution agenda. And in the Autumn Statement, Mr Hunt reiterated the government’s commitment to devolving powers to county areas, with the Chancellor confirming that it is in advanced discussion to agree a Level 2 non-mayoral deal with Devon and Torbay.

The Mobile Library Service is to cease, DCC has made the decision that the Mobiles will sadly be closing at the end of February 2024.



6. Finance

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                              


Cumbria Clock Company



Clerk’s salary



Mr R Elworthy hedge cutting



NDC refund paid twice






A and B Contractors



i.              The Cambridge and Counties Savings Account, the interest is to be accumulated.

ii.            Grass cutting tenders, Mr M Baker tendered a £67.50 increase on last year, Mr R Elworthy tendered £100, it was proposed by Cllr P Smale seconded by Cllr Bonner to accept both, all in favour.

iii.           Clerks contract, the clerk left the room, after discussion it was agreed to stay at point scale 11, but back date the increase to 1st April when the increases were introduced.

iv.           Set the Precept, it was proposed by Cllr P Smale seconded by Cllr Fraser Smith the keep the precept unchanged at £10,000, all in favour.


7. Planning                                                                                                               



Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten, Burrington listed



 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Demolition of two agricultural buildings and erection of two new dwellings (fall back to Class Q 75205 and 74299) and proposed conversion of grade two listed agricultural building to dwelling together with associated works at Golland Farm Burrington



Change of use of land & erection of 3 holiday lodges at Week Parks High Bickington



i.              S106 Priorities, NDC have been in contact to say there is an S106 amount of £6619 from a development at Golland Farm, the priorities were discussed, the first being the enhancement of the Village Green, to include the gates at both ends and the fence by the graveyard, two priorities were asked for, the second being the enhancement of the entrance to the Old Sports Field entrance.


9. Parish Hall report. No report.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                    

 i. DALC newsletter is circulated.


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 16th January 2024 7.30pm




…………………………Chairman …………………………Date




Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 27th February 2024 7.30pm COUNCIL MEETING 



 Parish Council Meeting held on the 31st October 2023


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr K Pincombe Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Dr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)           

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr P Bailey Cllr P Henderson County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th September were agreed and signed.  


2. Clerk’s report

i. An email has been received from Devon Communities Together regarding an Energy Outreach project. Devon Communities Together have an opportunity for Parish, District and County Councillors to help communities with the high cost of living, addressing fuel poverty and working together to use energy effectively. This winter we are working with Citizens Advice to meet with local groups or specially arranged meetings to inform and give help. We can also arrange one to one consultations, presentations, and home visits. Events like these add a lot of value to Devon’s communities, particularly in areas with Village Halls or Warm Hubs, so we encourage you to participate by organising local events or working with local groups to access our support. If you can, please circulate this information and the attached flyer to members and representatives of your community.

This information will be put on the email, then if there is sufficient interest a meeting will be arranged.

ii. Defibrillator, a DHSC Community automated external Defibrillator fund is offering grants towards defibrillators Cllr Bailey has submitted an application on behalf of the Parish Hall to have one at the Hall.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. The wording on the obelisk to commemorate King Charles III coronation, a second quote has been received both quotes are in the region of £500 plus VAT, it was agreed the money would be more usefully spent other ways in the parish, so no inscription is to be undertaken.

ii. The tree on the corner of the Green, the work has been completed by Mr Brown the invoice has been received so will be authorised.


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.

ii. A request was made to highways to extend the gritting route to Red Post due to the number of vehicles that got stuck at Town Bridge last year this is the reply that was received. Thank you for getting back in touch. Having carefully reviewed the request and also 

having had discussion with your local Neighbourhood Highway Team I'm afraid we will not be 

extending the secondary route as it currently stands. Criteria in our Winter Service Policy for inclusion 

on the secondary salting network is to provide access to settlements, not beyond them. This is 

achieved through treatment from the A377 at Colleton Mills to Twitchen Lane. However, I understand 

your concern in relation to vehicles historically facing difficulty beyond this point during freezing 

conditions. I note there is a grit bin at Pound Close. Your local Neighbourhood Highway Officer has 


suggested the parish may wish to re-locate this to derive most benefit on this road - this is something 

we would gladly arrange for you, if required”. This will be considered.

Regarding the mirror at the entrance to Pickard’s in the centre of the village that was declined by highways but further investigations will be made.

iii. Verge ploughing, the land owner has been contacted and is due to cut the hedges, so the verge ploughing is scheduled for the 15th November.

iv. Bouchland lorries, the dumping of debris and the lorries travelling has stopped visits by NDC representatives have been made, Cllr Davies is due to speak to Linda Sudlow the Public Liaison Officer for the North Devon Link Road the day after the meeting.

v. Further enquires with Cllr Henderson are to be made regarding a one-way route at Braggamarsh including the dangerous junction onto the A377.



5. County and District Councillors items

Cllr Davies reported North Devon Council currently provides face to face customer services at Lynton House, Barnstaple on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9am – 1pm. We provide help and assistance to customers across all our services for those where online or phone contact is either not possible or appropriate. 

We are considering moving and expanding this service.  We are looking at relocating to a vacant unit within Green Lanes Shopping Centre. Green Lanes Shopping Centre is centrally located in Barnstaple, it has plenty of carparks nearby, and has public transport links. As you may be aware, NDC own the shopping centre and there is an opportunity to utilise an unoccupied store. 

We are proposing to extend our customer services face-to-face opening hours to Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm. Alongside this we will create working spaces to enable officers from across various services to be available to assist customers face to face, with private facilities where needed.

To ensure the service we provide fits the needs of our residents we would like your input.  What do you think of this proposal? Please help us by taking part in this Community Hub (microsoft.com)

This consultation starts on 30 October 2023 and closes on 11 December 2023.

An Environmental Enhancement Bulletin 7 has been received and circulated on the email.

There is an exhibition in the North Devon Museum at present of Devon born Artists.

No application has been submitted as yet for Cllr Davies Councillor grant; this will be looked into.

There are now additional Enforcement Officers at NDC a Lead plus support, Cllr Davies asked for a list of cases that Enforcement need to look at this will be submitted.

A dental petition organised by Selanie Saxby MP was in the shop which many people signed; this has now been submitted.


6. Finance,                                                                                                                                                   

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                              


Cambridge and Counties Building Society



NDC dog bins



Burrington Parish Hall



M Baker grass cutting



J Brown Tree Care



KJ Refrigeration



i. The goal posts on the MUGA need replacing. The Estate Manager at Chulmleigh College has been contacted and they do have plastic posts, but Cllr Short has assessed the posts and repaired the existing ones for the time being.


7. Planning                                                                                                               



Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington





Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten



 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Prior approval for the change of use of agricultural barn to dwelling at Bouchland Farm Burrington



Retrospective application to regularise the works for the erection of an ancillary unit at Northcote Workshop Burrington



Demolition of two agricultural buildings and erection of two new dwellings (fall back to Class Q 75205 and 74299) and proposed conversion of grade two listed agricultural building to dwelling together with associated works at Golland Farm Burrington



Change of use of land & erection of 3 holiday lodges at Week Parks High Bickington



Land East of Kingsland Appeal APP/X1118/W/23/3319545



 i. 76399 is an amended application, Cllr Davies reported highways have recommended refusal.


9. Parish Hall report. No report.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report.


11. Correspondence                                                    

i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

ii. Emails have been received from Citizens Advice Bureau and the Records Office asking for donations, these will be discussed at the next meeting.

iii. The hedge along the footpath of the village green is over grown, Cllr Short is to ask the owner to cut it back.


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 28th November 2023 7.30pm

                                                          Budget meeting


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date



Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 23rd January 2024 7.30pm COUNCIL MEETING to be agreed





 Parish Council Meeting held on the 26th September 2023


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr K Pincombe Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Dr S Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk) 

In attendance

Apologies Mr P Smale Cllr P Henderson County Councillor Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 29th August were agreed and signed.  


2. Clerk’s report

i. The Wicksteed inspection on the play equipment has been arranged.

ii. The grass cutting tender is due for the 2024 season, a notice has been posted in the Parish magazine.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. The wording on the obelisk will read “To commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III 6th May 2023”, a quote has been received from Richard Grant memorials but it was felt a further quote was required before the work can be authorised so Mr A Gist is to be contacted. It was raised a Community Support grant could possibly be claimed for this work.

ii. The tree on the corner of the Green, two quotes have been obtained, following discussion it was agreed to accept the quote from James Brown for £230, to prune, chip and remove the debris, all in favour.

It was raised regarding the long-term aspirations for the field, no building can take place for 10 years after purchase. Dog walking facility and a wild flower site were discussed, S106 money may become available in due course for projects such as this.


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.

ii. Bouchland Lane, it appears the lane is no longer a public right of way, as at the farm end access to the lane is no longer available. This appears to have been agreed at DCC level. The sign on the A377 still says no vehicular access but the owner of the field is still gaining access via this route. Sargent Robert Brown who has been looking into this for the parish council is to be contacted for an update.

The verge ploughing for Bircham Hill needs to be arranged as the grant has been received, Mr Mock is to be asked when he is cutting his hedges so the ploughing out can be undertaken right after to give the most efficient outcome                                                                                                                                                         It was highlighted that an email was received back in February regarding the enquiry made for the gritting route to be extended from Pound Close to Red Post due to the number of cars stuck last year at Townbridge, the response at the time in February was this would be reviewed during the summer.

An email is to be sent asking if the review has been carried out.

5. County and District Councillors items

At the same time an email was sent asking for a mirror at the junction of Pickard’s and the road to give better visibility, this was declined, but Cllr Henderson is to be asked if he can help with this.


6. Finance,                                                                                                                                                   

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                              


Clerk’s salary



Office expenses


i., Investment for the Scottish Widows account, an application form has been obtained for the Cambridge and Counties which is offering 5%, it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Fraser-Smith to

proceed with the application, the Scottish Widows account stands at £8010.34 the new account has to be opened with £10,000, all in favour to open the account with £10,000.

ii. The goal posts on the MUGA need replacing quotes will be obtained, further investigation as to the best buy is to be carried out. The Estate Manager at Chulmleigh College is to be asked for advice.


7. Planning                                                                                                               



Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington





Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten



 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Prior approval for the change of use of agricultural barn to dwelling at Bouchland Farm Burrington



Retrospective application to regularise the works for the erection of an ancillary unit at Northcote Workshop Burrington

No objections



 i. 76399 is an amended application, re siting the holiday cabin, this was discussed, the question was asked why is the amended application including vehicular access when the existing business ethos has no vehicular access to the existing holiday cabin, so this amended application is not in keeping with the existing business and also the proposed vehicular access is very dangerous with no visibility, highways need to be highlighted to the fact. The Parsih Council are not against the application but against the siting of the cabin and the vehicular access.



9. Parish Hall report. No report.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                          

i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

The seat at Forches Cross, one of the struts is broken, wood has been obtained Cllr Bailey is kindly going to fix it.

The Kings Coronation tree on Bircham Hill is doing well with the commemorative plaque in place, Mr Victor Mock for his 100th Birthday celebrations planted the tree. This will be put in the Parish magazine.


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 31st October 2023 7.30pm


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date



Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 28th November 2023 7.30pm COUNCIL MEETING








 Parish Council Meeting held on the 29th August  2023




Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr K Pincombe Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr P Smale Dr S Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)   


In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor Cllr K Davies District Councillor






Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,


including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be


considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent


activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.




Public Participation




1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 25th July were agreed and signed.  




2. Clerk’s report


i. The Wicksteed inspection on the play equipment is due, an email has been received, this was agreed by all to go ahead and book the inspection.


ii. There has been a request from Bodgar House, “We have just been given a trailer tent. All we need is somewhere to store it... Would the PC object if we pushed it into our front garden via the double gates by the bus shelter?


After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Bailey to agree to the request, so long as permission is requested each time.




3. Chairman’s Report  


i. The wording on the obelisk will read “To commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III 6th May 2023”, information has been obtained from Richard Grant Memorials, after discussion it was agreed to have an engraving of one of the clear sides, a quote is to be obtained and the work authorised.


ii. The tree on the corner of the Green is getting too big for the situation it is in, so two quotes are to be obtained to look at pruning the tree and lifting the canopy.




4. Highways.


i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.


ii. Bouchland Lane, an email has been received from Sargent Robert Brown with an update” I attended the location last week and did a few little trips up and down the road to assess the risk. It is a nasty road and a number of the junctions on that stretch are certainly a cause for concern. When we visited last week, I managed to obtain the registration of the vehicle that was parked behind the gate at the time, checks have revealed it’s not a local keeper so I will have to revisit again to try and speak with them personally to see what is occurring.


 I did reattend the other day, there was no vehicle present so therefore that was of little use…but I will keep trying. Once I have managed to speak with them, I will then look to further update you all however I am going onto Rest days/Annual leave over the next week.” The DCC (Road past Bouchland Farm, Burrington) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles) Order 2012, has been circulated to councillors and Sargent Brown. Discussion took place, regarding the fact that the lane is blocked from the north, the land owner cannot access his field and the that in planning 77348 two parking spaces have been proposed on the lane, when it is still technically open to other forms of transport. Cllr Davies is to look at planning 77348.






There has been a huge number of lorries bringing spoil from the Link Road to Bouchland for a planned menage, it appears there is a CLAR agreement in place for the movements, but the number of lorries, the


chaos, the stress these prolonged lorry movements which are in the region of 40 a day on the very narrow roads is causing is significant, there has been numerous complaints. Cllr Davies and Cllr Henderson have been looking at the problem Cllr Davies is to carry out a site visit the day after the meeting.


Damage to the roads, verges and hedges by these prolonged lorry movements is the responsibility of highways but they can claim against the contractor so the cost will not come from the public purse.




5. County and District Councillors items


Cllr Henderson was enquiring about the strength of Broadband in the parish as the latest government phase is coming to an end, and moving onto the next phase “gigabit”, so Cllr Henderson was asking for residents to contact him to ascertain the broadband connection in the parish, from information received the government will decide on the next step to who is going to get better broadband connection.


The consultation on the Mobile Library Service has been called in likewise the Health Centre Links Service, they are also rethinking and reviewing the Homeless grants for the YMCA.


Following the latest OFSTED on children’s services, there has been all new heads of departments.


Please keep reporting pot holes, to push for more work to be carried out. There has been very little resurfacing undertaken in the Chulmleigh and Lankey District in the last 12 years, so Cllr Henderson has asked for residents to report to him if any stretches of road are really bad, so they can be assessed for work to be carried out on them.


Cllr Davies reported.


North Devon+ launches Government's Rural England Prosperity Fund support schemes


A new round of business and community support grants has been announced by North Devon+, the region’s economic delivery partner for both North Devon and Torridge District Councils.

Grants ranging from £2,000 to £25,000 to support rural jobs and improve local facilities are now available. The Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) grants will be funded by both local authorities through central government's wider UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKPSF) as part of the levelling up agenda.

New Changing Places toilet opens in Barnstaple town centre


A new toilet for people with complex disabilities has opened in Barnstaple town centre.

A new Changing Places toilet has been installed in Green Lanes Shopping Centre near the existing toilet facilities. It is one of three new Changing Places facilities to open across North Devon alongside toilets at Parkdean Resorts and Arlington Court.

The Environmental Enhancement Bulletin has been circulated via the parish email. If anyone would like to renew their green bins, please register online.

The Review of the Public Spaces Protection Order for Dogs was circulated and commented on, dogs in public areas should now be on a shorter lead, the signage should be red for no dogs, orange for dogs on leads and green for dogs allowed, it was discussed to ask Cllr Davies for a new dog bin with the grant money he has offered this year.   




6. Finance,                                                                                                                                                   


Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                              



Clerk’s salary



i., Investment for the Scottish Widows account, Lloyds Bank does not seem an option, but Cllr Bailey suggested Cambridge and Counties which is offering 5%, this will be looked into.


ii. The goal posts on the MUGA need replacing quotes will be obtained.  




7. Planning                                                                                                              




Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington





Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten



 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Prior approval for the change of use of agricultural barn to dwelling at Bouchland Farm Burrington



Retrospective application to regularise the works for the erection of an ancillary unit at Northcote Workshop Burrington

No objections




 9. Parish Hall report. No report.





10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report.




11. Correspondence                                                                                                   

 i. DALC newsletter is circulated.


ii. The Hedgehog Highways Project information was circulated.






The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 26th September 2023 7.30pm








…………………………Chairman …………………………Date







Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 31st October 2023 7.30pm COUNCIL MEETING



                           BURRINGTON PARISH COUNCIL

 Parish Council Meeting held on the 25th July 2023


Present Mr K Pincombe (Chairman) Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr P Smale Dr S Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)    

In attendance

Apologies Mr J Short Cllr P Henderson County Councillor Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 27th June were agreed and signed.  


2. Clerk’s report

i. The public convenience sign has been mended for the final time, it will have to be a new one next time, thank you to Cllr Bailey.

ii. Installing CCTV in the middle of the village has been investigated, the cost would be in the region of £1000 for two cameras, someone would have to be responsible to manage the equipment, it does not work off solar so an electricity supply would be required. After discussion it was concluded there is not a convenient electricity supply to connect into, so at present no further action is to be taken.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. The plaque for the Coronation tree on Bircham hill has been erected. It was agreed the wording on the obelisk will read “To commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III 6th May 2023”, a quote is to obtained from Richard Grant Memorials.


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.

ii. Bouchland Lane, letters have been sent to Slanie Saxby MP and the police, Sargent Robert Brown both have acknowledged the letters but no replies as yet.

                                                                                                             5. County and District Councillors items

Cllr Henderson was not in attendance but a report was forwarded to include DCC Budget remained in the black in the last financial year despite rapidly rising demand for its services and soaring inflation, OFSTED inspectors say that there are improvements within children’s services, but there is more to do, free activities and meals available to eligible children over the summer holidays, funding will help many different groups  as cost of living remains high and the mobile library service consultation has ended. The full report has been forwarded on the Parish email.

DCC grants the Parish Council are to express an interest in the defibrillator grant that is to be offered, in the 10 years the Parish defibrillator has been used 7 times over the life of the two defibrillators


6. Finance,                                                                                                                                                    767                                                                                                                       

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                              


NDC Dog bins



WH Buckingham



Burrington Parish Hall



AUK Supplies



West Aylescott Farming postage


i., Investment for the Scottish Widows account as yet no definitive answer has been received from Lloyds as to whether the Parish Council can invest in their bonds as the Parish Council does not bank with Lloyds, further investigation is to be carried out.

ii. Toilet grant, from telephone conversations had this is definitely authorised but as yet is not confirmed to be in the Parish Council account.

iii. A validation form from CAF bank has been received this will be completed and returned.


7. Planning                                                                                                               



Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington





Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten



 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Erection of agricultural storage building

 Land at Burrington Devon E,263124 N,115768



Prior approval for the change of use of agricultural barn to dwelling at Bouchland Farm Burrington












77348 application was discussed regarding the lane, footpath, access to the lane etc it was agreed to reply “the Parish Council has no objections to the application but it should be noted the two appropriated parking spaces are on a designated highway therefore blocking the highway.”

This was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Bailey, all in favour with Cllr Bonner abstaining.


9. Parish Hall report. No report.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                                                                    i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

The church clock is scheduled to be serviced in September by the Cumbria Clock Company.



The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 29th August 2023 7.30pm




…………………………Chairman …………………………Date





Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 26th September 2023 7.30pm COUNCIL MEETING





 Parish Council Meeting held on the 23rd May 2023


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson Mr K Pincombe Mr P Smale Dr S Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)        

In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Mr A. Bonner Mr Alan Fraser-Smith and Mr Alan Fraser-Smith


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd May were agreed and signed.  


2. Clerk’s report

i. The Annual Report has been complied as many as possible will be distributed to councillors to deliver; the remainder will be posted. All households on the electoral role will receive a copy.



4. Chairman’s Report  

i. The plaque for the Coronation tree on Bircham hill has been purchased it will be put in place in due course. The inscription for the Kings Coronation to be put on the obelisk was discussed it was agreed to source some quotes for the work, before committing to the project.

Cllr Short informed the meeting there is an official Beacon lighting in June 2024 to commemorate 80 years since the D Day landings.


5. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.

ii. Bouchland Lane, the discussion has taken place with Richard Sables who declined to go to the site so the meeting was held in the hall carpark. In attendance was Richard Sables, Cllr Short, Cllr Bailey and Cllr Pincombe, the conclusion seemed to be nobody is prepared to do anything, the council has no statutory powers that would make the juncture a police matter. The response letter is to be “this junction has been closed to vehicular access for some years following a court case with Green Lane protesters who lost the case due to the danger of the junction. The junction is on a very fast stretch of road with no visibility, the land off from the junction has been sold the purchaser is now using the junction to access his land, a gate was erected baring access. A meeting after much cajoling was held with Richard Sables the Highway Superintendent for the area but not on site as Mr Sables felt it was too dangerous.  

The gate is set back from the road with a sign saying no vehicular access, it is thought the previous owner situated the gate which is chained and padlocked, Mr. Sables asked if it was situated in the correct place, there is now a gap in the hedge between the road and the gate to access the field, part of a Devon bank has been removed. It was felt following the meeting there are no resources and nobody is prepared to enforce anything. It was noted there needs to be at least two deaths before any action will be taken. It was noted if there was an accident the Parish Council has done its best to get the authorities to examine the situation in an effort to prevent an accident. Photos have been taken of the situation which will be retained. An effort is to be made to identify the owner of the field.



Please can this be looked into before an accident does happen.” As, a conclusion it was agreed to send a letter to Selaine Saxby MP and the Police.


6. County and District Councillors items

Cllr Henderson was not in attendance and no report was given.

Cllr Davies reported that the Ilfracombe Water Sports Centre is opening in a few weeks, support was given from central Government for the project. Cllr Davies has seen the Parish Council response to planning 77117 and it has been noted. Any cases requiring enforcement he has asked to be forwarded to him, then Cllr Davies will raise with the Leader of the Council and Head of planning, the more complaints to an issue the more likely to get a result.


7. Finance,                                                                                                                           

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                       


Clerk’s salary



Office expenses






Bethesda Graveyard Trust



Old Gospel Hall



Rent for MUGA



Transfer to hall lights



West of England Fire Protection



Defib Sales and Training LTD


i., Investment advice from Mr Andrew Coats from South Molton Council has been sought, South Molton town council invest £1.7m in Lloyds bonds at a rate of 4% the council also bank with Lloyds. This is to be looked into, Scottish widows are presently paying 1.09%.

iii. Toilet grant

iv. Agree and sign the Annual Governance Statement

v. Agree and sign the Accounting Statement

vii. Sign the Exemption form, it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Benson to accept all three, all in favour.

viii. Fixed Asset Report, it was agreed the Beacon was missing this will be added at a cost of £3000 to replace and make the Insurance company aware. A Public convenience sign is to purchased, to replace the old one at the entrance to Twitchen Lane in the village.


8. Planning                                                                                            



Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington





Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten



 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Erection of agricultural storage building

 Land at Burrington Devon E,263124 N,115768



 9. Parish Hall report. No report.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report                                  765

11. Correspondence                                                                                                                               i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

An email has been received regarding the large lorries visiting Pickard’s and the damage that sometimes occurs, in the email CCTV was highlighted among other things, CCTV will be looked into regarding the legal implications etc. After discussion it was agreed to make the existing signs more prominent in an effort to solve the problem.

Cllr Benson was pleased to inform the meeting that the Church Faculty has approved works for the Church improvements and alterations.


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 25th July 2023 7.30pm




…………………………Chairman …………………………Date





Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 29th August 2023 7.30pm COUNCIL MEETING







 Parish Council Meeting held on the 23rd May 2023


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson Mr K Pincombe Mr P Smale Dr S Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk) 

In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Mr A. Bonner


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


The Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms were completed, likewise the Register of Interest forms



Election of Officers

Election of Officers the clerk asked for nominations for the post of chairman, it was proposed by Cllr Smale to re-elect Cllr Short as Chairman seconded by Cllr Benson, all were unanimously in favour. Cllr John Short was duly elected as chairman.  

The Chairman asked for nominations for the post of vice chairman Cllr Pincombe was proposed as Vice Chairman by Cllr Bailey seconded by Cllr Smale, unanimously all in favour; Cllr K Pincombe was duly re-elected as Vice Chairman.

Representatives from the Parish Council on the Parish Hall committee, Cllr P Bailey and Cllr Wooldridge were appointed as the Parish council’s representatives.

Bethesda Graveyard Trust representative, Cllr John Short and Cllr Bailey were nominated as the representatives.

Snow Warden, Cllr Short accepted the role.


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd April were agreed and signed.  


2. Clerk’s report

i. The bus shelter and the Square, the work has commenced with workers from the probation service, the number of workers varying from week to week, the first visit was one worker with a supervisor, but subsequent weeks there has been more, the bus shelter has been power washed and painted the Parish council has to supply all materials, the slates will be replaced in due course. The Square has been weeded and is looking in good order, a thank you will be sent. If there are any other projects to be undertaken a request can be made again.


ii. Kings Coronation, 6th May, the celebrations went very well with good attendance at the coronation lunch and Beacon Lighting, the weather on the Monday meant the tea was in the Church but still very well attended. It was discussed to consider adding an inscription on the Queen Victoria Obelisk this is to be looked into. An Oak tree was planted by Mr Victor Mock, in his 100th year, to commemorate the occasion and the Coronation, the tree is situated by the seat on Bircham Hill a plaque will be supplied by the Parish Council. Mr Gordon Shorts tree commemorating the Queens Platinum jubilee is well out in leaf and doing well.




4. Chairman’s Report  


5. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.

ii. Bouchland Lane, the Parish Council are still wating for a visit, Cllr Henderson spoke to Richard Sables’s superior in an endeavour to get the visit undertaken but there have been issues, but it is hoped to carry out the visit soon.

It was highlighted the number of road closure signs; that are being put up by often by Airband as a utility company they are able to close roads. Cllr Henderson confirmed “It is a universal requirement that a road has to be closed when road works are being carried out if there is not a total road width available of 4.5m for traffic to safely pass around any obstruction.”


6. County and District Councillors items

Cllr Henderson reported the new chief Executive Donna Manson, is carrying out   a compete review of all services at DCC, looking at every department to make sure every department is cost effective and undertaking best practice, all are under scrutiny. It is anticipated to have a slimmed down better run council. Donna Manson is very experienced in Childrens services, which takes a very large part of DCC budget.   

Cllr Davies has been elected Chairman of the Planning Committee, the new leader at North Devon Council is Mr Ian Rowe, with Mr David Worden as Deputy Leader, the full committee are on the website. Community Councillor grants are open for applications again. The S106 Recreation element on the Bedport planning is £13,897 this availability to the community is triggered by the occupancy of the second property.

“No Mow May”, comes to an end at the end of May but it was an endeavour to let wild flowers grow, the Parish Council are to consider this on the field for next year. The County Council have been and cut many visibility splays but not all. E scooters are being trailed in Barnstaple through zip mobility, a person has to be 16 with a provisional licence, one has to use your phone to download the app, this only lets the driver go on permitted routes. North Devon and Torridge have produced there 5year housing plan, North Devon has 5.9 year housing supply. There is Code of conduct Training, 5th June 6.00pm via Teams if anyone would like to attend.


7. Finance,                                                                                                                           

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                       


Clerk’s salary



Community first


i.The Skipton Building society withdrew the community account which was going to be applied for, Cllr Henderson suggested asking Mr Andrew Coats from South Molton Council for investment advice.  


8. Planning                                                                                            



Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington





Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten



 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Erection of agricultural shed, Cross Park Farm, Burrington



Erection of agricultural storage building

 Land at Burrington Devon E,263124 N,115768

Recommend refusal














i.                 This application was discussed it was felt is the building required, is there a need, none was shown in the application, the owners live within the parish with land, why not apply close to their home site when security and ease of use would be more advantageous. It was proposed by Cllr Short seconded by Cllr Bailey to respond questioning the need and to comment no need had been demonstrated, the motion was passed with Cllr P Smale abstaining.  



9. Parish Hall report. The toilet grant from the Parish Council has been authorised.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                                               i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

Items to be added to the Annual Report, the requirement of owners to cut their hedges. As there has been little interest in the allotments, the suggestion was garden share for those people with large gardens to share with someone to work the garden and share the produce. The mobile library is looking at alternatives, but in the church, there is a large selection of books to share.


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 27th June 2023 7.30pm




…………………………Chairman …………………………Date



Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 25th July 2023 7.30pm COUNCIL MEETING
















Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held  on Tuesday 25th April 2023

at 7.00 p.m.                               


Present:      Mr.J Short (in the Chair), Mr A Fraser-Smith, Mr P Bailey, Mr A Bonner Mrs G Benson, : Mr K Pincombe Mr S Smale Mr J Woolridge & Mrs A Snell (clerk)

In Attendance Cllr K Davies (District Councillor) and 5 members of the public

Apologies Mr P Smale and Cllr P Henderson (County Council)

1. The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th April 2022 were agreed and signed.                                          

2. Chairman’s Report

Cllr Short welcomed everyone to the meeting, reporting on the year Simon Smale was welcomed onto the Parish Council in May, we have a full council put up for the nominations for the Parish Council May elections in May which will mean no election. The Platinum Jubilee Celebrations were held in June for Queen Elizabth II a good time was had for the Beacon lighting and tree planting along with the tea in the hall. In relation to the tree planting as the longest serving councillor, the Parish Council would like to pay tribute to Gordon Short who became chairman of the Parish Council in 1973 and continued for over thirty years, Gordon always planned for the future and was determined that Burrington was ahead and well prepared for the future. He was determined to be part of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations and will be remembered for providing and planting a copper beech at Forches Cross, just by the Beacon.  As a past Chairman Gordon gave instructions to the current chairman to “make sure the tree is kept watered!”. Also: a joint service was held in the Church. Many thanks to all those who have helped with all the various events that were held. We have had a change in personnel who post on the website, thank you to Tracy Ford for all her past services, it is now the clerk Angela Snell, so if you want anything posted please forward to Angela, likewise the email, thank you again to Tracy, the contacts are now Pauline Down who has helped Tracy in the past and Fiona Coxell, thank you for all their efforts, likewise Carol Poulton as editor of the Parish magazine. Thank you to my fellow councillors for their continued work and the clerk.

3. Financial Report -These were made available to the meeting.

a) It was proposed by Mr G Short, seconded by Mr L Parker and agreed, that the Parish Council grants £60 donation to be made to Church for electricity used by public light.
£175 donation to be made to the Parish Hall for electricity used by lights,

£300 Grant to the Burrington Church Buildings Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£100 Grant to the Bethesda Graveyard Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£50 Grant to the Old Gospel Hall for maintenance of the graveyard. All in agreement.

It was commented to raise these figures by a suggested 5%, this will be considered when agreeing the precept.

The NDC toilet grant is no longer being granted by the District Council, the proposal from the previous Parish Council meeting was that the PC would grant the Hall £500 from the precept to cover the lose of grant, it was commented lots of people use the toilets and they are very much appreciated, the hall committee are willing to make up the cost difference, it was agreed by the meeting to put forward this resolution. The toilet sign opposite the hall has deteriorated, it was agreed by all to purchase a new sign.

Mr Les Parker thanked the Parish Council for their continued support of £50 towards the maintenance of the Old Gospel Hall graveyard.

4). Chairman of the Parish Hall Committee

i. The Multi Use Games area agreement was signed, all in agreement. ii. It was agreed for the Parish Council to put aside £1500 for use by the hall if required in this year. I am pleased to report a successful year for the Hall. The Social Fundraising events organised by the Hall, that have taken place this past year, have again been very successful. Thanks to the organisers and helpers of these events. The scheduled repainting of parts of the building have been undertaken, with the Club end, Kitchen and Foyer walls and doors being done this year. Thank you to the Cleaners for keeping the hall in a clean and tidy state ready for bookings to take place. Thank you to all the committee for attending the meetings during the year, I would like to thank all the officers, the Secretary, and the Booking Secretary for all the extra work that they put in over and above attending the meetings. We have a few events planned for the coming months Bingos, Christmas Fayre and on the 7th October another Evening with Johnny Cowling (Comedian). Ticket only more details to follow. The committee are pleased to confirm they will not be requiring any top up from the fund held on their behalf by the Parish Council this year.

5) Report from the Burrington Church Buildings Trust, and Friends of Holy Trinity

The Church Buildings Trust report was given by Stuart Holton he would like to report that Burrington Church Building Trust continue to support the PCC with the upkeep of Holy Trinity Church. The Trust continue to fund the upkeep of the Churchyard at a cost of £1,480 per year and would welcome any support the Parish Council and North Devon District Council are able to provide. The Churchyard is a public place and any person of any religion has a right to be buried there and we would respectfully ask that it be considered along with the other graveyards in the parish for continued support. Gill Benson is currently planning to develop the rear of the Church improving the kitchen area and would like to install a toilet the Trust has agreed to offer financial support to enable the PCC to apply for grants towards the cost of the alterations. We look forward to your continued support. Mr Holton also raised further issues regarding road deterioration in the parish, the proposed Lengthmans scheme that Cllr Henderson has suggested, the continuation of traffic light on the A377 from Kingford to Umberleigh. The District Council policies including the purchasing of Green Lanes shopping centre were highlighted among other things

Report from Burrington church PCC, the PCC continue to offer a warm welcome to everyone at the regular services at Holy Trinity Church. The Church is open most days. The main door from the porch into the Church can be hard to open. If you are unable to access the Church contact numbers for key holders are available in the notice board by the Church Gate. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who support our regular social gatherings, including Coffee Mornings, Soup Lunches and Cream teas. Unless otherwise specified any monies raised is used towards maintaining and running the Church or put aside for the hoped for work to install accessible w.c. at the rear of the Church and improved kitchenette and social facilities. In addition to our regular events we would like to thank Liz and Bryan Griffiths for putting on a brilliant Quiz earlier this year and hope they will be kind enough to do so again next year. We would also like to say thank you to everyone who has provided soup for the soup lunches or put on events such as Bingo in aid of the Church and to Peter for the Easter Egg Hunt at our recent Coffee Morning. Future events - 7th May 10.30am Coronation Commemoration Service, 8th May 3pm Cream Tea in the Church / Churchyard, 21st May 3pm Cream Tea including a plant stall which we are holding for the 2nd time after a very successful event last year. Cream Teas are held every 3rd week during the summer months. 12th August BBQ in the Churchyard, last year’s being cancelled due to the extreme heat. 17th September Parish Church Harvest Festival service and supper, 12th November Parish Remembrance Sunday Service, December Carols around the Oak Tree in the village square. And a possible Burns Night Celebration in 2024.

Plans to install an accessible w.c. in the rear of the Church plus an improved kitchenette and social area. We are pleased to say that we are now one step away from getting approval, and checking daily to see if the ‘Chancellor’ has given his approval. Once received, hopefully some changes will occur fairly quickly, whilst others will take longer. To carry out the planned work we will need to apply for and obtain Grant funding. Finally, we would like to thank Holy Trinity Building Trust whose remit is to assist in maintaining the Church and Friends of Holy Trinity whose remit is to assist with the payment of Insurance costs and Utility bills. Their ongoing support is much appreciated. However, their finances are limited. If anyone would like to get involved with any of our planned events or the work being planned in the Church please contact, Gill Benson or any PCC member or just come along. Everyone is welcome. Report given by Gill Benson.

Report from the Friends of Burrington. The Friends are now in their fifteenth year helping to generate and administer an income stream to supplement the Church expenses which are the responsibility of the Parochial Church Council (PCC). Any funds generated by The Friends are used to support the running costs of the Church itself, thus allowing The Friends to provide support in paying bills such as utilities (electricity, water, heating etc), cleaning and insurance premiums which are necessary for the ongoing operation of the Church. We have had a fairly quiet year but are holding funds to help the PCC with future running costs as and when they are requested by the PCC. We wish the PCC well in their plans to develop the kitchen area at the rear of the Church and we are in strong position to help with running costs during this period. We will be seeking to reinvigorate our small committee during the course of this year as we approach our AGM in the Autumn and would welcome any offers of help to ensure the continued smooth running of the Friends of Holy Trinity. Report given by Alan Fraser-Smith.

6). The Community Shop, September 2022 marked the 7th anniversary of the opening of the Burrington Community Shop. We lost 2 members of the Committee this year but gained 3 new members – Phil Brough who has taken over responsibility for the bread orders from Colin, Barry Page and Sue Bailey. Jack Earnshaw has stood down as Chairman of the Committee and has been replaced by Phil Brough, although Jack remains a committee member. Sue is currently organising a short survey to be sent to all parish households to find out more about how the shop can meet the community’s needs. The shop is being well used. We are pleased to see that the increase in sales which started during the Covid lockdowns has been maintained as new customers stayed with us. Our sales are now averaging over £5000 a month. The cost-of-living crisis is being felt by the shop the same as everywhere else. The cost of our stock is increasing almost weekly. As much as possible we have tried to absorb these increases, but inevitably many prices have had to be increased. Because of the success of the shop over the last three years we are trying to reduce the mark up on many product lines. As a Community Shop we are a “not for profit” company that uses its excess income to support the community. We consider that reducing prices as much as possible is one of the best ways of meeting that obligation. Our treasurer is currently drafting our budget for the forthcoming year and as part of that we will be negotiating the fee that we pay to Pickard’s for hosting the community shop. The finances of the shop are finely balanced and we will endeavour to continue to work to provide an affordable and viable service to the community whilst meeting our financial obligations. I would like to thank all our volunteers, too many to name here, who take a huge load off the committee, and also to thanks the members of the committee for their hard work and support during the year. Without their work there wouldn’t be a shop in the village. Additionally, a huge thank you to Molly and Faye in the shop who provide such a friendly and helpful front for the shop. Report given by Me Phil Brough.

.7. County and District Councillors items, Cllr Henderson reported he has had strong words with Richard Sables about meeting the PC to discuss the outstanding issues, of Bouchland Lane and access onto the A377, he has now agreed that he will come out so expect an email from him shortly with some suggested dates so that anyone who wants to attend can attend. Highways – the news isn’t good I’m afraid. In a nutshell both A and B roads will become the main focus with all other roads including unclassified only receiving minimal attention. There is no budget and the language used for this is ‘managed decline’. Without a significant investment from central government this situation is unlikely to change. I would urge the continued reporting of all potholes/defects though and if there are any really pressing issues that are not being addressed, then please bring them to my attention. Mobile Library Service – with DCC having to identify additional budget savings, the provision of the mobile library service has been under consultation (this is DCC and Libraries Unltd) and is likely to cease owing to the fact that the vehicles used at present are more or less at end of life with no monies available for replacements. Not sure if Burrington is visited but my guess is it probably is. The consultation runs until the end of May so if people wish to comment, they can visit devon.gov.uk

Cllr Davies reported once again it has been a pleasure to act as your District Councillor over the past year and I have continued to attend as many meetings as possible reporting and providing updates on both local and wider issues as well as answering questions as best I can. As I reported last month one of NDCs most recent challenges has been to bridge the £2m budget gap and I am pleased to say this has been achieved without cuts to front line services. The council is working to be become financially sustainable and as part of the commercialisation strategy purchased Green Lanes Shopping Centre in Barnstable. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to acquire this strategic asset and compliments other significant regeneration improvements being delivered within Barnstaple town centre through the Future High Street project. I am pleased to say that there was a positive return for the Council for the four and half month’s ownership in the 2021-22 year of £243,600. Furthermore; the draft budget for the current 2022-23 year shows a net return to NDC of £343,530 and the actual financial performance for the Green Lanes Shopping Centre is in line with the budgeted position. Various repairs and upgrades were known and costed at the time of purchase and are taken into account. The improvements to the Market Quarter, the Panier Market and Queen Street/ Bear Street car park are progressing (approximately £6.5m secured from the Future High Street Fund) with planning/ listed building applications approved and work currently ongoing in the Panier Market. The new Tarka Leisure centre in Barnstaple was completed and officially opened in June 2022 by British Olympics hero Eddie ‘the eagle’ Edwards. The centre is owned by NDC and run by Lex Leisure under a 20-year lease contract. The project was part grant funded, including £1.5m from the Coastal Communities Fund and £1.8m from the National Lottery via the Sport England Strategic Facilities Fund. The Ilfracombe Watersports Centre is due to complete shortly and will include community facilities (including boat storage, slipway and café) and provide new homes for three local watersports clubs, Ilfracombe Pilot Gig Club, Y-Sail and Ilfracombe Canoe Club. There are other positives to note and these include – planting 25,000 trees to enhance the environment at Yeo Valley Woodland in Barnstaple; bringing back empty homes into occupation; the Outreach team making our town streets safer and housing the homeless; assisting refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine; launching of the ‘Flourishing Culture’ strategy with support from Arts Council England. The council is constrained by a backdrop of reduced funding in real terms but has managed to set balanced budgets each year. We continue to face financial challenges made worse by unfair funding and we will continue to challenge for levelling up funds. I am pleased to say I received only one noise complaint concerning Eaglescott. You will be aware that Section 106 contributions will be due from Cross Park Farm and also Bedport Farm approvals. I have continued to support projects eligible under the Community Councillor Grants scheme.

Regarding the roads especially pot hole problems it was raised could the road up Bircham Hill be reclassified as a B road also highlighted the gritting route into the village which is up Bicham Hill, at present finishing at Pound close there has been a request form the Parish council for the finish to be at Red Post to avoid the problems at Townbridge. There was a suggestion that there should be a well-maintained route to every village. Pot holes are now identified by “what three words”. It was commented that the process of maintaining roads and pot holes needs to be addressed and the work process improved. It was suggested to write to the MP Selaine Saxby regarding the state of the roads highlighting pot holes.

There is money from DCC to train Road Wardens at present with that scheme the PC has to purchase any materials then be reimbursed. The suggestion from the floor was an amount could be set aside from the precept for minor road repairs but this was felt to be very difficult to manage.

8. Allotments, there has been a leaflet drop in the village along with notices on the email and in the Parish magazine, but to date there are only two interested parties this is felt to be insufficient as an Allotment Association needs to be set up by those using it to run the venture, so at present this will not proceed.

It was also raised from the floor regarding individual property owner’s responsibility to cut their hedges and keep trees cut back on road frontages, as many seem to be not carrying out their responsibilities.

A note will be put in the Annual Report to be circulated to every household.

Cllr Henderson commented on the disbanding of the mobile library Cllr Benson said there are lots of books in the church that can be borrowed.

The Phone Box is listed but is still a usable telephone box.

9. The Annual Report will be circulated in June every parish organisation was invited to put forward information for inclusion as the Report will be delivered to every household.




…………………………. Chairman ……………………..……Date     



 Parish Council Meeting held on the 25th April 2023


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson Mr K Pincombe Mr A. Bonner Mr S Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk) 

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Mr P Smale Cllr P Henderson County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 28th March were agreed and signed.  


2. Adopt any resolutions brought forward at the Annual Parish Meeting, it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Fraser-Smith to adopt all the financial resolutions, included the Parish Council granting the hall £500 for the public toilets, all in favour                                       


3. Clerk’s report

i.The bus shelter, the work has commenced with workers from the probation service, it is going to be a slow job as they will only visit on a Friday, with the number of workers varying from week to week, the first visit was one worker with a supervisor, when they swept the Square, the sweepings were put up against the wall where Cllr Short removed them, at present they are scraping the roof. The Parish council has to supply everything, paint will be purchased for the bus shelter

ii.Kings Coronation, 6th May, it was discussed that councillors would like to light the Beacon so the Bacon is to be lite on Sunday the 7th please convene at 8.30pm to light at 9 o’clock. There is to be a joint service of the Chapel and Church on Sunday the 7th, followed by a lunch in the village Hall, catered for by Sarah Bonner and a Church Cream Tea on the Monday.

Please put bunting up around the village to help with the celebrations, an email has been circulated.


4. Chairman’s Report  

i. May Elections, there is no Parish Council election as 9 candidates put their names forward, but there is a District Council election with three candidates standing.


5. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.

The cutting of road hedges was raised at the Annual Parish meeting, it being the responsibility of the land owner to keep them cut, a note is to be put in the Annual Report highlighting this.


6. County and District Councillors items

Cllr Henderson reported he had strong words with Richard Sables about meeting the PC to discuss the outstanding issues. He has now agreed that he will come out so expect an email from him shortly with some suggested dates so that anyone who wants to attend can attend.

Highways – the news isn’t good I’m afraid. In a nutshell both A and B roads will become the main focus with all other roads including unclassified only receiving minimal attention. There is no budget and the language used for this is ‘managed decline’. Without a significant investment from central government this


situation is unlikely to change. I would urge the continued reporting of all potholes/defects though and if there are any really pressing issues that are not being addressed, then please bring them to my attention.

Mobile Library Service – with DCC having to identify additional budget savings, the provision of the mobile library service has been under consultation (this is DCC and Libraries Unltd) and is likely to cease owing to the fact that the vehicles used at present are more or less at end of life with no monies available for replacements. Not sure if Burrington is visited but my guess is it probably is. The consultation runs until the end of May so if people wish to comment, they can visit devon.gov.uk. It was commented there are lots of books in Church for people to have.

Cllr Davies reported NDC took delivery of their first fully electric asset being an Eco City Sweeper 2. This will be used to help keep the streets of North Devon tidy and will be put into operation for the first time on Wednesday 26th April as part of the town-centre clean-up in Barnstaple. The decision to invest in the electric sweeper was driven by the council’s desire to reduce its carbon footprint and work towards zero emissions where ever possible. Please note that all waste and recycling collections in the week commencing Monday 1st May and Monday 8th May will take place one day later that week. Normal service will resume on Monday 15th May. Link here for more information: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/the-coronation-of-his-majesty-the-king/check-your-early-may-bank-holiday-bin-collection-dates/

North Devon’s ‘Right Royal Occasions’ free exhibition will be open at the Museum of Barnstaple from 22nd April to 8th July 2023. It will display documents from the North Devon Record Office alongside museum artefacts relating to coronations since Queen Anne in 1702. Link here for more information: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/news/community/2023/april/north-devons-right-royal-occasions-exhibition/#:~:text=18%20April%202023,22%20April%20to%208%20Ju


7. Finance,                                                                                                                           

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                       


DALC affiliation fee



Parish Hall


i.The balance of £8000 held in the Scottish Widows was discussed again, it was suggested to ask the Skipton Building Society for details of investment. Skipton have been asked and they are offering a Fixed Rate bond for 2years at 4%, with no withdrawals, after discussion it was proposed by Cllr Bonner seconded by Cllr Wooldridge to go for this account with the £8000, all in favour. Forms of ID need to be produced by the signatories and a minute reference:

“Permission is given for Burrington Parish Council to invest in the Skipton Building Society in the 2year Fixed Rate bond at an interest rate of 4%” all councillors in agreement.


8. Planning                                                                                            



Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington





Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten



 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Erection of agricultural shed, Cross Park Farm, Burrington










i.Cllr Wooldridge has been contacted by the applicant in relation to 76399 it seems highways have put in an objection; a fire engine would not be able to access the site. The PC are putting no further comments.

ii.The Bedport application for 4 dwellings has passed with an S106 agreement signed on this development, it is to ascertained what the Open Space contribution is to be and an application put forward.





9. Parish Hall report. Recently there has been a Hall Share meeting held at the hall, with over 20 halls represented, delegates were impressed with Burrington Parish Hall, Cllr Bailey said it was a very worthwhile meeting with a very informed representative form Devon Communities Together in attendance.


10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report.


11. Correspondence                                                                                                                               i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

The Church clock was discussed, Cllr Bailey has had a call regarding servicing from Smiths of Derby at a cost of £263 two days later he received another call with the quote at £268, Cllr Bailey enquired at Cumbria Clock Company with a quote for £195 plus VAT, the service has not been undertaken in 2 years, so it was proposed by Cllr Fraser-Smith seconded by Cllr Pincombe to accept the Cumbria Clock company quote, all in favour.


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 23rd May 2023 7.30pm




…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:    Tuesday 27th June 2023 7.30pm COUNCIL MEETING


Distribution of the Annual Report


Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held virtually on Tuesday 26th April 2022

at 7.00 p.m.                                725


Present:      Mr.J Short (in the Chair), Mr A Fraser-Smith, Mr P Bailey, Mr A Bonner Mrs G Benson, Mr P Smale Mr J Woolridge & Mrs A Snell (clerk)

In Attendance Cllr P Henderson (County Council) Cllr K Davies (District Councillor) and 7 members of the public

Apologies: Mr K Pincombe and Mr L Parker

1. The Minutes of the meeting held on 27th April 2021 were agreed and signed.                                          

2. Chairman’s Report

Cllr Short welcomed everyone to the meeting, Cllr Steve Aldridge has recently resigned from the Parish Council we thank him for all his work and contribution during his time on the council, there is now a vacancy so a co-option will take place. We started this year with zoom meetings but are now back to normal. In July 2021 the Parish Council finally completed on the purchase of the playing field, the night landing site mast and equipment to operate the light have been installed and are now operational, it is to be requested that anyone using the field to exercise their dogs to please pick up any mess because children will be using the area especially in the summer. The helicopter flying at Eaglescott seems to have subsided. The trailer has finally been removed from the Chapel car park and new rules drawn up to say vehicles must be of a road legal state to park there. The Barnstaple Inn has been sold Cllr Short has spoken to the new owners he has encountered a few problems but is still hoping to open in late autumn as a pub with food. Regarding pot holes the best way to report one seems to be online at devon.cc/report-it 

The development at Cross Park is still ongoing and evolving, the drainage was logged as a problem but now seems to be resolved to most people’s/agency’s satisfaction. The sewage is now to be connected to the mains sewage system; the route however is to be solely determined by SW Water if anyone has issues with this it can be seen on the NDC planning portal no 64051 the contact number to call is 08000831821. The Parish Council has purchased two unknown Tommys these where on display by the Oak tree at the last Remembrance Service.

Many thanks to Carole Poulton for her work with the Parish magazine. Tracy Ford and Pauline Down for the website and Parish email. I must thank my fellow Councillors for their support during the past year with a special mention of thanks to Angela for all the work she puts in as our Parish Clerk. And the County Councillor Paul Henderson and District Councillor Kevin Davies for their help and support.

3. Financial Report -These were made available to the meeting.

a) It was proposed by Mr G Short, seconded by Mr S Holton and agreed, that the Parish Council grants £60 donation to be made to Church for electricity used by public light.
£175 donation to be made to the Parish Hall for electricity used by lights,

£300 Grant to the Burrington Church Buildings Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£100 Grant to the Bethesda Graveyard Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£50 Grant to the Old Gospel Hall for maintenance of the graveyard. All in agreement.

With the increasing cost of electricity, the cost burden will be reviewed to ascertain if there are any significant changes for the Hall and Church.

4). Chairman of the Parish Hall Committee

i. The Multi Use Games area agreement was signed, all in agreement. ii. It was agreed for the Parish Council to put aside £1500 for use by the hall if required in this year. Mr G Short The year has nearly resumed to normality. Events in the hall are beginning to return. There have been Weddings, meetings and parties retuning. Fundraising events have taken place, these occasions are as important for the social get together as they are for the funds they raise. The maintenance of the building has been monitored throughout the year and is in good repair. The improvements in the gents’ toilets have been completed. Thank you to all the committee for attending meetings during the year, I would like to thank all the officers the Secretary the Booking Secretary for all the extra work that they put in over and above attending the meetings. Thank you to the Cleaners for keeping the hall in a clean and tidy state ready for bookings to take place. The Hall has been presented by the Gracey family a Portrait of Col. Gracey (which used to hang in the Northcote Manor). The Colonel gave the original Nissan Hut which was used as the hall. We have a few events planned for the coming months Bingos, Christmas Fayre and in August an Evening with




Johnny Cowling (Comedian) Ticket only more details to follow. The committee are pleased to confirm they will not be requiring any top up from the fund held on their behalf by the Parish Council this year.

5) Report from the Burrington Church Buildings Trust, and Friends of Holy Trinity

The Church Buildings Trust report was given by Stuart Holton not a lot has changed over the past 12 months there is now a fully functioning PCC, the Trust has given money towards the new boiler and maintaining the grave yard, some storm damage occurred over the winter months.  The BCBT continues to administer the funds       

The Friends of Holy Trinity are in their fourteenth year of helping to generate and administer an income stream to supplement the Church expenses which are the responsibility of the PCC. Any funds generated by the Friends are used to support the running costs of the Church itself, thus allowing the Friends to provide support in paying bills such as utilities cleaning and insurance premiums which are necessary for the ongoing operation of the Church.

Cllr Fraser-Smith (chairman) reported a good level of support from the members       have generated sufficient income through subscriptions and investments to help the PCC with a good proportion of their running costs. In the last financial year £1828 support was given. The Friends only exist because of the membership Cllr Fraser-Smith gave thanks to all those who have generously supported the Friends of Holy Trinity over the last year and hope for continued support in the future.

Reverend Clive Jobbins reported that the Church is now open every Sunday and enjoying slow but consistent growth, the new heating boiler is now installed and functioning thank you to the BCBT, Devon Historic Churches and individual donations. The next project is a WC at the back of the Church. The Monthly Coffee mornings are well attended taking place on the first Saturday of the month. Monthly soup lunches took place during the winter months which were well supported, thank you to Kay Elworthy and Sarah Bonner for providing the soup, it has now been decided to hold cream teas monthly, the next is the 8th May with a plant stall and raffle, after the great success of last years BBQ another one is planned for July. Thank you to Kay Elworthy and Sue Short for organising a bingo night in aid of the church, and Liz and Bryan Griffiths for the successful quiz night, Rev Clive would like to thank everyone who has been involved and for ongoing support, if anyone would like to be more involved, please contact the PCC or Rev Clive, finally with the closing of so many Churches’ Rev Clive is so glad that Burrington is to stay open.

6). The Community Shop, September 2021 marked the 6th anniversary of the opening of the Burrington Community Shop. There have been many changes over the course of those 6 years, the main ones which come to mind are: The relocation to larger premises; The additional of more chillers & freezers; Changes in counter personnel & volunteers; Most significant event (and indeed challenge) the arrival of Covid and the increase in demand for the Shop. However, what has remained relatively unchanged during this time in number terms is the core committee & volunteers & this has become the biggest challenge. The Shop continues to receive the support of Pickard’s staff & in recent times has benefited from settled continuity in Molly & Faye. Molly now helps out further in the shop as well as taking orders & Faye as well as serving on Molly’s day off is an important Pickard’s management point of contact. In terms of turnover, sales totalled almost £80k for the 2020/21 financial year to May 2021, that’s an increase of 41% on the previous year & Covid continues to be a factor in this rise we believe. The current monthly average of £6,650 compares with £3,900 per month in the last Covid free year, that’s 70% higher & apparently is not uncommon amongst Community Shops countrywide (source The Plunkett Foundation). Sales continue to remain strong in 2021/22, with the first half year showing an increase of 7% compared to 2020/21 at the same point. This continuing increase in sales has brought with it the possibility of a VAT registration requirement in the near future. Because of the increase administrative challenge registration would bring to our already stretched personnel, the Shop committee remain committed to non-registration, if at all possible, which regrettably but unavoidably may result in a reduction in the range of products available for sale. In terms of goods available, we remain committed to using Biodegradable/compostable or at best recyclable materials wherever possible & Colin has been instrumental in managing this. In premises terms we remain grateful to Pickard’s for maintaining their monthly rent charge at a modest level. We particularly acknowledge this financial gesture given the level of back-office support provided by them. With this in mind & with Molly now dedicating additional hours to shop matters we have invited Faye to re-assess Pickard’s charges in recognition. Shop hygiene is another challenge we have to meet & our search for a dedicated cleaner continues. In the meantime, the function is being covered at committee level. Turning to equipment, we added 1 additional upright freezer in 2020/21; replaced the ice cream freezer when the old unit’s repair proved uneconomic; replaced 1 chiller unit, with it’s predecessor relocated to the store for overflow storage. We now have a total of ten units, 5 chillers & 5 freezers. Even this area of operations brings it’s






challenges, particularly in the summer months with temperature issues during particularly hot spells. In terms of PR, there is now a dedicated YOUR COMMUNITY SHOP page in the parish

magazine, Jack is instrumental in managing our website & social media updates. The Parish Contacts List has been updated with our new location & our opening hours etc. We continue to push for more people to get involved with the Shop & maintain the desire to resurrect a public parish meeting on the Shop’s future, which was planned but postponed by the arrival of Covid. Regrettably & again principally as a result of Covid restrictions, we have been unable to hold our annual quiz in support of local charity. However, in 2021/22 we were pleased to donate to Gordon Short’s bowling challenge to raise funds for DAAT & in addition contributed £441 towards the night landing lights for their air ambulance. We continue to source & support local suppliers for our products whenever possible. By value 94% of our purchases are sourced within the county and 75% locally or from Torridge or N Devon, including 4 of the top 5 supplier spends. All initial members’ start up loans have now been repaid & we again express our gratitude for this vital financial support. Some members preferred to convert their loan to a donation to reflect their appreciation of the Shop as a community resource. We currently have 44 shareholdings. The Shop has been able to strengthen its financial reserves, potentially to be available to ensure continuity of operations. In specific terms, these are designated to cover equipment replacement, stock replacement & cost coverage in the event of an interruption of trading. These essential designated funds account for 71% of the Shop’s reserves, with the remainder designed for contingencies & community benefit donations. Last but by no means least, we acknowledge the vital work of our volunteers (Fiona, Tony, Tansy, Pauline, Doreen, Gill, Martha, & some spouses!), to Pickards, in particular Molly & Faye to my fellow committee members both for their hard work on operations as well as committee matters & of course the support of our customers.

7. County and District Councillors items, Cllr Henderson I’m delighted to represent Burrington on Devon County Council following the election in May 2021. Unfortunately, it is nigh on impossible for me to attend every Parish Council meeting as I am also a Town Councillor on South Molton Town Council and hold the role of Chair of Finance meaning that my attendance at the monthly SMTC meeting is required. The SMTC meeting is held on the same evening/time as Burrington. The past year has been particularly trying owing to Covid and a complete change in working practices for the Council as a whole. DCC is facing unprecedented financial challenges as finance from central government continues to decline. Although all of our Council Tax bills are increasing, the perception is that the level of service provided does not move upwards. This to a large extent is due to the money required to service adult and children’s social care. The amount of money required in this area alone accounts for around 70% of the DCC expenditure and is only going to increase as the population across the County continues to age. All services provided by the County are under constant scrutiny and such is the pressure faced that to ensure a balanced budget was achieved for this financial year (22/23), money was drawn down from Council reserves. Highways issues are at the top of the list for most parish councils as the state of our roads continues to decline. One win I had back in 2021 before Christmas was to have the A377 patched between the Portsmouth Arms and Umberleigh. The road was simply too dangerous to allow further stalling of work. The repairs done are temporary as a longer-term solution is being investigated to solve the many issues facing the A377. All of this does not come ‘cheap’ and it may be some time until a more permanent solution is identified. One project I am keen to introduce is the return of a Parish Lengthsman. These individuals were commonplace a couple of decades ago and they knew about the road drainage issues across the Parish and kept the verges, drains and gulleys clear of water (which is causing so many problems today). It is not DCC policy to employ Lengthsmen anymore but I hope to persuade Cabinet that a trial whereby Burrington, Kings Nympton, Chittlehamholt and Atherington could share a resource which would ultimately reduce the number of potholes reported and general deterioration of the road surfaces across the four parishes. This in turn would see DCC save money in the mid to long term. I just now have to win that argument with Cabinet to have the resources released. As we enter a new financial year, I have my community grant available for those who may wish to apply for qualifying initiatives/projects. The amount each DCC Councillor has had been reduced from £10,000 to




£8,000 this year but I would be delighted to hear from any group/individual who’d like to be considered from a grant. All applications have to go through a formal application/scrutiny process but the money is there for me to directly feed into the communities I serve.

Cllr Davies reported it has been a pleasure to act as your District Councillor over the past year and he has endeavoured to attend as many meetings as possible in order to report and provide

updates on both local and wider council issues that affect us as well as answering questions. It would appear that we have adjusted to living and working alongside COVID, this has been challenging for many and continues to affect us in differing ways. NDC has and continues to function well with many staff back in the office or hybrid working and with formal committees being held in person. Training and informal meetings are still conducted virtually and this is largely welcomed, reducing travel, time and cost to the council. Two important projects came forward during the year. Firstly, the purchasing of Green Lanes Shopping Centre in Barnstaple – this is part of the commercial strategy and will generate significant levels of new income for the council working towards the objective of enabling it to become financially sustainable by 2023/24. Secondly, the council secured approximately £6.5m from the Future High Street Fund for improvements to the Market Quarter, the Pannier Market and Queen Street/ Bear Street car park. The Ilfracombe Water Sports Centre is currently under construction and the new Tarka Leisure Centre in Barnstaple is due to open in May 2022. External funding was obtained for both projects. Closer to home it is good to see that the new housing scheme at Cross Park Farm received planning consent. The project will deliver much needed affordable houses and significant Section 106 contributions. I am also pleased not to be inundated with noise complaints from Eaglescott whilst I am continuing to monitor actions taken by NDC enforcement. Lastly, I am happy to support further projects eligible under the Community Councillor Grants scheme, this is now open for applications.

8. Co-option. Due, to the resignation of Steve Aldridge there is now to be a co-option onto the Parish Council, notices will be put up.

9. The Annual Report will be circulated in June every parish organisation was invited to put forward information for inclusion as the Report will be delivered to every household.




…………………………. Chairman ……………………..……Date     






 Parish Council Meeting held on the 28th March 2023


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson Mr K Pincombe Mr A. Bonner Mr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)       

In attendance

Apologies Cllr K Davies District Councillor Cllr P Henderson County Councillor



Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation



1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 28th February were agreed and signed.                                          


2. Clerk’s report

i.                 The bus shelter, Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey have meet with a representative of the probation service, the jobs of cleaning, painting etc are to be undertaken, it was commented the Square has deep mud and debris on it, it was suggested to ask if this could be included in the work schedule.

ii.               Kings Coronation, 6th May, it was discussed that councillors would like to light the Beacon but officially no Beacons are allowed to be lit, there is to be a joint service of the Chapel and Church on Sunday the 7th, followed by a lunch in the village Hall, catered for by Sarah Bonner and a Church Cream Tea on the Monday.



3. Chairman’s Report  

i. May Elections, Nominations papers were competed.

ii. The Annual Parish Meeting is to be held on the25th April 7.00pm, any agenda items were asked for.


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.

  1.  Cllr Henderson reported on the The Chulmleigh Ambulance, Cllr Henderson having made enquiries, has been told that the ambulance is in use but is not at present available for emergency 999 calls.
  2. Regarding the Richard Sables meeting at Bouchland Lane. Absolutely no joy in getting a commitment to meet out of him and so far, have also had ongoing trouble getting hold of Steve Short his superior. Cllr Henderson has now got a call in to Tom Vaughan who’s the senior Highways Neighbourhood Officer so one way or the other Cllr Henderson will get there but very, very frustrating.
  3. It was reported £9.4 million will come to Devon in the announcement from the Government for highways but the system for highways needs to be improved.

 6. Finance,                                                                                                                           

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                       


Clerk’s salary



Office expenses



i.                 The balance of £8000 held in the Scottish Widows was discussed again, it was suggested to ask the Skipton Building Society for details of investment. DALC were asked but did not give any specific suggestions.

ii.                Toilet grant, it appears the NDC toilet grant will not be available from now on, this was discussed and will be discussed at the APM. The suggestion was just opening the disabled toilet but the extra cost for opening all three is minimal, the question was asked as to the actual cost of opening the three toilets, the annual toilet grant was £500, so the suggestion to be put to the APM are parishioners happy to use £500 of precept money on the public toilets, this was proposed by Cllr Short seconded by Cllr Pincombe all in favour. But if the actual cost is less the grant could be less the actual cost is to be ascertained.


7. Planning                                                                                            



Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington





Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten



Change of use of land to equestrian and construction of horse-riding arena at The Linhay Bouchland Farm Burrington



 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington



Extension to dwelling, Churchlands, Burrington



Erection of agricultural shed, Cross Park Farm, Burrington

Recommend approval, proposed by Cllr Bonner seconded by Cllr Fraser-Smith, all in favour.
















8. Parish Hall report. Decorating is being undertaken in the hall.


9.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report.


10. Correspondence                                                                                                                               i. DALC newsletter is circulated.



The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 25th April 2023 7.00pm


                                                            ANNUAL PARISH MEETING


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date



Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 23rd May 2023 7.00pm  ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING





 Parish Council Meeting held on the 28th February 2023


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson and Mr A. Bonner Mr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)        

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor Cllr P Henderson County Councillor

Apologies Mr K Pincombe


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Minutes i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 17th January were agreed and signed.                                          


2. Clerk’s report

i.                 The bus shelter, Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey are to meet with a representative of the probation service on Friday to discuss the possibility of getting work undertaken.

ii.               Kings Coronation, 6th May, it was discussed that councillors would like to light the Beacon, there is to be a joint service of the Chapel and Church on Sunday the 7th , followed by a lunch in the village Hall, catered for by Sarah Bonner and a Church Cream Tea on the Monday, more details closer to the time, Coronation memorabilia ie mugs are to be considered.

3. Chairman’s Report  

i. May Elections, the Parish Council elections are on the 4th May a notice has been placed in the Parish magazine also on the Parish email. It has been highlighted in the media that photo ID is now required to cast a vote. Nominations papers will be available at the next meeting.

ii. The Annual Parish Meeting is to be held on the25th April 7.00pm, any agenda items were asked for.


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.

ii. The money has been received from Cllr Henderson for the ploughing out of the verges along Bircham hill, this will be undertaken in due course. Mr Terry and Mr Sam Cole have been doing an excellent job at the top of Bircham Hill, thank you to them. The drains on Bircham Hill and other places have been reported by to no avail the answer received from DCC is that they may be jetted once  a year but if not in  a dangerous place possibility every 2 years, if drains were kept clear it would help the longevity of the roads.

The advice is to keep reporting.

There have been complaints about the dirtiness of the road along Bircham Hill, this has now been resolved. There are 5 grit/salt bins in the Parish, Bircham Hill, Balls Hill, Pound Close, Barton Road and just off from Portsmouth Arms, these are now all on the council website system. Also on the website it states that the secondary gritting route terminates at Pound Corner then returns down Bircham Hill, this year in the bad weather there were numerous cars stuck at Townbrigde,  so it is to be suggested could the termination point be at Red Post which is only  a short distance further on but would be most logical for residents. Also, a further request is to be put in, would it be possible for the Parish Council to erect a convex mirror on the lamp post opposite the junction at the Pickard Village access as visibility is very poor, traffic volume is increasing with the increased usage of the shop and heavier traffic i nto Pickard’s.

It was also noted the bus that is parked at the Balls Corner junction is making traffic cross to the other side of the road to progress, Cllr Short is to speak to the driver.


ii. The Green Lane from Bouchland Farm to the A377 was discussed again, a site meeting as yet has not been finalised, Cllr Henderson is working on it. Cllr Henderson is to ask Mr Steve Short a superior to Richard Sables to see if he is willing to visit the site. Also, when visiting it is to be asked if the road at Braggamarsh can have a no access sign onto the A377 as this is such a dangerous junction. This will need the backing of the Local Highways Officer, DCC Highways tend to be reactive not proactive.

Cllr Henderson was thanked for his grant to plough out the verges on Bircham Hill.

5. County and District Councillors items. Cllr Henderson reported on the BUDGET for 23/24. Our council members have agreed a 4.99 per cent increase in council tax for the coming financial year. It comprises 2.99 per cent for general services with an extra two per cent for adult care. It means an extra £1.49 a week for the average Band D householder. There will be increases of 18.4 per cent in spending on children’s services and 8.8 per cent on adult services to keep up with a rocketing rise in demand. And councillors also agreed an extra £2 million for roads and drainage since the target budget was set last month to tackle the increase in potholes caused by this winter’s icy spells and torrential rainfall. Our revenue spending on services will increase from £629 million to £696 million in 2023/24. That’s an overall rise of 10.5 per cent in spending. In addition, councillors approved a capital budget of £172.5 million for investment in infrastructure such as schools and roads. The council tax for an average Band D home will rise by £77.67 to £1,634.13 – an extra £1.49 a week. The budget includes savings, alternative funding and additional income of £47.5 million. The budget was approved by 40 votes to 13. The young, the old and the vulnerable account for some 79 per cent of this budget.

NEW CHIEF EXECUTIVE Donna Manson, who joins us as our new permanent Chief Executive. Donna joins the County Council from her role as Chief Executive of The Highland Council, Scotland’s largest rural authority. There since 2018, Donna led the Highland Council in developing an ambitious, sustainable, and connected vision for the Highlands during a time of immense change and challenge. Prior to this, Donna was a Director of Children’s Services and a Head Teacher. Her top priority for Devon is to deliver significant improvement to Devon’s Children’s Services. But more broadly, Donna wants to re-energise Devon as a caring and inclusive place for young people and families, the elderly and vulnerable, and as a forward-looking place to work and do business with opportunities for all to thrive and do well.

Cllr Henderson has resigned from the Conservative Party, he is now an Independent Councillor, his advice is for the Parish council to write to the MP Selaine Saxby regarding the state of the roads.

The co-responder vehicle stationed in Chulmleigh was discussed pressure need to be put on the committee, some journeys are being carried out but only category 2 not blue light cases, Cllr Henderson is to look into this.

Cllr Davies reported on the fact that voters now need photographic ID to vote, the full council moved a motion to reject this as it could potentially preclude a sector of society, so NDC expressed an objection to this. If anyone is not on the Electoral Role, they can still register by going to www.gov/request-to-vote and follow the links. An additional room will be required to check the photo ID. Voters can still register for a postal vote where ID is not required.

Parking charges are to be increased by 20p per hour in the district car parks there is now a 50p for 30minutes option, long stay has increased by £2.50, parking charges have not increased since 2016. Futher income is to come in from Green Lanes shopping centre now owned by NDC and the fact that green waste bins have increased to £55.


6. Finance,                                                                                                                           

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                       


Clerk’s salary



NDC Dog waste bins



DALC councillor training



Burrington Parish Hall



i.                 The balance of £8000 held in the Scottish Widows was discussed it was suggested to investigate the possibility of getting a higher rate of interest. Scottish widows are paying .55% and on


investigation have no other options to offer, the Union Bank of India, who will accept clubs and societies are offering 4.25% for 1 year they are covered under the financial regulations, an application is to be requested. It was also suggested to ask DALC if they know of any other banks etc offering a good rate of interest for societies etc.


7. Planning                                                                                            


Listed building consent for rebuilding of south western elevation and associated stabilisation works at West Pavington Farm.




Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington





Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten



Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 73684 (creation of a dwelling and associated works as a replacement for the dwelling approved under Class Q previously) in respect of relocation of the building within the red line of the site, change from 2 story to single storey, reduction of floor area & fenestration amendments at Mully Brook Barn Burrington






Change of use of land to equestrian and construction of horse-riding arena at The Linhay Bouchland Farm Burrington



 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington




Installation of solar PV array to existing barn roof at Poole Batten Burrington  Listed building



Variation of condition 3 (occupancy) attached to planning permission 49218 (part rebuild & conversion of barn to form one unit of holiday accommodation (amended plans) to allow unit to be used as ancillary accommodation to the main dwellinghouse

Primrose Cottage Burrington



Extension to dwelling, Churchlands, Burrington



Erection of agricultural shed, Cross Park Farm, Burrington

Recommend approval, proposed by Cllr Bonner seconded by Cllr Fraser-Smith, all in favour.










8. Parish Hall report. No report.


9.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report.


10. Correspondence                                                                                                                               i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

ii. PCC Survey for re-opening local Police Stations, an email was received saying South Molton was not on the list for consideration of re-opening. A new Sargent has been appointed at the South Molton Station.

It was reported on the numerous abandoned cars at Balls Corner in a field they are an eye sore, the owner is to be tried to be contacted, but it was agreed to write to Enforcement and the Environmental Departments at NDC. Hedges that are not being trimmed in the Parish was also discussed Cllr Henderson is willing to send letters to landowners, Cllr Henderson is to take Mr Steve Short to show him the dangers of this on some of the Parish roads.

The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 28th March 2023 7.30pm


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 25th April 2023 7.00pm ANNUAL PARISH MEETING


Parish Council meeting 


















 Parish Council Meeting held on the 17th January 2023


Present Mr J Short (Chairman) Mr K Pincombe Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr P Bailey and Mr A. Bonner Mr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk) 

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor and one member of the public

Apologies Mrs G Benson Cllr P Henderson County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation

The member of the public informed the meeting regarding his planning at the Linhay, Bouchland.



i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 29th November were agreed and signed.                                          


2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, no update but as reported before it will be highlighted at the Annual Parish meeting and a note put in with the Annual Report which is circulated to every household to ascertain if there is any more take up in having an allotment.

          Ii The bus shelter, Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey are to undertake the repairs, this is ongoing. Cllr Bailey has been in contact with the probation service, they are able to supply labour to carry our minor works, the Parish Council would have to supply any materials or equipment to carry out the repairs, Cllr Bailey is to meet with a representative of the service.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. May Elections, the Parish Council elections are on the 4th May a notice is to be circulated to encourage anyone interested to come forward. It has been highlighted in the media that photo ID is now required to cast a vote.


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.

ii. The Green Lane from Bouchland Farm to the A377 was discussed again, a site meeting is looking closer to being arranged but as yet not finalised.

iii. Ploughing out of verges, along Bircham Hill. Cllr Henderson has kindly agreed to give the Parish a grant for this, a quote has been received for £56 per hour for tractor and loader and £56 an hour for tractor and trailer, a second quote has been requested, Cllr Henderson was unable to attend the meeting so the sum of grant is not known, this will be ascertained then the paperwork completed.


5. County and District Councillors items. Cllr Henderson reported on the Recruitment of Chief Executive –The new Chief Executive, Donna Manson, will start in mid-February she has found a property to live in.

Budgets  - it looks like a £7m overspend for this year, the member for finance thinks the balance is going in the right direction. The budget target is much better than expected as the Autumn statement and a better government statement than expected so the figures are looking better than first predicted. There is a  



big increase in children’s services, Special Educational Needs education needs to be addressed, it is early days for the budget.  

DCC are looking for anyone with a room to rent/property that could be made available for Social Workers that are currently being recruited to fill the many vacancies available across the County. If anyone has space, then visit devon.gov.uk & follow the links.

Devon Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy – A public consultation is being held on the draft Devon Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy. This consultation aims to find out your views on the draft strategy and its recommendations. Information about the Strategy can be found online here - Devon Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy - Have Your Say

Cllr Davies reported that last year a motion was put forward to DCC to pass a traffic order to restrict pavement parking, this is a big issue in Chulmleigh but it has not been passed by DCC. The provisional mid term finance prediction from central government is a 3% increase. The cost of Green Bins in NDC district is to increase to £55 per year for one bin collected also the cost of parking is to be increased. There are grants available up to £1000 for warm space provision. There are a range of measures brought in by NDC to address the cost-of-living crisis, visit NDC website. Grit bins were then discussed it was suggested to have one in the centre of the village, the siting of the existing grit bins were discussed it was felt a location plan needs to be drawn up, there are 4 in the parish all are to be checked to ensure they are full. It was suggested to put on the October agenda each year to ensure they are topped up every year, and add to the list of assets.


6. Finance,                                                                                                                           

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                       


S W Windows



Clerk’s salary



Office expenses






Burrington Parish Hall



Defib Sales and Training Ltd



WH Buckingham (hall)



WH Buckingham (MUGA)


i.                 The Precept form has been returned.

ii.                The balance of £8000 held in the Scottish Widows was discussed it was suggested to investigate the possibility of getting a higher rate of interest.


7. Planning                                                                                            


Listed building consent for rebuilding of south western elevation and associated stabilisation works at West Pavington Farm.




Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington





Listed building consent for change of use of the public house to public house and one dwelling to include extensions and alterations at Barnstaple Inn



Erection of agricultural building at Abbotts Marsh

Amended plans




Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten

No objections


Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 73684 (creation of a dwelling and associated works as a replacement for the dwelling approved under Class Q previously) in respect of relocation of the building within the red line of the site, change from 2 story to single storey, reduction of floor area & fenestration amendments at Mully Brook Barn Burrington

No comment





Change of use of land to equestrian and construction of horse-riding arena at The Linhay Bouchland Farm Burrington

Recommend Approval


 Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington

This application was discussed it was felt the access onto the A377 is very poor, the question is to be asked regarding the highways impact in relation to the previous refusals in this area. The applicant has an existing site with better access with services and amenities in place so further development of that site would have less impact on the environment and the countryside.



Installation of solar PV array to existing barn roof at Poole Batten Burrington

Listed building

Recommend Approval


















8. Parish Hall report. The question was asked regarding the S106 money on the 64055 Cross Farm development, it appears the allocation will be for the first third of the money after a third of the houses are inhabited dwellings, subsequently the second third after another third has been inhabited and so on.  


9.Bethesda Graveyard Trust.


10. Correspondence                                                                                                                               i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

ii. PCC Survey for re-opening local Police Stations, it was suggested to send a letter asking if the South Molton front office could be reopened as the only information desk in North Devon is in Barnstaple.           Iii. There is Code of Conduct training on the 5th June at 6pm on Teams following the Parish Council elections.

The flooding by the shed between Forches Cross and Red Post is to be reported.




The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 28th February 2023 7.30pm




…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 28th March 2023 7.30pm Parish Council meeting









 Parish Council Meeting held on the 29th November 2022


Present Mr K Pincombe (Chairman) Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr P Bailey and Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk) 

In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor

Apologies Mr J Short Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation



i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 25th October were agreed and signed.                                          


2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, there has been two residents interested in having an allotment it was felt it would be ideal if there was more interest, so it will be highlighted at the Annual Parish meeting and a note put in with the Annual Report which is circulated to every household to ascertain if there is any more take up. Information has been received in relation to the setting up off allotments

            Ii The bus shelter, the facia work has been completed, but there are slates that have come off and some have lifted, Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey are undertake the repairs.

            iii. The letter to the Earl of Portsmouth sent but no reply received.

            iv. Website, the annual cost is to increase.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. The Wicksteed report has been received, there were reports of two moderate findings, the entrance gate by hall has highlighting as being rusty in places and the stile into the field the spring is a little low. Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey are to look at the details of the report.


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.

ii. The Green Lane from Bouchland Farm to the A377 was discussed again, emails have been received but as yet no joint visit, Cllr Henderson suggested a joint site visit would be beneficial, a number of issues need to be in the correct place, traffic officers need to be asked for clarification, Mr Stuart Howell the Public Rights of Way Officer, Richard Sables the Highway Superintendent along with Cllr Henderson and Cllr Short and Cllr Pincombe are to try and have a site meeting.

5. County and District Councillors items. Cllr Henderson, this is the DCC report Recruitment of Chief Executive – the Appointments Panel were able to make a unanimous decision in appointing a new Chief Executive, Donna Manson, who is currently the Chief Executive of Highland Council in Scotland – the UK’s largest rural authority. She has a track record of improvement, best value and successful budget delivery, rebuilding substantial reserves and resilience within the Highland Council, while implementing significant investment projects. Her background is in Education and Children’s Services in three Scottish councils, having started her career in teaching where she was also a ‘trouble-shooter’.                                           750

The decision should be ratified by Full Council on the 8th December, with Donna due to start in mid-February. She has already had meetings with senior directors already, including the Director of Finance, so should be in a position to hit the ground running when she formally joins us next year.

Budgets  - You will probably have seen the media coverage now about this. The projected £40m overspend for this financial year has been brought down to £6m… but that has been achieved through having to make savings on existing budgets this year and postponing long term projects in IT and recruitment etc. However, the Children’s Services Budget continues to overspend and every possible effort is being made to contain and reverse the overspend but it is not easy.

Nonetheless, we should be able to balance the books for this financial year… the challenge is going to be next year. Prior to the Autumn Statement we were looking at a projected budget gap of £60m, which on top of the £15m planned savings identified in the Medium-Term Financial Strategy, means that we are looking at overall projected savings of £75m.

The numbers are still being crunched but it looks as though the Autumn Statement has been favourable to DCC. However, difficult decisions will still need to be taken to deliver a balanced budget. Unlike a lot of central government institutions, local government has to balance our budget every financial year by law. If we do overspend, then that has to be covered from reserves or some other external income stream. If we can’t, we have to issue what is called a Section 114 notice which, in effect, means the local authority becomes bankrupt. Needless to say, a bankrupt council cannot help anyone. The £75m savings can be achieved but it will mean deep and painful cuts as the Council Leader has already outlined.

This is not a problem that is unique to Devon. It is a national issue, from speaking to colleagues across the country their budget problems are similar, and many actually are worse! Cornwall’s budget deficit for next year is £62million (they are smaller than Devon), Plymouth is facing similar problems. Further afield, Norfolk County Council has a £60m budget gap for this year. Kent’s is £70m.

Inflation has been the main driver for a lot of these cost pressures, with some sectors such as Highways actually experiencing hyperinflation.

Non Budget Matters Cost of Living Help – Devon has received a further £5m funding to help households weather the rising costs of living, with help to pay for food, energy and other essential items. More information about this is online here - Councils to receive additional funds to help support households with rising food and energy costs - News (devon.gov.uk)

Support for Children during school holidays – Free holiday activities with hot meals are now available for children during the Christmas 2022 holidays. All children are eligible to register, although priority places will be given to children aged five to 16 years old (or four-year-olds, if in reception), who are eligible for and receiving benefit-related free school meals and their families. More information available online here - HAF providers – Christmas 2022 – Education and Families (devon.gov.uk)

Devon Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy – A public consultation is being held on the draft Devon Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy. This consultation aims to find out your views on the draft strategy and its recommendations. Information about the Strategy can be found online here - Devon Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy - Have Your Say

The issue of hedge ploughing  along Bircham Hill was raised, as this would help the problem of water running across the road in winter as it seems no routes into Burrington are now regularly gritted, Cllr Henderson is willing to help with some of his Locality Budget it was suggested to get quotes for the work, Chittlehamton have employed a private contractor using some grant money, and gave a contribution towards the work, quotes are to be obtained.

DCC ‘s plan is to maintain A roads, but advice is to keep reporting pot holes, an update on the A377 will be given at the next meeting.

The District Council is in a better financial position than DCC, but the car parking charges all over North Devon are to rise by 10p-20p per hour, the situation of the refugees in Ilfracombe has caused some issues due to a lack of communication.





6. Finance,                                                                                                                                                    752                                                                                                                                                           

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                              


Clerks Salary



Mr R Elworthy





i.              Grass cutting tenders, after discussion Mr Bakers tender of £689.00 for the Village Green and seats also the field for £597.50 were proposed by Cllr Bailey seconded by Cllr Smale, likewise Mr R Elworthy’s quote for hedge cutting of £ 100 were all accepted, unanimously.

ii.            The Precept was discussed it was proposed by Cllr Bailey seconded by Cllr Bonner to keep the precept unchanged at £10,000.00 all in favour.

iii.           It was raised regarding assessing the electricity used on the Square and Hall lights to see if the grant contribution is covering the cost.

7. Planning                                                                                                               


Listed building consent for rebuilding of south western elevation and associated stabilisation works at West Pavington Farm.




Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington





Listed building consent for change of use of the public house to public house and one dwelling to include extensions and alterations at Barnstaple Inn

Called in


Erection of agricultural building at Abbotts Marsh

Cllr Pincombe declared a prejudicial interest and did not take part in the discussion, the comments to be put forward are that the council agrees approval on the condition “has the need been demonstrated and justified for this proposal.”



Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten

No objections



 8. Parish Hall report. No report


9.Bethesda Graveyard Trust.


10. Correspondence                                                                                                                                                    i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

A reply email has been received from South West Water regarding the smell.


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 17th January 2023 7.30pm




…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 28th February 2023 7.30pm Parish Council meeting 



 Parish Council Meeting held on the 25th October 2022


Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey and Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)   

In attendance

Apologies Mr K Pincombe Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Cllr K Davies District Councillor Cllr P Henderson County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation



i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 27th September were agreed and signed.                                          


2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, notices regarding allotments have been put on the Parish email and in the Parish Magazine, and just recently there has been a flier drop in the centre of the Village so far there are two interested parties, advice is to be sought from Winkleigh who have established allotments, there is also national guidance for allotments. A map is to be used as guidance as to where to site the allotments if agreed on the field, this will be discussed and decided at the next meeting in November.  

          Ii The bus shelter repairs are in hand, the facias have yet to be replaced. The owners of the old school have communicated with Cllr Short and they are happy for the Parish Council to have access for maintenance, Cllr Short is to ask advice if anything further needs to be undertaken.

          iii. The letter to the Earl of Portsmouth sent but no reply received.

          iv. The uploading onto the website was discussed, the clerk and the Chairman are to be instructed.

          v. The Wicksteed inspection has been undertaken the findings are awaited,


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. Alan the postman for some years is leaving the parish round and going to Holsworthy it was felt a thank you letter from the parish and Parish Council should be sent for Alan’s excellent way he has dedicated himself to his job.


4. Highways.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.

ii. The continued traffic problems by Kingford on the A377 were highlighted again.

iii. The Green Lane from Bouchland Farm to the A377 was discussed again, Cllr Henderson is aware the visit as yet has not been carried out, but Cllr Henderson has communicated with Richard Sables who he would also like to  look at the site, but having spoken to Mr Sables, Mr Sables didn’t think there was too much of a problem with the vehicle accessing through the now ‘closed’ road. Mr Sam Jeffcoats is the Public Rights of Way Officer he will be contacted as he has not responded to an email regarding the situation.





5. County and District Councillors items. Cllr Davies reported For more information on the temporary closure of the Barnstaple Pannier Market the statement from the NDC Chief Executive is here: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/news/community/2022/october/statement-from-council-chief-executive-on-the-barnstaple-pannier-market/ NDC have followed guidance from the HSE and alternative provisions have been offered to all traders (Green Lanes). Barnstaple Inn Burrington. I have been in correspondence with the case officer Roger Bagley and will update further shortly. Clarification is being sort from the applicant as insufficient information/ justification has been submitted. For advice available to cope with the cost of living please see: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/cost-of-living-help-and-advice/ A new culture strategy 2022-2027 for northern Devon encourages ‘flourishing culture’ across the region. The aim is to deliver increasing economic and wellbeing benefits, as well as contributing to the rejuvenation of town centres and attracting tourism. https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/news/community/2022/september/new-culture-strategy-for-northern-devon-encourages-flourishing-culture-across-region/ The finalised version of the Devon Carbon Plan was launched on the 27th Sept. The plan is the roadmap for how Devon will reach net-zero emissions by 2050 (at the latest). See: https://devonclimateemergency.org.uk/devon-carbon-plan/ Please note although the ‘bathing season’ ended on 30th September the ‘Dogs Public Space Protection Order’ is still in place. See: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/public-space-protection-orders-in-north-devon/ What’s happening at the Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon? A Treasury of Birds, In a New Light, Mapping Our Town and more… See: https://barnstaplemuseum.org.uk/

Cllr Henderson reported FEASIBILITY STUDY TO USE FARMLAND TO GENERATE RENEWABLE ENERGY We are currently looking into the feasibility of a new scheme that could give community energy groups the chance to use farmland and farm buildings to help them expand Devon’s renewable electricity capacity. It’s part of European Interreg-funded work we are doing to explore the potential for generating renewable energy within the agricultural sector. And if successful it could see renewable energy installations developed on low-grade, agricultural land – other than where this is important for wildlife or other environmental interests – and farm buildings. The rapid expansion of renewable energy production in Devon is expected to be a key requirement of Devon’s Carbon Plan, due to be published this autumn. That plan will outline how Devon can become net-zero by 2050 at the very latest. Nationally, the Climate Change Committee has said that renewable energy production needs to be quadrupled to have any chance of meeting the UK’s net zero targets. This research will see how the agricultural sector in Devon, supported by local community energy groups, could be part of the answer, with farms becoming ‘renewable energy hubs’ alongside their usual business, generating energy from wind, solar, biomass and agricultural waste. But one of the perceived barriers is the large upfront costs of installing renewable technology infrastructure, so this study will need to find a way to incentivise, or stimulate, local investment in renewables. “BARNSTAPLE WITH BIDEFORD AND NORTHAM LOCAL CYCLING AND WALKING INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN” A public consultation has been launched on proposals that aim to close the gaps in the cycling and walking network in the Barnstaple, Bideford and Northam area. We’re seeking views on four walking and six cycling schemes across the area, which are detailed on our Have Your Say webpages. The draft “Barnstaple with Bideford and Northam Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan” (BBN LCWIP) outlines a number of potential walking and cycling schemes for future investment over the next 10-20 years. Proposals include: Development of a 3.5 mile route between Appledore and Bideford via Northam; A new link from west of Bideford and East-the-Water to Bideford town centre to improve access to the Tarka Trail; A new off-road connection between Landkey and Newport to access local schools and Barnstaple town centre; Connections from Whiddon Valley to Barnstaple to link new developments to the east of Barnstaple to the town centre; CARE COSTS BOUNCED BACK TO PM's PROMISE Councils across the UK are calling for central govt to provide more funding for adult social care. Councils face an ‘extremely challenging’ 18 months ahead, as the cost-of-living crisis and inflation adds an additional £3.8bn to the costs of delivering social care. The County Councils Network (CCN), which represents 36 mainly Conservative councils, says that Prime Minister, Liz Truss, must follow through with her commitment. Without it, we in Devon estimate a funding shortfall of between £30m to £40m over the next 10 years. Part of that is down to national reforms in adult social care being introduced next year that will see our costs rising with more people becoming eligible for council-funded social care, more generous


financial support for those receiving care, and higher fees most likely, to be paid to care providers. With just £500m announced so far in extra funding, Councils are keeping up the pressure on Westminster. CARBON PLAN REVEALS HOW ALL DEVON CAN ACHIEVE NET-ZERO After hearing from Devon residents young and old, businesses and from across all sectors of our economy through public consultations, workshops and a Citizens’ Assembly, the final version of the Devon Carbon Plan has now been published by the Devon Climate Emergency partnership. Supported by us and the latest scientific evidence, the Plan is our county’s roadmap to becoming net-zero by 2050 at the latest, and it spells out exactly what we all have to do to create a resilient, sustainable county where people and nature can thrive. The Plan sets out a range of detailed, evidence-based solutions and strategic objectives for national and local policy makers in areas such as energy production, transport, and the buildings we live and work in. It has been delivered by Devon Climate Emergency, a partnership of 29 businesses, public bodies, voluntary groups, and Devon’s 11 principal councils, including ourselves. Between now and the New Year each one of those organisations will be called on to endorse and demonstrate how they will use their responsibilities and influence to enact the Plan. Most emissions (68 per cent) in Devon (including Torbay and Plymouth) come from buildings – our homes and workplaces – and on-road transport. Or, sliced another way, 74 per cent of all emissions relate to the energy we use one way or another, from the oil and gas that powers our economy, fuels our cars, and heats our homes. Full plan is available at: devonclimateemergency.org.uk COST OF LIVING RESOURCE PAGE On the DCC public website there is a Cost of Living resource page setting out information for residents and businesses in Devon who are struggling to afford to pay for their energy, water, food or other essential items. A third Household Support Fund announcement is imminent, which will run from October 2022 to 31 March 2023. Once the details are finalised they will be published on this page. ADULT SOCIAL CARE REFORMS Members may have seen the media coverage in recent weeks of the growing calls for the delays to the adult social care charging reforms, a call that DCC has supported. Delaying the charging reforms will however only go so far in helping to support local preparations, as the fundamental challenges of local budgets, workforce recruitment and retention challenges, and market sufficiency are very unlikely to be resolved in twelve months. This week we have completed our nationally mandated Cost of Care exercise and our draft Market Sufficiency Plan, submitting both to the Department of Health and Social Care for its assurance and support process before receiving confirmation on we are able to publish. This has been an incredibly intense period of time for many officers and I want to put on record my thanks for their efforts, as well as those independent care providers who have contributed to the process. HIGH STANDARD OF CARE Devon has consistently had levels of independent care provider quality above all national comparator level as judged by the CQC. This continues, and at the moment there is only a single provider on the DCC footprint that is rated as ‘inadequate’. Work continues to support the provider from the Quality Assurance and Improvement Team (QAIT) to put in place measures that will see improvement.

6. Finance,                                                                                                                                     

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                       





Mr M Baker grass cutting



Magnets Mr P Bailey



Red 17 Notice Board


i. Thank you to Cllr Davies for the grant towards the cost of the new Notice Board.

7. Planning                                                                                            


Approval of details in respect of discharge of condition 6 (No part of the development to be commenced until a detailed landscape plan is submitted and approved) attached to planning permission 74777 (Conversion of barns and outbuilding to dwelling) Cowlas



Retrospective application - change of use of land for the siting of caravan for use as a rural worker dwelling together with erection of 1 polytunnel, 1 shed & 1 compost toilet, Land to the East of Kingsland Farm



Listed building consent for rebuilding of south western elevation and associated stabilisation works at West Pavington Farm.




Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington





Listed building consent for change of use of the public house to public house and one dwelling to include extensions and alterations at Barnstaple Inn

Called in










8. Parish Hall report. No report


9.Bethesda Graveyard Trust.


10. Correspondence                                                                                                                               i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

A resident has sent a further complaint to South West Water regarding the smell situation in the centre of the Village that is still evident. An email will be sent from the Parish Council.



The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 29th November, 2022 7.30pm

                                                                      Budget meeting



…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 17th/24th January 2023 7.30pm Parish Council meeting

to be agreed.









 Parish Council Meeting held on the 27th September 2022


Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr K Pincombe Mr P Bailey and Mrs G Benson Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr A. Bonner Mr S Smale Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)            

In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor 

Apologies Cllr K Davies District Councillor



Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


A minute’s silence was observed for the HM Queen Elizabeth II and Mr Gordon Short past Chairman of the Parish Council who sadly passed away.


Public Participation



i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 30th August were agreed and signed.                                          


2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, residents in the village have been asking about the possibility of allotments on the field, a notice is to be put on the email and in the Parish magazine to gauge the amount of interest. Also, a letter drop of residents in the vicinity of the field is to be undertaken. Advice would be sought if this plan was to go ahead, the siting would have to be considered in relation to the dog walking facility that is planned and planned car parking, the trees were discussed as it is a possibility this could be part of the dog walking area. The field was used as an overflow car park for the recent successful tractor run.

            Ii The bus shelter repairs are in hand. Future maintenance, the owners are to be approached.

            iii. The letter to the Earl of Portsmouth sent but no reply received.

            iv. The uploading onto the website was discussed, the clerk is to upload the Parish Council information with another volunteer undertaking the remaining information.

            v. Wicksteed have been contacted to inspect the play equipment for the annual inspection the cost this year is £120 plus VAT.


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. The Emergency Self Help Plan for the parish has been reviewed and updated by Cllr Bailey and Cllr Fraser-Smith. Councillors and the clerk will have a copy for the useful contacts in a time of emergency.


4. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting. 

ii. The continued traffic problems by Kingford on the A377 were highlighted again.

iii. The Green Lane from Bouchland Farm to the A377 was discussed, the lane is a footpath and bridleway there is a sign saying no vehicular access, but it seems the land in the vicinity has been sold a portion of which has no access other than this lane. Cllr Henderson was made aware of the situation and along with Cllr Pincombe is going to look at the site. 

The lane seems to have been cleared with vehicles now using it, the danger is the passing vehicles that might be in danger when those accessing from the lane join the road, Cllr Henderson highlighted that if 


non-agricultural vehicles were using this lane they would not be insured as the prohibitive sign is clear to see. 


5. County and District Councillors items. Cllr Hendeson apologised for being out of action for 6 weeks with a bad back. Cllr Henderson reported Jan Shadbolt, former County Solicitor is now the interim Chief Executive of DCC following the retirement of Dr Phil Norrey. Jan will be in place until the end of February to oversee the stabilisation of this year’s budget and setting a budget for the next financial year.

Recruitment of a permanent Chief Executive has now started with advertisements agreed and longlisting due to take place at the end of October, shortlisting early November and a final appointment towards the end of November, with a start date in March/April.

Budget situation – good progress has been made so far on stabilising the budget. The current overspend has been reduced from £40 million to £18 million. More work to be done but at the latest Budget Monitoring meeting this month it was reported for the first time that Children’s Services had started to reduce their overspend and had achieved a £3.5 million saving on Children in Care placements. This and further savings coming through will reduce the £18m down further… this service is in special measures.

The Councils Digital Transformation and Organisational Change Team are going to be embedded alongside Children’s Services and Adult’s Services to look at how we can deliver their services more efficiently and effectively by eliminating unnecessary processes, bureaucracy etc.

DCC have teamed up with 35 other councils to lobby the government for greater financial assistance.

Cllr Henderson is on the appeals panel for Free School Transport, this service is £5m over budget at present. Other projects around the county have either been frozen or postponed in an endeavour to save money.

The A377 was discussed the hillside in some places is slipping down towards the road the section of uneven road further on from Kingford towards Umberleigh is due to tree roots.



6. Finance,                                                                                                                                                                

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


West Aylescott Farming



Clerk’s salary



Office expenses



Defib Sales



7. Planning                                                                                                                


Conversion of barns and outbuildings to dwelling at Barns at Cowlas




Approval of details in respect of discharge of condition 6 (No part of the development to be commenced until a detailed landscape plan is submitted and approved) attached to planning permission 74777 (Conversion of barns and outbuilding to dwelling) Cowlas

Landscaping plan, so no comment from the Parish Council.


Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 two story houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping at Bedport Poultry Farm, Burrington.

Passed but the S106 has to be agreed.


Retrospective application - change of use of land for the siting of caravan for use as a rural worker dwelling together with erection of 1 polytunnel, 1 shed & 1 compost toilet, Land to the East of Kingsland Farm



Listed building consent for rebuilding of south western elevation and associated stabilisation works at West Pavington Farm.

Recommend approval



Listed building, conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batton Burrington


No objections



Listed building consent for change of use of the public house to public house and one dwelling to include extensions and alterations at Barnstaple Inn

This application was discussed, pubs are defined in the Local Plan as a community facility for which there is a clear policy presumption against their loss unless it can be demonstrated they are unviable. In addition, the Spatial Strategy for Burrington identifies the Barnstaple Inn as a local service and seeks to ensure local services are retained in order to serve the existing community and the proposed additional homes allocated for Burrington. So, a clear presumption against loss. The applicant may argue the pub is not being lost just reduced in size fundamentally affecting the viability of the pub and therefore will result in its loss. Alongside that the application is clearly deficient in assessing the impact of the proposals on the pub as a listed building. In the view of the Parish Council there is a very clear policy-based objection to this application, it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Benson to object to the application and recommend refusal and furthermore to ask Cllr Davies to call the application in, unanimous agreement. 






















8. Parish Hall report. No report


9.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. There is now a special commissioned area for cremated remains.


10. Correspondence                                                                                                                                                     i. DALC newsletter is circulated. The DALC AGM Conference and Exhibition is on Wednesday the 5th October at Exeter Racecourse.



The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 25th October, 2022 7.30pm



…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 29th November 2022 7.30pm Parish Council meeting

                                                                                    Budget meeting.


 Parish Council Meeting held on the 30th August 2022


Present Mr K Pincombe (Chairman), Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr A. Bonner Mr P Smale Mr P Bailey and Mrs G Benson Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)         

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Mr J Short Mr S Smale Cllr P Henderson County Councillor 


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation



i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th July were agreed and signed.                                          


2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, no report at present.

            Ii The bus shelter repairs are in hand. Advice is to be sought on maintenance and upkeep of the bus shelter when the gap is filled in next to the bus shelter by the new owners.

            iii. The letter to the Earl of Portsmouth has been drafted and is due to be sent.

            iv. One of the volunteers who kindly undertakes the uploading onto the website, is leaving the parish so the ongoing situation needs to be clarified. 

            v. Wicksteed will be contacted to inspect the play equipment for the annual inspection. 


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. The Emergency Plan for the parish is being reviewed and updated by Cllr Bailey and Cllr Fraser-Smith.


4. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting. 

ii. The continued traffic lights by Kingford on the A377 were highlighted again.

iii. The Green Lane from Bouchland Farm to the A377 was discussed, the lane is a footpath and bridleway there is a sign saying no vehicular access, but it seems the land in the vicinity has been sold a portion of which has no access other than this lane.

This lane was the subject of public consultation for the prohibition of vehicles back in 2011 when a motor bikers group tried to allow its use for off road biking, but the council deemed the access onto the A377 much too dangerous due to the total lack of visibility either way, so it was officially closed to vehicles. 

The lane seems to have been cleared with vehicles now using it, the danger is the passing vehicles that might be in danger when those accessing from the lane join the road, Mr Martin Caddy Public rights of Way Officer is to be asked go and look at the situation. Mr Richard Sables Highway superintendent and Cllr Henderson are to be consulted. 


5. County and District Councillors items.

Cllr Davies reported Sue Croft was working hard almost to the end for Chulmeigh Volunteers in an organising capacity. Cllr Davies said there is now a webcam in the North Devon Council main room at Brynsworthy, councillors have to attend but now the public can watch live or via U Tube, to make the meetings more accessible, interested person have to notify NDC two days in advance to gain live access. 



NDC budget gap is like DCC but not quite so significant, but councillors are asking what ideas can come forward to help plug the gaps, a public consultation will be circulated regarding any plans, at present no redundancies are planned. The Green Lane project is to give an income to the Council. North Devon Council had representatives at North Devon Show and North Devon Homes Summer Fair to meet the public. The Electoral registration letters are being sent out, to ensure everyone who wants to vote is on the Electoral role. Cllr Davies said he has some of his councillor’ fund available,  which he is able to grant to a parish project, it was suggested by Cllr Bailey the Parish Council Notice Board by Pickard’s office is beginning to rot, Cllr Bailey has been investigating and an aluminium notice board, landscape version is in the region of £307 plus VAT, it was proposed by Cllr Fraser-Smith seconded by Cllr Bonner to ask Cllr Davies for a grant towards this project, all in favour. 


6. Finance,                                                                                                                                                                

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


Clerk’s salary


i. An email has been received from the Chair of the hall committee in regard to the hire charge for the Jubilee celebrations, this was relayed to the meeting, no further action will be taken.


7. Planning                                                                                                                


Conversion of barns and outbuildings to dwelling at Barns at Cowlas



Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 two story houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping at Bedport Poultry Farm, Burrington.

Passed but the S106 has to be agreed.


Retrospective application - change of use of land for the siting of caravan for use as a rural worker dwelling together with erection of 1 polytunnel, 1 shed & 1 compost toilet, Land to the East of Kingsland Farm

This application was discussed at the Parish Council meeting, the questions raised: 

1.Is the planning authority satisfied the applicant has a justified need.

2.Has the planning authority looked at the siting of the caravan in relation to the proximity of the horticultural business.

Councillors felt the Parish Council must demonstrate due diligence.


i. S106 Priorities; the Parish Council have updated the S106 Priorities list, to include “to enhance the availability of broadband” and improvements to the Viewing Table by the Beacon.

8. Parish Hall report. No report


9.Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report


10. Correspondence                                                                                                                                                     i. DALC newsletter is circulated.


It was raised again the ongoing issue of caravans popping up all over the parish, it was agreed to compile an up-to-date list and send to North Devon Council Enforcement.     

The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 27th September, 2022 7.30pm



…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 25th October 2022 7.30pm Parish Council meeting



Annual Parish Council Meeting held on the 31st May 2022


Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr A. Bonner and Mr K Pincombe Mr P Smale Mrs G Benson Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)         

In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor 

Apologies Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


Co-option, there were two candidates for the Parish Councillor position, Cllr Smale and Cllr Benson, declared an interest and did not vote. After a paper ballot Mr Simon Smale was elected onto the Parish Council. 

Mr Smale was present at the meeting so was welcomed by the Chairman onto the Parish Council. 



Election of Officers the clerk asked for nominations for the post of chairman, it was proposed by Cllr Smale to re-elect Cllr Short as Chairman seconded by Cllr Bonner, all were unanimously in favour. Cllr John Short was duly elected as chairman.  

The Chairman asked for nominations for the post of vice chairman Cllr Pincombe was proposed as Vice Chairman by Cllr Benson seconded by Cllr Wooldridge, unanimously all in favour; Cllr K Pincombe was duly re-elected as Vice Chairman.

Representatives from the Parish Council on the Parish Hall committee, Cllr P Bailey and Cllr Wooldridge were appointed as the Parish council’s representatives.

Bethesda Graveyard Trust representative, Cllr John Short and Cllr Bailey were nominated as the representatives.




i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th April were agreed and signed.                                          

2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, no report at present.

            Ii Queens Platinum Jubilee, the bunting is to be put up at 7 o’clock on Thursday evening, the planting of the copper beech tree by Mr Gordon Short will take place at around 9.30pm a plaque will be put up in due course, the lighting of the Beacon will take place at 9.45pm. It is hoped to hold the event on Saturday on the Green but will be in the hall if wet, setting up at 2.30pm to commence at 3.00pm.

The joint service will be held in the Church on Sunday.

iii. The Clerk asked for any information that is to be included in the Annual Report to be forwarded, so it can be compiled on one piece of paper, printed with the printing costs shared.  

4. Chairman’s Report  

i. The Toilet grant of £501 has been received, this is to be allocated to the hall account.

ii. The Emergency Plan needs to be updated, Cllr Bailey and Cllr Fraser-Smith agreed to do this.

5. Highways. No report has been received on the drain discharging onto the pavement.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        



6. County and District Councillors items.

Cllr Henderson reported that 77% of the DCC budget goes on 3% of the population, this is Adult and Children’s Social Care, so the highways budget is not that great, it has been decided to concentrate on A and B roads, Meg Booth Head of Highways and Cllr Yabsley have been looking at the budget any available cash is going to the Care system so there is a lack of funding for roads, there is also a lack of funding from Central Government letters are to be sent to the MP’s, so there is a fear for minor roads with very little money to fix them. Cllr Henderson is working on the project of the Parish Lengthman with 4 parishes involved, Kings Nympton, Chittlehamholt, Atherington and Burrington, Cllr Henderson is meeting with Meg Booth to discuss the project, Chittlehamholt already employ a contractor, to carry out verge ploughing and cleaning drains, pot holes could be addressed. The correct legal paperwork has to be in place before the project can start. DCC are closing down the Links Services which offers help with mental health, but in Barnstaple the building has been sold but the service has been relocated so is still being offered.

Cllr Henderson reported the Local Citizens Advice Bureaus have had a tremendous amount of enquires, being the 4th highest, reflecting the current problems. NDC have at present only one Enforcement Officer as the other has been relocated, NDC are trying to identify empty properties to endeavour to bring them back into use to try and solve the housing shortage.

Cllr Davies reported Approximately 70% of eligible households have now received the £150 Council Tax Energy Rebate Payment from NDC. The balance of the direct debit customer payments will be made by the end of May. Manual payers will receive a letter with a bar code to enable them to receive cash from the post office. Just over £5m of funding for a second Household Support Fund (HSF2) has been awarded to DCC by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The funds are currently with DCC. Further information to follow. NDC is consulting on changes to its Hackney Carriage fare tariff and is inviting the community to have their say. More information can be found here: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/news/economy/2022/may-2022/have-your-say-on-proposed-taxi-fare-increase/#:~:text=25%20May%202022,not%20been%20raised%20since%202016. Consultation results show community support for the Market Quarter improvements coming to Barnstaple. The project has four strands – Pannier Market upgrades and flexible space, the restoration of 36/ 37 Boutport Street into an exciting mixed-use development, changing the access and redesigning the layout of Queen Street car park and the pedestrianisation of Butchers Row and Cross Street. Celebrate our Queen but keep it Green. North Devon and Torridge Councils have teamed up with local charity Plastic Free North Devon to produce some ‘top tips’ to help event organisers ensure a celebration that doesn’t damage the earth. Link here: https://torridge.gov.uk/article/20950/Celebrate-our-Queen-but-keep-it-Green


7. Finance,                                                                                                                                                                

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


NDC Dog bins



Clerk’s salary



Envelopes for Annual Report



Burrington Parish Hall



Plaque for Commemorative Tree



Community First Insurance



Defibrillator Pads



WH Buckingham


i.               The Insurance was discussed as it was up for renewal, the quotes were compared, and questions asked are volunteers working for the Parish council covered under the policy, and does the preferred option cover everything that was covered before, these questions will be asked of the new company, it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Fraser-Smith to go with Community First on a three-year long-term agreement, all in favour.



iii.             The Clerks salary review, the clerk left the room after consideration pay scale 11 was offered and accepted, with the clerk’s contract being signed.

iv.            The Fixed Asset Register, Councillors are to assess the assets around the parish. 

v.              A quote has been received for the repair of the bus shelter; further quotes are to be obtained.


8. Planning                                                                                                                


Outline application for erection of 16 dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington

Cllr Davies has forwarded details from Devon County Lead Local Flood Authority in which their objections have been addressed subject to the imposition of conditions to be discharged. A copy of the DCCLLFA response has been received, which also sets out the conditions which would be applied to any decision. The response also sets out how surface water within a detention basin before discharging to a watercourse to the east, which is accepted by DCCLLFA in the observations section.


Erection of new building to accommodate four luxury suites a Northcote Manor



Conversion of barns and outbuildings to dwelling at Barns at Cowlas



Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 71667 (change of use of school to dwelling including demolition of 'temporary' classroom and replacement with attached 'Annex') in respect of the relocation of the solar PV panels and removal of velux rooflight to South East Roof slope, Brodger House Burrington




9. Parish Hall report. The Hall refurbishment of the men’s toilets has been completed.

10.Bethesda Graveyard Trust, there has been a burial this week. 

11. Correspondence                                                                                                                                                     i. DALC newsletter is circulated.

The lack of Enforcement from NDC was discussed Cllr Short is to speak to Cllr Davies regarding the increasing number of caravans in the parish. 




The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 28th June, 2022 7.30pm

for the Parish Council Meeting.




…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 26th July 2022 7.30pm Parish Council meeting

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held virtually on Tuesday 26th April 2022

at 7.00 p.m.                                       725


Present:      Mr.J Short (in the Chair), Mr A Fraser-Smith, Mr P Bailey, Mr A Bonner Mrs G Benson, Mr P Smale Mr J Woolridge & Mrs A Snell (clerk) 

In Attendance Cllr P Henderson (County Council) Cllr K Davies (District Councillor) and 7 members of the public

Apologies: Mr K Pincombe and Mr L Parker

1. The Minutes of the meeting held on 27th April 2021 were agreed and signed.                                          

2. Chairman’s Report

Cllr Short welcomed everyone to the meeting, Cllr Steve Aldridge has recently resigned from the Parish Council we thank him for all his work and contribution during his time on the council, there is now a vacancy so a co-option will take place. We started this year with zoom meetings but are now back to normal. In July 2021 the Parish Council finally completed on the purchase of the playing field, the night landing site mast and equipment to operate the light have been installed and are now operational, it is to be requested that anyone using the field to exercise their dogs to please pick up any mess because children will be using the area especially in the summer. The helicopter flying at Eaglescott seems to have subsided. The trailer has finally been removed from the Chapel car park and new rules drawn up to say vehicles must be of a road legal state to park there. The Barnstaple Inn has been sold Cllr Short has spoken to the new owners he has encountered a few problems but is still hoping to open in late autumn as a pub with food. Regarding pot holes the best way to report one seems to be online at devon.cc/report-it  

The development at Cross Park is still ongoing and evolving, the drainage was logged as a problem but now seems to be resolved to most people’s/agency’s satisfaction. The sewage is now to be connected to the mains sewage system; the route however is to be solely determined by SW Water if anyone has issues with this it can be seen on the NDC planning portal no 64051 the contact number to call is 08000831821. The Parish Council has purchased two unknown Tommys these where on display by the Oak tree at the last Remembrance Service.

Many thanks to Carole Poulton for her work with the Parish magazine. Tracy Ford and Pauline Down for the website and Parish email. I must thank my fellow Councillors for their support during the past year with a special mention of thanks to Angela for all the work she puts in as our Parish Clerk. And the County Councillor Paul Henderson and District Councillor Kevin Davies for their help and support.

3. Financial Report -These were made available to the meeting.

a) It was proposed by Mr G Short, seconded by Mr S Holton and agreed, that the Parish Council grants £60 donation to be made to Church for electricity used by public light.
£175 donation to be made to the Parish Hall for electricity used by lights, 

£300 Grant to the Burrington Church Buildings Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£100 Grant to the Bethesda Graveyard Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

£50 Grant to the Old Gospel Hall for maintenance of the graveyard. All in agreement.

With the increasing cost of electricity, the cost burden will be reviewed to ascertain if there are any significant changes for the Hall and Church.

4). Chairman of the Parish Hall Committee 

i. The Multi Use Games area agreement was signed, all in agreement. ii. It was agreed for the Parish Council to put aside £1500 for use by the hall if required in this year. Mr G Short The year has nearly resumed to normality. Events in the hall are beginning to return. There have been Weddings, meetings and parties retuning. Fundraising events have taken place, these occasions are as important for the social get together as they are for the funds they raise. The maintenance of the building has been monitored throughout the year and is in good repair. The improvements in the gents’ toilets have been completed. Thank you to all the committee for attending meetings during the year, I would like to thank all the officers the Secretary the Booking Secretary for all the extra work that they put in over and above attending the meetings. Thank you to the Cleaners for keeping the hall in a clean and tidy state ready for bookings to take place. The Hall has been presented by the Gracey family a Portrait of Col. Gracey (which used to hang in the Northcote Manor). The Colonel gave the original Nissan Hut which was used as the hall. We have a few events planned for the coming months Bingos, Christmas Fayre and in August an Evening with 




Johnny Cowling (Comedian) Ticket only more details to follow. The committee are pleased to confirm they will not be requiring any top up from the fund held on their behalf by the Parish Council this year.

5) Report from the Burrington Church Buildings Trust, and Friends of Holy Trinity

The Church Buildings Trust report was given by Stuart Holton not a lot has changed over the past 12 months there is now a fully functioning PCC, the Trust has given money towards the new boiler and maintaining the grave yard, some storm damage occurred over the winter months.  The BCBT continues to administer the funds       

The Friends of Holy Trinity are in their fourteenth year of helping to generate and administer an income stream to supplement the Church expenses which are the responsibility of the PCC. Any funds generated by the Friends are used to support the running costs of the Church itself, thus allowing the Friends to provide support in paying bills such as utilities cleaning and insurance premiums which are necessary for the ongoing operation of the Church. 

Cllr Fraser-Smith (chairman) reported a good level of support from the members         have generated sufficient income through subscriptions and investments to help the PCC with a good proportion of their running costs. In the last financial year £1828 support was given. The Friends only exist because of the membership Cllr Fraser-Smith gave thanks to all those who have generously supported the Friends of Holy Trinity over the last year and hope for continued support in the future.

Reverend Clive Jobbins reported that the Church is now open every Sunday and enjoying slow but consistent growth, the new heating boiler is now installed and functioning thank you to the BCBT, Devon Historic Churches and individual donations. The next project is a WC at the back of the Church. The Monthly Coffee mornings are well attended taking place on the first Saturday of the month. Monthly soup lunches took place during the winter months which were well supported, thank you to Kay Elworthy and Sarah Bonner for providing the soup, it has now been decided to hold cream teas monthly, the next is the 8th May with a plant stall and raffle, after the great success of last years BBQ another one is planned for July. Thank you to Kay Elworthy and Sue Short for organising a bingo night in aid of the church, and Liz and Bryan Griffiths for the successful quiz night, Rev Clive would like to thank everyone who has been involved and for ongoing support, if anyone would like to be more involved, please contact the PCC or Rev Clive, finally with the closing of so many Churches’ Rev Clive is so glad that Burrington is to stay open.

6). The Community Shop, September 2021 marked the 6th anniversary of the opening of the Burrington Community Shop. There have been many changes over the course of those 6 years, the main ones which come to mind are: The relocation to larger premises; The additional of more chillers & freezers; Changes in counter personnel & volunteers; Most significant event (and indeed challenge) the arrival of Covid and the increase in demand for the Shop. However, what has remained relatively unchanged during this time in number terms is the core committee & volunteers & this has become the biggest challenge. The Shop continues to receive the support of Pickard’s staff & in recent times has benefited from settled continuity in Molly & Faye. Molly now helps out further in the shop as well as taking orders & Faye as well as serving on Molly’s day off is an important Pickard’s management point of contact. In terms of turnover, sales totalled almost £80k for the 2020/21 financial year to May 2021, that’s an increase of 41% on the previous year & Covid continues to be a factor in this rise we believe. The current monthly average of £6,650 compares with £3,900 per month in the last Covid free year, that’s 70% higher & apparently is not uncommon amongst Community Shops countrywide (source The Plunkett Foundation). Sales continue to remain strong in 2021/22, with the first half year showing an increase of 7% compared to 2020/21 at the same point. This continuing increase in sales has brought with it the possibility of a VAT registration requirement in the near future. Because of the increase administrative challenge registration would bring to our already stretched personnel, the Shop committee remain committed to non-registration, if at all possible, which regrettably but unavoidably may result in a reduction in the range of products available for sale. In terms of goods available, we remain committed to using Biodegradable/compostable or at best recyclable materials wherever possible & Colin has been instrumental in managing this. In premises terms we remain grateful to Pickard’s for maintaining their monthly rent charge at a modest level. We particularly acknowledge this financial gesture given the level of back-office support provided by them. With this in mind & with Molly now dedicating additional hours to shop matters we have invited Faye to re-assess Pickard’s charges in recognition. Shop hygiene is another challenge we have to meet & our search for a dedicated cleaner continues. In the meantime, the function is being covered at committee level. Turning to equipment, we added 1 additional upright freezer in 2020/21; replaced the ice cream freezer when the old unit’s repair proved uneconomic; replaced 1 chiller unit, with it’s predecessor relocated to the store for overflow storage. We now have a total of ten units, 5 chillers & 5 freezers. Even this area of operations brings it’s 






challenges, particularly in the summer months with temperature issues during particularly hot spells. In terms of PR, there is now a dedicated YOUR COMMUNITY SHOP page in the parish 

magazine, Jack is instrumental in managing our website & social media updates. The Parish Contacts List has been updated with our new location & our opening hours etc. We continue to push for more people to get involved with the Shop & maintain the desire to resurrect a public parish meeting on the Shop’s future, which was planned but postponed by the arrival of Covid. Regrettably & again principally as a result of Covid restrictions, we have been unable to hold our annual quiz in support of local charity. However, in 2021/22 we were pleased to donate to Gordon Short’s bowling challenge to raise funds for DAAT & in addition contributed £441 towards the night landing lights for their air ambulance. We continue to source & support local suppliers for our products whenever possible. By value 94% of our purchases are sourced within the county and 75% locally or from Torridge or N Devon, including 4 of the top 5 supplier spends. All initial members’ start up loans have now been repaid & we again express our gratitude for this vital financial support. Some members preferred to convert their loan to a donation to reflect their appreciation of the Shop as a community resource. We currently have 44 shareholdings. The Shop has been able to strengthen its financial reserves, potentially to be available to ensure continuity of operations. In specific terms, these are designated to cover equipment replacement, stock replacement & cost coverage in the event of an interruption of trading. These essential designated funds account for 71% of the Shop’s reserves, with the remainder designed for contingencies & community benefit donations. Last but by no means least, we acknowledge the vital work of our volunteers (Fiona, Tony, Tansy, Pauline, Doreen, Gill, Martha, & some spouses!), to Pickards, in particular Molly & Faye to my fellow committee members both for their hard work on operations as well as committee matters & of course the support of our customers.

7. County and District Councillors items, Cllr Henderson I’m delighted to represent Burrington on Devon County Council following the election in May 2021. Unfortunately, it is nigh on impossible for me to attend every Parish Council meeting as I am also a Town Councillor on South Molton Town Council and hold the role of Chair of Finance meaning that my attendance at the monthly SMTC meeting is required. The SMTC meeting is held on the same evening/time as Burrington. The past year has been particularly trying owing to Covid and a complete change in working practices for the Council as a whole. DCC is facing unprecedented financial challenges as finance from central government continues to decline. Although all of our Council Tax bills are increasing, the perception is that the level of service provided does not move upwards. This to a large extent is due to the money required to service adult and children’s social care. The amount of money required in this area alone accounts for around 70% of the DCC expenditure and is only going to increase as the population across the County continues to age. All services provided by the County are under constant scrutiny and such is the pressure faced that to ensure a balanced budget was achieved for this financial year (22/23), money was drawn down from Council reserves. Highways issues are at the top of the list for most parish councils as the state of our roads continues to decline. One win I had back in 2021 before Christmas was to have the A377 patched between the Portsmouth Arms and Umberleigh. The road was simply too dangerous to allow further stalling of work. The repairs done are temporary as a longer-term solution is being investigated to solve the many issues facing the A377. All of this does not come ‘cheap’ and it may be some time until a more permanent solution is identified. One project I am keen to introduce is the return of a Parish Lengthsman. These individuals were commonplace a couple of decades ago and they knew about the road drainage issues across the Parish and kept the verges, drains and gulleys clear of water (which is causing so many problems today). It is not DCC policy to employ Lengthsmen anymore but I hope to persuade Cabinet that a trial whereby Burrington, Kings Nympton, Chittlehamholt and Atherington could share a resource which would ultimately reduce the number of potholes reported and general deterioration of the road surfaces across the four parishes. This in turn would see DCC save money in the mid to long term. I just now have to win that argument with Cabinet to have the resources released. As we enter a new financial year, I have my community grant available for those who may wish to apply for qualifying initiatives/projects. The amount each DCC Councillor has had been reduced from £10,000 to 




£8,000 this year but I would be delighted to hear from any group/individual who’d like to be considered from a grant. All applications have to go through a formal application/scrutiny process but the money is there for me to directly feed into the communities I serve.

Cllr Davies reported it has been a pleasure to act as your District Councillor over the past year and he has endeavoured to attend as many meetings as possible in order to report and provide 

updates on both local and wider council issues that affect us as well as answering questions. It would appear that we have adjusted to living and working alongside COVID, this has been challenging for many and continues to affect us in differing ways. NDC has and continues to function well with many staff back in the office or hybrid working and with formal committees being held in person. Training and informal meetings are still conducted virtually and this is largely welcomed, reducing travel, time and cost to the council. Two important projects came forward during the year. Firstly, the purchasing of Green Lanes Shopping Centre in Barnstaple – this is part of the commercial strategy and will generate significant levels of new income for the council working towards the objective of enabling it to become financially sustainable by 2023/24. Secondly, the council secured approximately £6.5m from the Future High Street Fund for improvements to the Market Quarter, the Pannier Market and Queen Street/ Bear Street car park. The Ilfracombe Water Sports Centre is currently under construction and the new Tarka Leisure Centre in Barnstaple is due to open in May 2022. External funding was obtained for both projects. Closer to home it is good to see that the new housing scheme at Cross Park Farm received planning consent. The project will deliver much needed affordable houses and significant Section 106 contributions. I am also pleased not to be inundated with noise complaints from Eaglescott whilst I am continuing to monitor actions taken by NDC enforcement. Lastly, I am happy to support further projects eligible under the Community Councillor Grants scheme, this is now open for applications.

8. Co-option. Due, to the resignation of Steve Aldridge there is now to be a co-option onto the Parish Council, notices will be put up.

9. The Annual Report will be circulated in June every parish organisation was invited to put forward information for inclusion as the Report will be delivered to every household. 



…………………………. Chairman ……………………..……Date     


Parish Council Meeting held on the 30th November 2021


Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mr S Aldridge Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson Mr K Pincombe Mr Alan Fraser-Smith and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)        

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Cllr P Henderson County Councillor 


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


The meeting was a hybrid meeting in the Parish Hall with a zoom connection.


i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th October 2021 were agreed and signed.                                          


2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, no report at present.

            ii. The S106 Priorities list, this has been updated and circulated another addition will be gates for both ends of the Village Green.

            iii. The Wicksteed report has been received (it was noted it was a very long report with a lot of photos) nothing was reported as a high priority, but a few repairs need to be carried out, the seat near the Village Hall needs new slates, Cllr Bailey kindly agreed to carry out the work.


4. Chairman’s Report  

i. Helicopter Flying and Eaglescott. The Eaglescott Protest reported “Cllr Davies said he had spoken to Ken Miles at NDC and no communication had taken place recently.

ii. A letter has been sent to the Earl of Portsmouth still no response has been received.


5. Highways. Devon Highways Parish & Town Council Conference

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        

ii. The street lights have been affected by the recent storm; reports have been submitted.

iii. The drain discharging onto the pavement/highway from the old school, has had the case reopened so we await further information.

A resident has cleared the overhanging trees from Portsmouth Arms sawmills to the layby on the road toward Burrington. Ash trees along the A377 have been identified as having to be removed, landowners have 3 months to comply with the requirement. It was highlighted that some hedges have not been cut, some for some years.


6. County and District Councillors items. Cllr Davies reported the NDC have purchased Green Lanes shopping centre for £8.2 million, this will bring in an income for the council, £1.5 million has been secured in grants from Central Government for the refurbishment of the town centre, pedestrianisation of Butchers Row. A Barnstaple shopping app is available “Live, Love, Local”, to encourage people to shop locally. 

Covid numbers are very high in the area, so everyone is encouraged to be covid aware. The question was asked of Cllr Davies why we could not go back to zoom meeting, if not all some to help the covid situation 





and the carbon footprint to reduce travelling, the MP Selaine Saxby is to be written too.  Forthcoming meetings will be held in the main hall to give greater space.

Cllr Henderson reported SOCIAL CARE Devon County Council wants to help shape a stronger, more resilient, more rewarding social care sector, not just here, but right across the country. That’s the bold ambition and purpose of an Appreciative Inquiry – a conference that will bring together leading national and local figures with care workers and providers – to discuss adult social care, to be hosted by the council on Friday, (3rd December). 30,000 care workers in Devon who support vulnerable people and promote their independence on a daily basis. But also to raise awareness of the acute challenges now faced by the industry, and identify recommendations that will help secure and improve its future, and realise its full potential. Devon currently does not have enough care workers to meet demand, with 2,000 social care job vacancies currently waiting to be filled. WINTER GRITTING The County Council is starting the season with its gritting depots fully stocked with the usual amount of around 24,000 tonnes of salt. Six gritters have been replaced with newer models to continue the ongoing upgrade of the authority’s winter fleet of 37 frontline gritters. To ensure resilience of staffing numbers, three gritter drivers per route will be on standby as per usual. The County Council launched its new Network Operations Control Centre in Sowton, Exeter, last year to improve the monitoring of Devon’s roads 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Last winter, around 18,000 tonnes of salt were used on Devon’s roads – treating more than 136,000 miles of the county - twice the amount used in each of the two previous winters. More than 3,500 grit bins are located across Devon to support community self-help on roads which are not on the gritting network. These supplies must only be used on the public highway. Empty grit bins can be reported via our “Report It” webpages so I ask each parish council to check their own grit bins and then request top up’s as necessary.

Devon’s volunteer snow warden scheme celebrated its 10th anniversary earlier this year, and there are currently around 325 volunteer snow wardens in towns and parishes throughout Devon. Snow wardens provide additional support for their communities as part of the Council’s winter self-help scheme, treating their priority routes during spells of prolonged spells of severe weather. Find out more about Devon’s snow warden scheme on the DCC communities webpages or contact Richard Sables, your local Neighbourhood Highway Officer. MEAL VOUCHERS FOR CHRISTMAS Families in Devon on low incomes, whose children receive free school meals, will get extra support this Christmas to help them buy food during the holidays.

Over the past year DCC have provided supermarket vouchers worth £15 per child per week of the school holidays to families who qualify for free school meals, so their children don’t go hungry. DCC are doubling that for Christmas, with an extra one-off £30 supermarket voucher, so families will receive a £60 voucher per child for the two-weeks to help with the additional financial pressure the festive period can bring. 2022 BUDGET Budget planning for 2022 is now well underway. DCC won’t find out until January the figure which will be provided by central government but we are preparing ourselves for a very challenging year ahead during which it’s likely that finances will be extremely tight with little/no spare cash available. The primary pressure facing DCC relate to the ever-increasing cost of social care which as detailed above is facing significant pressures relating to recruitment. CLIMATE CHANGE Devon Climate Emergency - A consortium of the local authorities involved in the Devon Climate Emergency partnership were successful in their funding bid to the South West Energy Hub to deliver nine events across Devon during the COP26 fortnight (which was the first two weeks of November 2021). A total of £18,360 was awarded and was matched by £28,000 of funding from the local authorities Most of the events were community led in partnership with local authorities. Feedback was that these were very well received. DCC Carbon Offsetting – In order to achieve its net zero carbon target by 2030, DCC has committed to carbon offsetting for its residual emissions. The approach agreed through the DCC Carbon Reduction Plan was a ramped approach to this carbon offsetting, to cover 5% of residual emissions in Year 1 (19/20) of the Plan, rising up to 100% by 2030. Initially this was planned to be achieved through the purchase of Woodland Carbon Credits; but by Year 3 (21/22) it was proposed to use land purchase and woodland creation as the offsetting mechanism (i.e. multiple environmental / economic benefits, with DCC investing in an asset). In 




practice, both the purchase of Woodland Carbon Credits and the acquisition of land for woodland establishment have proved to be far more problematic (and expensive) than originally anticipated. Despite this, we achieved our first success in land acquisition recently through the purchase of 28 acres between Okehampton and Exbourne. Retrofitting DCC Estate - Recently approved at cabinet a £3.3 million scheme that will cut carbon emissions and reduce energy use on our buildings in Exeter, Barnstaple, Tavistock and Honiton. Insulation will be improved and solar panels and air source heat pumps will be installed along with mechanical ventilation that recovers heat and LED lighting. COVID Confirmed cases continue to rise in Devon with the main risings in North Devon and Torridge. The highest figures remain with the 10-16 age group with young people, largely asymptomatic, passing on to parents/carers with the 40- 50 age group the second highest. Hospital admissions also rising albeit at a much lower rate of rise – even so, presently there are 168 patients in our four hospitals with Covid, up from 111 early November. Deaths remain relatively low and flatlining over the past few weeks now. Vaccinations – 94% of Devon’s population have had at least one dose. Booster or 3rd dose – • age 80+ - 81% jabbed • 75-79 – 88% • 70-74 – 71% • 65-69 – 50% • 60-64 – 31% • 55-59 – 25% • 50-55 – 21% HOUSEHOLD SUPPORT FUND Allocated from the Department for Work and Pensions to each upper tier local authority in England. The notional fund for the DCC administrative area equates to £5,064,876. The fund is for households facing financial hardship this winter, helping them to cover the cost of food, energy and water bills and/or any related essential costs. At least 50% of the fund must be used to support households with children. The fund is being allocated across the county through various gateways such as (not exclusively) CAB – Energy Relief Scheme; Devon Food Network; Early Help Locality Teams: Action for Children Centres; Healthy Start Food Boxes and Homeless Support Groups, with £880,000 going to District Councils to provide help and support to those who are struggling financially.


7. Finance,                                                                                                                                                                

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               





Clerk’s salary












MUGA account


i.               Grass cutting tenders, two quotes were received after consideration it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Bailey to accept Mr M Bakers tender, and Mr Elworthy’s tender for cutting the hedges, all in favour.

ii.              Set the precept, after discussion and consideration it was proposed by Cllr Aldridge seconded by Cllr Smale to keep the precept unchanged at £10,000, all in favour.

iii.             The Millenium Copse trees need thinning out due to some have Ash die back, Cllr Short has accessed, and obtained a quote for cutting and clearing the wood where required, the quote was for £400 it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Fraser-Smith to accept the quote all in favour. 



Outline application for erection of 16 dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington

Further information has been posted on the NDC Planning portal. 


Conversion of agricultural building to form a dwelling and associated works The Marshes Road from Mill Moor Cross to Newnham Cross Burrington



Conversion of agricultural barn to dwelling at 


Curzeland Farm Burrington





Erection of an Ancillary Unit to Dwelling, Northcote Workshop



Change of use of from agricultural land to extension to domestic curtilages at Bedport Poultry Farm Burrington

No objections


Prior approval for conversion of agricultural building into a dwelling house (Class Q (A&B)) at Golland Farm Burrington

No objections 


Erection of new building to accommodate four luxury suites a Northcote Manor

No objections 


Single storey ground floor side extension together with small side entrance porch to improve accessibility, Lower Twitchen

Cllr Short and Cllr Davies both declared prejudicial interest and left the room. It was agreed by all to recommend approval.




9. Parish Hall report. An actual face to face meeting is scheduled to take place. 


10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust, no report


11. Correspondence i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated.

A letter has been received from South Molton Community News to assess the requirement of hard copies of there newsletter, the reply is to be sent that some copies are taken from the shop but not all. 

The Barnstaple Records Office have asked the Parish Council to give them a grant, Cllr Davies has asked the Office for a breakdown of how they receive their finances, it was agreed not to financially assist at this time.

Queens Jubilee celebrations were discussed, it was suggested to ask the hall committee to organise an event, it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Bailey to grant £300 towards the celebrations all in favour. Cllr Davis will also be asked.

A speaker from Airband attended a Parish Council meeting in the spring with a commitment for greater broadband speed as yet no progress seems to have been made in the parish, an email is to be sent. 



The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 18th January, 2022 7.30pm



…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 22nd February 2022 7.30pm. Parish Council meeting.


Parish Council Meeting held on the 26th October 2021


Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mr S Aldridge Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson Mr K Pincombe Mr Alan Fraser-Smith and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)        

In attendance 

Apologies Cllr P Henderson County Councillor Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


The meeting was a hybrid meeting in the Parish Hall with a zoom connection.


i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 28th September 2021 were agreed and signed.                                          


2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, no report at present.

            ii. The S106 Priorities list, this was discussed and will be updated to include the purchase of the filed the priority is now what the Parish Council intend to do with it, suggestions are a fenced dog walking area, to improve the public access to a green space in the centre of the village, possibly electric car charging terminals and other ways to benefit the community with this asset. 

To try to tarmac the Square in partnership with highways, other updates will be made and returned to NDC. 


4. Chairman’s Report  

i. Helicopter Flying and Eaglescott. The Eaglescott Protest reported “As most of you will be aware there has been a great deal of publicity of late with articles in the Times newspaper, Devon Live and BBC Spotlight.
At the same time, Chris Hoole has been negotiating with NDDC about how to resolve the outstanding issues. There has been a great deal more contact than usual (by phone and by email) and a meeting has now been agreed between Mr Hoole, the head of Enforcement, a senior planning officer and the legal representative who wrote the legal opinion on behalf of NDDC. The meeting has been arranged for the morning of 11th November.”

ii. A letter has been sent to the Earl of Portsmouth still no response has been received.


5. Highways. Devon Highways Parish & Town Council Conference

This event is taking place on 24th & 25th November virtually. Parish Clerks have been given details of how Councillors can attend as well as the agenda for each day.

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        


6. County and District Councillors items. Cllr Henderson reported Education Funding

Councillor James McInnes, who chairs the national campaign for fair education funding, has written to the new Education Secretary Nadhim Sahawi urging him to fight for greater investment in schools in the Comprehensive Spending Review.





And Mr McInnes has also written to the Prime Minister calling on him and Mr Sahawi to resolve long-standing issues over funding for the nation’s most vulnerable children with special educational needs.

It comes as new figures show every pupil in a Devon school gets £223 less in government funding than the national average. Devon currently receives £5,145 per pupil compared to the England average of £5,368. For a number of years education funding has not kept pace with inflation, while the demands on schools and teachers have grown rapidly. In real terms, school funding is at 2010 levels. Education requires a substantial uplift to ensure schools are able to provide quality teaching for all.

20MPH Limits At long last the consultation has started in Newton Abbott which will determine the potential roll-out of 20mph schemes across the rest of Devon for those communities that would benefit.

Newton Abbot residents, businesses, commuters, and visitors are being asked to give their views on a 20miles-per-hour speed limit. The Newton Abbot 20 informal consultation has been created by a partnership of Newton Abbot Town Council, Teignbridge District Council and Devon County Council and will be launched on Monday October 25 and will run until Thursday November 25.

Proud to Care Devon urgently needs around an additional 2,000 care workers so a campaign to help recruitment into the sector is to take place over the autumn/winter. The Find Your Calling campaign is encouraging those who may be looking for work or training opportunities to consider beginning a career in the Care sector. More info is available at: www.proudtocaredevon.org.uk

Cllr Bailey did comment that the Chulmleigh First Responder vehicle is still not in use Cllr Henderson is to be asked for an update. 

Cllr Davies kindly agreed to grant the Parish Council £150 towards the night landing site cost but as that is now a retrospective cost it cannot be claimed, but is still available to the Parish Council for another project the suggestion was a dog bin which will be needed when the dog walking area project is undertaken. 

No report was given on the Parish Forum meeting.


7. Finance,                                                                                                                                                                

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               





AUK Supplies



NDC Dog bins



Mr M Baker playing field



Mr M Baker Village Green and seats



Burrington Parish Hall



Mr R Elworthy hedge cutting


i.               The house at the end of the MUGA has cut some trees down and the wire is not sufficient to keep the footballs out, so repairs or new netting is required. 

ii.              The Millenium Copse trees need thinning out some have Ash die back, Cllr Short is to access, it was also highlighted that the Oak tree by the play equipment needs attention and some of the lower branches removed, this will be looked at.  

8. Planning                                                                                                                                        


Outline application for erection of 16 dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington

Further information has been posted on the NDC Planning portal. 


Conversion of redundant rural building to dwelling and associated works at Bouchland Farm Burrington



Conversion of agricultural building to form a dwelling and associated works The Marshes Road from Mill Moor Cross to Newnham Cross Burrington



Conversion of agricultural barn to dwelling at Curzeland Farm Burrington









9. Parish Hall report. Some of the emergency lights have been tested and need to be replaced.


10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust, no report


11. Correspondence i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. The DALC Annual meeting is to be held on the 5th 6th and 7th October via zoom.

An email has been circulated regarding Mental Health services in North Devon this was discussed more information is needed to assess the impact on residents of Burrington and to make a response.

A letter has been received from South Molton Community News to assess the requirement of hard copies of there newsletter, the shop is to be asked the extent of interest in the newsletter, also an invitation has been extended to the Community News Christmas Party on the 9th December.

The Barnstaple Records Office have asked the Parish Council to give them a grant, Cllr Davies is to be asked how the Office is funded at present before a decision is made.

Street light timings were also discussed an assessment is to be made after the clocks change next weekend. 



The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 30th November, 2021 7.30pm

Budge meeting.


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 18th January 2022 7.30pm. Parish Council meeting to be agreed.


Parish Council Meeting held on the 28th September 2021


Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mr S Aldridge Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson Mr Alan Fraser-Smith and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)         

In attendance Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Mr K Pincombe Cllr P Henderson County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


The meeting was a hybrid meeting in the Parish Hall with a zoom connection.


i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 31st August 2021 were agreed and signed.                                          


2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, the night landing site mast has been installed the angle of the light needs to be altered.

Following a one-off grant of £1million awarded by the UK Treasury from the Libor banking fines fund, Devon Air Ambulance can provide grants to communities towards the costs of establishing Community Landing Sites. This fund means DAAT can provide strategic financial support to communities to develop an operationally effective network of night landing sites. Devon Air Ambulance Air Operations and Safety Committee is delighted to be able to support the development of a night landing site at Burrington Playing Field and have agreed to award your community a grant of £4,954.40 towards the associated installation costs. This will be applied for. 

ii. CLT, the money is to allocated to the night landing site. 

The cost of the project is £8000 for the cost of the field, solicitor’s fees £4344, installation £9414 both including VAT.

Grants received DAAT £4954, Norman Trust £1000, Cllr Edgell £1200, to be claimed off Cllr Davies £250, a further £150 has been offered from Cllr Davies for which he was thanked. The deficit is £280, the shop has kindly agreed to cover this for which they were thanked.

Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey have drawn up a map of suggestions for the use of the field, a potential dog walking area has been identified, the fences will have to erected and the entrances agreed, dog walkers will not be allowed on the NLS, as requested by the helicopter ambulance crew. More litter bins and dog bins are to be suggested for the field. This will be all be discussed and agreed at future meetings.  


4. Chairman’s Report  

i. Helicopter Flying and Eaglescott. The Eaglescott Protest have secured legal advice concluding in a letter sent to NDC Planning, NDC have responded with the legal interpretation in a comprehensive letter to the protest group, a further letter is awaited by the 9th October with the conclusion of any enforcement action to be taken.

ii. A letter has been sent to the Earl of Portsmouth regarding the proceeds from the sale of the school asking if some of the proceeds could be channelled into parish projects still no response has been received. 





5. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        

6. County and District Councillors items. 

Cllr Davies reported that Arts Council England, have designated North Devon as a focus development area, to highlight the cultural and creative potential, this area is one of 11 in the South West.

NDC is working with the government to resettle two Afghan families, the government is covering the cost.

Consultants have been appointed to be the trustees of the £10.9 million grant funding for the reinvigoration of the Pannier Market, pedestrianisation of Butchers Row and other projects for the enhancement of Barnstaple Town Centre. Cllr Davies said he has another £150 that can be claimed for which he was thanked it will be put towards the cost of the Night landing site. 

7. Finance,                                                                                                                                                                

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


Clerk’s salary



Office expenses






MAT Electrics


i.               .

8. Planning                                                                                                                                        


Outline application for erection of 16 dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington



Extension to clubhouse (to provide covid secure space), Eaglescott Airfield 

This application has not been validated.


Conversion of redundant rural building to dwelling and associated works at Bouchland Farm Burrington



Conversion of agricultural building to form a dwelling and associated works The Marshes Road from Mill Moor Cross to Newnham Cross Burrington

Alterations have been made to this application, but as to what alterations are not clear on viewing the application, it was suggested alterations should be highlighted for easy of viewing. 


Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to two dwelling houses (Class Q(a)(b)) at Barn at Week Cottage High Bickington





Conversion of agricultural barn to dwelling at Curzeland Farm Burrington

No objections 


i.               It was highlighted that with the potential development at Cross Park the S106 Expression of Interest form needs to be updated, especially now the field has been purchased and ideas for projects on the field being considered.

ii.              Cllr Short has had a response from Jamies Jeyes Service Lead - Housing Market Balance NDC regarding the S106 money from the Bridge Farm development which the Parish Council was unaware off until quite recently it read:

Due to the small amount of money that is available via the Bridge Farm planning application (£11,875 total) it's going to be difficult to use the monies for affordable housing without some other form of grant. Commuted sums would need to be used for new supply so it couldn't be used as part of the planning or feasibility work in my view, it would need to be used as part of the monies to fund the build and I'm just very aware of the deadline of 2025. The scope of this money is very narrow, only Affordable Housing so the Parish Council are having 




difficulty knowing how to apply for it. The S106 criteria for the Cross Farm development was discussed as to how any S106 will be allocated.

Cllr Davies is to write to Jean Watkins Senior Planning Officer asking if the Parish Council can have any input as to the most advantageous way of using any money for the local community.


9. Parish Hall report. The Parish Hall is now open. 

10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust, no report


11. Correspondence i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. The DALC Annual meeting is to be held on the 5th 6th and 7th October via zoom.

ii. A flag pole has been offered to the Parish Council after discussion it was agreed not to accept the offer as no site was suggested.

It was noted that the odour in the village has returned a request for a contact number has been made. 

It was reported that a pipe from the school was discharging waste water onto the highway near the bus shelter, the water it seems was coming from roof water, a response has been received from NDC saying they will investigate.

The Queens Jubilee in June 2022 was discussed as to what celebrations the parish will undertake, the lighting of the Beacon will definitely be undertaken, other suggestions of commemorative mugs or coins, a picnic in the park, or cream tea where made.

The Who’s who is to be updated. The bus shelter needs cleaning.




The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 26th October, 2021 7.30pm


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 30th November 2021 7.30pm. Parish Council meeting

Budget meeting


Parish Council Meeting held on the 31st August 2021


Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mr S Aldridge Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson Mr K Pincombe Mr Alan Fraser-Smith and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)        

In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor Cllr K Davies District Councillor



Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


The meeting was a hybrid meeting in the Parish Hall with a zoom connection.


i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 27th July2021 were agreed and signed.                                          With the amendment that the Chulmleigh First Responder ambulance was discussed at the July meeting, it is as present not operating due to difficulties with the Ambulance Service, Cllr Henderson was asked to look into this issue. 


2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, the contract has been exchanged so the field in now the property of Burrington Parish Council. The next step is to discuss what to do with the field now. MAT electrics have been contacted regarding the laying of the electricity connection from the hall under the road for the night landing site mast this will take place on the 13th and 14th September.

It was suggested to have a dog walking fenced area the cost of this project will be the fencing, it has been asked if children can play on the field, this was agreed by all for children to use the area. It was suggested to make the entrance wider and to have a hard area, the suggestion was ashes from the furnace at Aylescott or road plainings which are £30 per ton, Cllr Henderson suggested to ask for these from the Link Road regeneration work. It was also suggested to have a pedestrian access by the bungalows at Pound Close to take down a section of the fence. The hall over flow car park was also highlighted it could be used on the grass as it is at present. An electricity car charging point on the field was suggested this may qualify for environmental grants also there is S106 money in the region of £13,000 that has not been claimed from development at Bridge Farm but the stipulation for this is very narrow only being for affordable housing, the question was raised could the infrastructure be installed for the affordable housing development that is planned in the future, this is to be looked into, the grant has to be claimed by 2025. An outline application could be submitted for affordable housing.

ii. CLT, the money is 99% certain to be able to allocated to the night landing site. 


4. Chairman’s Report  

i. Helicopter Flying and Eaglescott. The Eaglescott Protest have secured legal advice concluding in a letter sent to NDC Enforcement, a response is awaited. 

ii. A letter has been sent to the Earl of Portsmouth regarding the proceeds from the sale of the school asking if some of the proceeds could be channelled into parish projects as yet no response has been received. 





5. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        

Clearing trees along the A377 is being undertaken due to Ash dieback, repairs to the road surface has taken place from Kingford towards Umberleigh but this is not the completed job. The subsidence repairs at the bottom of Kingford Hill are underway. The undermining of the road towards Umberleigh has been assessed and photographically recorded. Cllr Pincombe asked Cllr Henderson regarding the cutting of hedges he reported that highways are going to take back this work, County Councillors are having a meeting with John Hart to voice concerns. Cllr Henderson is to ask at the next Scrutiny committee how contracts for highways works are awarded, as this is not clear and the system needs to be reviewed, Ms Meg Booth the Senior Officer will attend as at present the process does not seem fit for purpose.  

6. County and District Councillors items. Cllr Henderson gave an update on the Coronavirus situation in the area. Cllr Henderson asked if it would be useful if a mobile testing van visited the village, it was agreed to attend once to see the uptake to ascertain if further visits were required, it was suggested to site the van in the Square. A report on the impact on the economy was given. Children’s services had a bad OFSTED report so a new management team have been brought in to act on the report and improve the deliverance.

Regarding the Chulmleigh Responder service they are still waiting for the Ambulance Service to respond, Cllr Henderson is to make further enquires. 

Cllr Davies also gave a report including that all councillors have received an invite to the Parish Forum on the 14th October it is via zoom, this will cover many topics including, the review of litter bins and dog waste bins, housing, the restructuring of NDC etc.  

7. Finance,                                                                                                                                                                

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


Aylescott postage



Clerk’s salary



J Pickard printing



Burrington church buildings Trust



Bethesda Graveyard Trust



Old Gospel Hall



Bethesda rent for MUGA



Burrington PCC electricity



NDC dog waste 


i.               .

8. Planning                                                                                                                                        


Outline application for erection of 16 dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington

This application has been called to committee as highways and drainage have been asked for additional information which has not been received as yet.


Change of use of part of the field from agricultural to equestrian for grazing horses together with erection of a stable block at Land at Meadow View Farm Road from Portsmouth Arms Hotel to Northcote Cross Burrington




Extension to clubhouse (to provide covid secure space), Eaglescott Airfield 

No longer on the NDC planning portal as the information under this number was incorrect, but a response ( if still live) was agreed for the amended larger size of the extension it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Fraser Smith to recommend refusal on the grounds of no need demonstrated and lack of clarification, all in favour.


Conversion of redundant rural building to dwelling and associated works at Bouchland Farm Burrington



Conversion of agricultural building to form a dwelling and associated works The Marshes Road from Mill Moor Cross to Newnham Cross Burrington

No objections 


Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to two dwelling houses (Class Q(a)(b)) at Barn at Week Cottage High Bickington





9. Parish Hall report. The Parish Hall is now open. 

10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust, no report


11. Correspondence i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated.

It was noted that a pipe from the school was discharging waste water onto the highway near the bus shelter, the water it seems was coming from roof water, Cllr Short will discuss this with the owners. Likewise, the hedge between the school property and the public footpath is not defined also to be discussed. 

It was highlighted the excessive number of lights that have been installed to illuminate Portsmouth Arms Train station.


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 28th September, 2021 7.30pm  



…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 26th October 2021 7.30pm. Parish Council meeting


Parish Council Meeting held on the 28th July  2021


Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mr S Aldridge Mr A. Bonner Mr Alan Fraser-Smith and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)  

In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor plus four members of the public

Apologies Mrs G Benson Mr K Pincombe Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation

It was raised from the floor points regarding the Cross Park planning for 16 dwellings, the site is in the Local Plan and affordable housing has been provided, the access was determined from the original plan as it was not a suitable access from the farm side, but the proposed access may cause a pinch point with only a 6-metre gap, highways will be consulted on ways to slow the traffic, the boundary at the access point was discussed.  

The drainage of foul water and storm water were highlighted as a point of concern, professional advise was sought to calculate the run off and quality management of the drainage water. The proposed system of Clijsters is a technical solution to the disposal of foul water as connecting to the mains sewage would cost £260,000. The depth of the ditch for the soak away and the calculation of the volume of water have yet to be agreed, ND planning will it is anticipated contact the Environment Agency and DCC Flood team to look at the technical aspects to ensure no flooding ever occurs as a consequence.

Sumps and the levels of these were discussed, the capacity of the pipes and ditches along with the possibility of storm water were also discussed

There will be a communal maintenance agreement for grounds works etc, the 4 affordable houses will be managed by a housing association. 

Members of the public were thanked for attending. 


The meeting was a hybrid meeting in the Parish Hall with a zoom connection.


i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th May 2021 were agreed and signed.


2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, the contract has been witnessed and signed by Cllr Short and returned to the solicitors. The next step is to contact MAT Electricals to obtained a revised quote for the Night landing site mast.

ii. CLT, it is hoped to utilise the money for the costs associated with the night landing site mast, Cllr Henderson kindly said he would grant some money to the project. 

v. Airband Liaison meeting, a response was received asking if all houses would have a fibre connection from the email it was assumed all will not. 


4. Chairman’s Report  

i. Helicopter Flying and Eaglescott. A further meeting of the Eaglescott Protest group is to be held on Thursday; a representative will attend from the Parish Council. The hard runway was highlighted, the planning application for the extension it seems there are no reasons to object, but the reasons for requirement are questioned. 



ii. Cars on the pavement outside of Southfield, these have been reported but to no avail.

 iii. Barnstaple Inn, an email was received to confirm that the Barnstaple Inn contracts have been exchanged and completion is Monday 23rd August. The new owners are very experienced in the trade, and hope to open as soon as possible, following some updates on the building. It is believed they want to offer food as well as drink.


5. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        


6. County and District Councillors items. Cllr Henderson reported that Ms Marie Bailey is making a real difference to the running of the council and Mr John Triggs has been appointed as Deputy Chief Executive another layer of management is to be introduced to help make the council run more efficiently.

The A377 is shut at the bottom of Kingford Hill, for subsidence repairs, Cllr Henderson has flagged that the pot holes could be filled at the same time as the road closure. The four conservative councillors have spoken to Cllr John Hart to ask him to help improve the roads in this area, one suggestion was to have the return of the Parish Lengthsman, or to give each Parish £20k per year to use contractors and or farmers to carry out the preventative and clearing work on the roads. Road Wardens were suggested to be implemented.

There are further grants schemes one from England Woodland Creation, Reconnect and rebuild this is up to £1k for small projects to help people to come out off the covid pandemic, Village Halls can apply, and the Community Ownership scheme for larger project to purchase an asset to put into community ownership. 

The mass cutting of trees along the highway was highlighted, these are mainly from Ash dieback, but some are being left if felt there will recover, sections of the Link Road have been left to protect the door mice, hedgehogs and slow worms but when they have migrated from the sites they will be cleared. 

7. Finance,                                                                                                                                                                

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


West of England fire Protection



Burrington Parish Hall


i.               .

8. Planning                                                                                                                                        


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington

Cllr Waldridge and Cllr Bailey declared a prejudicial interest and left the room. 

Comments put forward from the Parish Council were approving of the application subject to checks that the drain capacity being sufficient from all sources of waste water including storm water to ensure the area was never subject to flooding.

The Parish Council would like assurance that the Environment Agency and the DCC Flood team approved a drainage scheme that alleviated the risk of any future problems regarding the dispersal of waste water. 

The other comment was that assurance was needed that the entrance was wide enough to cope with the extra volume of traffic that would be created from this development. Proposed by Cllr Smale seconded by Cllr Aldridge, all in favour.


Change of use of part of the field from agricultural to equestrian for grazing horses together with erection of a stable block at Land at Meadow View Farm Road from Portsmouth Arms Hotel to Northcote Cross Burrington




Extension to clubhouse (to provide covid secure space), Eaglescott Airfield 

The comments put forward from the Parish Council were that the reasoning behind the requirement for the extension is very tenuous, the club house has plenty of space with a seemingly low club membership.




9. Parish Hall report. The Parish Hall is now open. It was discussed when the Parish council will move into the Committee room, it was felt September. 

10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust, no report


11. Correspondence i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated.

The proceeds from the sale of the school were discussed, the Earl of Portsmouth will be contacted again


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 31st August, 2021 7.30pm  



…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 28th September 2021 7.30pm. Parish Council meeting


Parish Council Meeting held on the 26th May 2021


Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mr S Aldridge Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr K Pincombe and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)        

In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor 

Apologies Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation

The meeting was a hybrid meeting in the Parish Hall with a zoom connection.


i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th May 2021 were agreed and signed.


2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, Sarah Bowker, Corporate Estates Manager has received acknowledgement from the Department for Education in response to DCC’s request to dispose of the playing field in accordance with class consent. This effectively allows DCC to dispose of the field to the Parish Council, which is good news.So, both sets of solicitors will be contacted. 

ii. CLT, the situation is still being considered.

iii. The Litter picker has resigned, after discussion it was suggested to ask parishioners to keep the area tidy, there are bins by the MUGA and at the end of the footpath which are regularly full, so a note is to be put on the parish email.

iv. Annual Report, this will be circulated to every household in the Parish, with inclusion from the hall, shop, chapel, church and a flyer regarding the Barnstaple Inn as a community asset.

The flyer regarding the Barnstaple Inn was put on the parish email 4 replies have been received, the level of interest will be gauged but one has come from the owner who is hopeful it has been sold to be used as a public house. 

v. Airband Liaison meeting, after discussion the question was raised will all connections be fibre, or what determines if the connection is cable or wireless? This will be asked. 


4. Chairman’s Report  

i. Helicopter Flying and Eaglescott. Cllr Short attended an open meeting in at Roborough, that around 30 people attended it was really a get together. Two days after our last meeting the helicopters did return. Eaglescott have been sent a letter as the first step of enforcement when a reply comes from this after the correct timescale the second step of enforcement can be undertaken. A reply from the first step is expected after the 1st July. A new head of Planning at NDC has been appointed Ms Marie Bailey, it was felt a letter setting out the issues should be sent and this asked to be a priority.

ii. Cars on the pavement outside of Southfield, these have been reported more than once, it was felt the situation had improved. The trailer in the Chapel car park has had an official notice put on it.

 iii. Barnstaple Inn, covered under the Annual report.

5. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        



ii. The A377, Cllr Henderson reported he has had a meeting with Richard Sables the Highway superintendent, the work is scheduled to be undertaken in 2022 it all comes down to funding. Cllr Henderson has spoken to other County Councillors who have similar situations. Cllr Henderson is attending a highway meeting next week. The state of the hedges along the road was also raised Cllr Pincombe will send photographic evidence to show the narrowing of the road, DCC contractors have cut hedges around corners and visibility splays. Highways are not interested in the access along the A377 going down to the marsh, they say it is a planning matter so a letter will be sent to NDC planning. 

It was also highlighted to Cllr Henderson the hedges along the B3226 towards South Molton. 


6. County and District Councillors items. The Fire co-responder in Chulmeigh was discussed, this is not being used due to a dispute with the Ambulance service, the project was paid for and run by the Community.

7. Finance,                                                                                                                                                                

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


Ms G Boyd    



DALC training



Clerks’ salary



Office expenses



Burrington Parish Hall


i.                  Agree and sign the Annual Governance Statement  

ii.              Agree and sign the Accounting Statement

iii.            Agree and sign the Exemption form

iv.            Fixed Asset Register, it was proposed by Cllr Bailey seconded by Cllr Pincombe to accept all the forms, all in favour. 

8. Planning                                                                                                                                        


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington

A revised application is expected for 16 properties.                                                  


Extension to side of property at Cleave Down Burrington

Listed building application for extension to side of property at Cleave Down



Erection of agricultural shed to cover existing heifer yard at Bircham Farm



Erection of agricultural shed to cover existing slurry pit at Bircham Farm



Change of use of part of the field from agricultural to equestrian for grazing horses together with erection of a stable block at Land at Meadow View Farm Road from Portsmouth Arms Hotel to Northcote Cross Burrington




i. Possible planning breaches, no further information has been received.

9. Parish Hall report. The Parish Hall is now open.

10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. The graves have been levelled.


11. Correspondence i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated.

ii The Queens Platinum Jubilee, the Beacon will be lit further information will be circulated nearer the time.

The Tommy’s have been received. 

The proceeds from the sale of the school was discussed, the Earl of Portsmouth will be contacted again


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 27th July, 2021 7.30pm  


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date

Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 31s August 2021 7.30pm. Parish Council meeting


Parish Council Meeting held on the 26th May 2021


Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mr S Aldridge Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr K Pincombe and Mr P Smale and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)  

In attendance Cllr P Henderson County Councillor Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Mr J Wooldridge 


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.



Public Participation

Election of Officers the clerk asked for nominations for the post of chairman, it was proposed by Cllr Smale to re-elect Cllr Short as Chairman seconded by Cllr Benson, all were unanimously in favour. Cllr John Short was duly elected as chairman.  

The Chairman asked for nominations for the post of vice chairman Cllr Pincombe was proposed as Vice Chairman by Cllr Bonner seconded by Cllr Smale, unanimously all in favour; Cllr K Pincombe was duly re-elected as Vice Chairman.

Representatives from the Parish Council on the Parish Hall committee, Cllr P Bailey and Cllr Wooldridge were appointed as the Parish council’s representatives.

Bethesda Graveyard Trust representative, Cllr John Short was nominated as the representative.

Snow Warden, Cllr Short accepted the role.



i. The Minutes of the virtual meeting held on 24th April 2021 were agreed and signed.


2. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, no response has been received. A request for a bouncy castle to be sited on the field was made, as the Parish Council are not the owners as yet, DCC were contacted who refused the application on health and safety grounds. 

ii. CLT, the situation is still being considered.


4. Chairman’s Report  

i. Helicopter Flying. Cllr Short has held a meeting with the Devon Air Ambulance and Mr Hoole, concluding everyone is the area is very positive regarding the Devon Air Ambulance helicopter, training for this helicopter was discussed, at the site there are 6 pilots, 2 different helicopters are used, so requiring different training.

Two Parish Councils have sent replies to Miss Mackintosh at NDC Enforcement, it was felt a reply from Burrington should be sent to ensure all investigations are being undertaken. The action does not it seem come under the umbrella of military use, Enforcement are investigating. The case is still open Cllr Davies is the keeper of the log, but as yet has had no inputs. At present the activity is quiet.  

            ii. Abandoned cars, this has been sorted and the vehicles removed. It was raised again regarding the trailer that is still parked in the Chapel car park, Cllr Short has spoken to the owner again, who has assured Cllr Short it is only a matter of time before it is removed as it is sold, Cllr Short is to contact NDC 





for its removal. The cars parking on the pavement outside South Field are still occurring causing an obstruction, Cllr Henderson advised to ring 101, then a PCSO will sent to investigate

            iii. Barnstaple Inn, the Parish Council registration on the NDC Community Asset Register comes to the end of its 5-year term in July, a resubmission is to be looked into. It was agreed to assess the interest from the community, a flier will be put in with the Annual Report to ascertain the level of interest then decide from the response if the Public House should be registered again as a Community Asset. Further information is to be obtained. 

5. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        

ii. Councillors are disappointed with the number of pot holes in the parish and wider area and especially the state of the A377 towards Umberleigh, Cllr Henderson was asked about this on going issue, he has arranged a meeting with Mr Richard Sables the Highway Superintendent, this is the worst stretch of road in the ward, it has been put on the work schedule but no date for work has been agreed.  Cllr Short reported along Twitchen Lane the pot holes have been repaired. 

6. County and District Councillors items. Cllr Henderson was brought up to speed regarding the purchase of the field and the time scale for claiming the grant that Cllr Edgell secured for the parish. And the fact that the inclusion of the clause that the field has to be kept in sport and recreation for 10 years after purchase was only raised after everting else was agree and the Parish Council paid the solicitors, it was felt this was not open and upfront.

Cllr Henderson has a full council meeting the following day, he asked the Parish to draw up a shopping list of parish requirements to see if he is able to help. The DC Councillor grant is live and able to be applied for. Cllr Henderson has been Mayor of South Molton for the last two years.

Cllr Davies said the District Councillors grants are now able to be applied for. There is filming in the North Devon area of a new drama called The Long Call, NDC have supported this project. The Keep Britan Tidy campaign starts on the 28th May to the 13th June, NDC will help with litter picking equipment. Although Covid cases are very low, everyone is asked to be vigilant.  

7. Finance,                                                                                                                                                                

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


Ms G Boyd    



DALC training


            i. Covid compensation, no members of the parish have taken the offer, three particular parishioners were very helpful in the early stages of the pandemic, it was suggested the grant go towards the night landing site. 

8. Planning                                                                                                                                        


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington



Extension to side of property at Cleave Down Burrington

Listed building application for extension to side of property at Cleave Down



Erection of agricultural shed to cover existing heifer yard at Bircham Farm



Extension to dwelling together with new raised decking area accessed by new French doors at Pennyford Cottage



Erection of agricultural shed to cover existing slurry pit at Bircham Farm

Recommend approval


Change of use of part of the field from agricultural to equestrian for grazing horses together with erection of a stable block at Land at Meadow View Farm Road from Portsmouth Arms Hotel to Northcote Cross Burrington

Recommend approval




i. Possible planning breaches, these are being looked at. An access onto the A377 but not in the parish was discussed for being dangerous.

9. Parish Hall report. The Parish Hall is now open, likewise the public toilets. A risk assessment has been completed for the Parish council entering the hall. 

10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. 

11. Correspondence 

i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. 

The Annual Report is due to be circulated at the end of June, so it was agreed to bring the meeting forward a week. 

The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 22nd June, 2021 7.30pm  


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 27th July 2021 7.30pm. Parish Council meeting


Parish Council Virtual Meeting held on the 27th April 2021


Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mr S Aldridge Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr K Pincombe and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)        

In attendance one member of the public

Apologies Cllr R Edgell-County Councillor Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.



Public Participation



i. The Minutes of the virtual meeting held on 23rd March 2021 were agreed and signed.

2. Adopt any resolutions brought forward from the Annual Parish Meeting.

            i. It was proposed by Cllr Fraser-Smith seconded by Cllr Bailey to pay the:

            £ 60 donation to be made to the Church for electricity used by public light.

£ 175 donation to be made to the Parish Hall for electricity used by the public lights.

            £300 Grant to the Burrington Church Buildings Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

            £100 Grant to the Bethesda Graveyard Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

            £50 Grant to the Old Gospel Hall for maintenance of the graveyard.

All in favour.

With regard to the top up of the NDC grant for £200 (the grant is no longer received by the Parish Council) and the top up of the toilet grant, these will be reassessed in due course as the Hall and toilets are closed at present. 


3. Clerk’s report

            i. Update on the field, a copy of the submission from DCC that has been sent to the Department of Education has been received and circulated to Councillors. A reply is awaited.

ii. CLT, the conditions of the grant have been scrutinised to see if the money can be utilised for the benefit of the community.


4. Chairman’s Report  

i. Helicopter Flying. NDC Enforcement are still working on this case, as the owner of airfield has said all the training flights where for military use, but this seems contrary to previous information.

            ii. Abandoned cars, Cllr Short has had further communications from parishioners regarding the cars that are abandoned, these have been reported to DCC. It was raised regarding the trailer that is still parked in the Chapel car park, Cllr Short has spoken to the owner, who has assured Cllr Short it is only a matter of time before it is removed as it is sold, but the PC have asked for removal by the end of this month, then details will be passed onto District Council for it to be removed. 

            iii. Barnstaple Inn, the Parish Council registration on the NDC Community Asset Register comes to the end of its 5-year term in July, a resubmission is to be looked into. 


5. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        



ii. Councillors are disappointed with the number of pot holes in the parish and wider area and especially the state of the A377 towards Umberleigh, it is hoped to lobby the new County Councillor.

when in post. A thank you letter is to be sent to Richard Edgell for all his hard work for the Parish during his time in office. 


6. County and District Councillors items. No reports.


7. Finance,                                                                                                                                                                

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


Ms G Boyd    



DALC affiliation fee



DALC training


8. Planning                                                                                                                                        


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington



Erection of an agricultural livestock building, together with association operational development at Little Pavington Burrington 



Erection of garage at Henleigh Farm Burrington



Extension to side of property at Cleave Down Burrington

Listed building application for extension to side of property at Cleave Down



Erection of agricultural shed to cover existing heifer yard at Bircham Farm




Extension to dwelling together with new raised decking area accessed by new French doors at Pennyford Cottage


i. Possible planning breaches, these are the caravans that have been reported around the parish, a further email has been received from NDC Enforcement who are looking into the possible breaches


9. Parish Hall report. The Hall committee are looking at installing solar panels on the roof but are awaiting grant applications.


10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. The owner of Jenny Fox Cottage has approached Cllr Short to ask if a skip can be placed in the car park temporally to aid with the removal of rubbish. 


11. Correspondence 

i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. 

ii). A letter has been received from the Royal British Legion included in the letter is a form asking if the Parish council would like purchase statues of the unknown Tommy, after discussion it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Wooldridge to purchase two at a cost of £300, with the wording on the bottom of “Lest we forget” all in favour.

The running of meetings in the future when face to face in the hall, will require the Hall and the Parish council to carry out risk assessments, the meeting with have to have a zoom link so anyone can join in via the internet and comply with covid regulations. 

The question was asked would the Parish Council like the flag to be flying on the 8th May VE Day.

The next Parish Council virtual Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 25th May, 2021 7.30pm  



…………………………Chairman …………………………Date



Date of forthcoming meeting:   Tuesday 29TH June 2021 7.30pm. Parish Council meeting


Parish Council Virtual Meeting held on the 23rd February 2021


Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mr Alan Fraser-Smith Mr K Pincombe and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)         

In attendance   Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Cllr R Edgell-County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation


1.Co-option of a Parish Councillor, following a ballot Mr Stephen Aldridge was elected onto the Parish Council.



i. The Minutes of the virtual meeting held on 19th January 2021 were agreed and signed.


3. Clerks report

i. Field purchase. Cllr Short has been in contact with the DCC Solicitors and it seems that there is another restriction on the purchase, DCC have to notify the Department for Education that they are selling the field. 

It appears since the beginning of this year the guidance has changed that the land has to stay as a sports / recreational facility for 10 years, so no change of use, councillors want to see the guidance in writing, as this appears to be a change of policy, so the Parish Council can not proceed at present until all is clarified, the question was raised why was this not identified before in the searches. Cllr Short is to get back to DCC to find out the implications. 

ii. CLT, it has come to the attention of some members of the CLT that what appeared to be a no restrictions grant, has to have an identified use or it has to be paid back, Cllr Short is to speak to Colin Savage the Rural Housing Enabler to ascertain the situation.  

4. Chairman’s Report  

i. Helicopter Flying

            The majority of the helicopter flying has stopped and it seems a lot quieter, three enforcement cases are ongoing, the Air Ambulance also appears to be restricted that they cannot train which is an unfortunate knock on.

            ii. Abandoned cars, Cllr Short has sent an email to the District Council and some of the abandoned cars have been removed, but as they have been in situ for such a long time the mud and debris that has been left makes the spaces difficult to use, so a request to clean the area is to be made. But both District Council and the Housing Association are not claimed the areas. The trailer has still not been removed.

            iii. The pavement in front of South Field is regularly being used to park cars, a request has been received to ask the residents not to park on the pavement, so a letter is to be written to every house hold.

Cllr Benson raised the point about the leaves and debris that is on the Village Square, it was suggested to ask when the next road cleaning lorry comes to the village for the Parish Council to be informed so the residents that park on the Square can be asked to move their vehicles.  

5. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        



ii. Pennyford was discussed as it is still flooding, it seems the culvert has collapsed so it is quite a large job to reinstate the culvert to correctly direct the water, highways are aware of the problem but have no finances at present, an email is to be sent to see if a time frame was available. Pot holes on the A377 were discussed again along with the overhanging hedges. 

6. County and District Councillors items. 

i. Cllr Davies reported business grants are available on the NDC website for businesses effected by the pandemic. Cllr Davies has spoken to the case officer dealing with the Radar station planning application and it will be passed. 

North Devon Council have secured £6.5 million funding toward the regeneration of the Barnstaple High Street and Pannier Market. Along with the £6.5m NDC have pledged a further £4 million this was unanimously supported by District Councillors, this money will be borrowed over 40 years at an interest rate of 2.5% this project is to focus on the culture and offer life style choices for the centre of the town, it was also noted not to forget other urban hubs, South Molton, Ilfracombe etc.  

7. Finance,                                                                                                                                                                

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


Ms G Boyd    



Clerks salary



WH Buckingham



8. Planning                                                                                                                                        


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington



Change of use of existing building to form studios/workshops, including installation of a ground source heat pump and roof mounted solar panels Burrington Radar Station



Extension to side of property at Cleave Down Burrington



Erection of an agricultural livestock building, together with association operational development at Little Pavington Burrington 

No objections


Erection of garage at Henleigh Farm Burrington



i. Possible planning breaches, these are the caravans that have been reported around the parish as yet no response has been received a further email is to be sent. 

9. Parish Hall report. The hall is still closed, likewise the MUGA.

10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. At the AGM it was agreed to raise the rent for the MUGA Car park area to £350, in the Trust constitution the rent can only be reviewed every 5 years. In the MUGA the hall is responsible for moveable items with the Parish Council responsible for fixtures including the surface.

11. Correspondence 

i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. 

ii). An email from a Parishioner has been received regarding a Broadband voucher scheme to boost network within houses, this will be circulated. 

iii). It was reported the Church Clock is not striking, the lead bell ringer is to be asked to look at it, Cllr Short and Cllr Bailey also said they would investigate. 

The next Parish Council virtual Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 23th March please note a week early, 2021 7.30pm             


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date



Date of forthcoming virtual meeting:   Tuesday 27th April 2021 7.30pm. To be agreed


Parish Council Virtual Meeting held on the 27th October 2020



Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mrs J Pateman-Jones Mr K Pincombe and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)      

In attendance   Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Cllr R Edgell-County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Co-option, following a vote with two candidates, Mr Alan Fraser-Smith was co-opted onto the Parish Council.


Public Participation



i. The Minutes of the virtual meeting held on 29th September 2020 were agreed and signed.


2. Clerks report,

I           Heads of Terms regarding the purchase of the field.

The Parish Council solicitor is still working on the details of the contract most specifically on the overage charge. The wording needs to be correct to ensure all future activity is covered.

ii. CLT, a meeting is hoped to be called this Friday the 30th October


3. Chairman’s Report  

i. Helicopter Flying

Cllr Davies reported that the enforcement case has been reopened on the 28th September, a report has been written which needs to be signed off, Cllr Davies said it is hoped there will be feedback by the end of next week. 

ii. Broadband, no comment was made.


4. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        

ii. The state of the road from Cross Park to Twitchen Lane corner and from Cross Park to Two Gates was discussed at length, there has been a lot of water on the road of late, along with a lot of artic lorries, causing damage to the tarmac. One of the main issues in this corvid time has been the increase in delivery vans of all types coupled with the camber of the road to cause the build up of mud and water. The soak away drains are situated on the wrong side of the road and the water tables have not been cleared for a very long time. Cllr Wooldridge said they have been making every effort by cleaning the road three times in the past 2 weeks. They have been cleaning the roads with both hand scrapes and yard scrapes but the traffic skews out the mud. 

The numerous pot holes are causing drivers to avoid them by driving on the other side of the narrow road, along with the cows using the road. 

It was asked what action can be taken as the situation is causing a Health and Safety issue, it was suggested to put signs at Two Gates to send traffic onto Forches Cross.


Cllr Wooldridge was asked what his long-term plans where, he said he was looking at increasing cow numbers but to do away with the cows using the road and making them use the fields to access their pasture. 

The pot holes and drains will be reported. 

The road is full of water at Bouchland again it will soon be impassable, this has been reported


5. County and District Councillors items. 

i. Cllr Davies is to follow up again with Martin Slocombe who has not been in contact, Mr Slocombe visited the hall in relation to the Climate and Environmental Scheme from NDC, in connection with power supply to the field, including a power charging point for electric cars. 

Cllr Davies has called in the Eaglescott application if the officer is minded to approve the application.

The meeting was reminded that tourism accommodation cannot accept people from tier 3, everyone is encouraged to complete the Carbon Footprint survey to see if they can reduce their personnel carbon footprint. 

There is a local hardship fund in direct association to the corvid pandemic from North Devon Council, for people who cannot pay for food, travel, utility bill etc.  The pantomime is to go ahead this year, as the Queens Theatre and the Landmark have received between them £550,000, the Barnstaple museum has received £58,000.


6. Finance,    

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


Ms. G Boyd



AUK supplies



Smith of Derby



NDC dog waste collection


The present contact to service the Clock has expired, Smith of Derby’s new quote is £98.00more another company are more competitive, the question was asked do we need an annual service would biannually be sufficient, Cllr Bailey is to look into the question. 

Mr Hopper has been changing the time on the clock for a long time, it only needs to be done twice a year now, but it was suggested to get someone else to know the routine, Cllr Short and Cllr Wooldridge both agreed to.


7. Planning                                                                                                                                        


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington



Conversion of light industrial unit to dwelling - approval for building operations associated with planning permission 70633 at Northcote Workshop Burrington Umberleigh Devon EX37 9NF



Erection of agricultural shed, Callards Stables



Outline application for erection of Site managers dwelling all matters reserved at Eaglescott Airfield.



Removal of conditions 3 (holiday occupancy restriction) and 4 (use restriction) attached to planning permission 39132 (Amendment to Planning Permissions 36409) to allow use as residential and remove conditions that restrict use at Bedport Barn Burrington



8. Parish Hall report. The hall is still closed, but the MUGA is being used daily. A meeting has been held following an email from Hall Share, with the probation service who are offering “Community Pay Back” where offenders will carry out work like painting , grass cutting etc, the hall is up to speed, but the Trust are going to use the service to level some graves, the Parish Council are being asked to see if they would 


like any work done on the bus shelter, the church where asked if they would like any work carried out. There is a small charge for materials but the labour is free and there is supervision at all times.


9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. Please see above. 


10. Correspondence 

i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. 

ii). Community Orchards, after discussion a site has still not been agreed so it will be raised again at the next meeting for councillors to consider a suitable site.  

It was raised the abandoned cars that seem to be parked along the road towards Balls Corner, Cllr Short is working on it trying to see who’s land the cars are actually parked on, Highways or North Devon homes. It was also raised regarding the Daimler parked on the pavement at Pound Close. 

The playing field hedges need to be cut it was felt easier to ask Mr Elworthy to give a quote to get the job done, this will be done. 


The next Parish Council virtual Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 24th November 2020 7.30pm             Budget meeting



…………………………Chairman …………………………Date



Date of forthcoming virtual meeting:   Tuesday 19th January 2021 7.30pm. To be agreed



Parish Council Virtual Meeting held on the 25th August 2020



Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson Mr A. Bonner Mrs J Pateman-Jones Mr K Pincombe and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)      

In attendance   Cllr K Davies District Councillor

Apologies Cllr R Edgell-County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation



i. The Minutes of the virtual meeting held on 28th July 2020 were agreed and signed.


2. Clerks report,

i.               Heads of Terms regarding the purchase of the field.

Mr Sam Reed from Tozer’s Solicitors has contacted Cllr Pateman-Jones to say the contract has been checked and the contract of sale with DCC. The clause highlighted was that if in the future planning permission was sought for anything other than what is stipulated in the agreement              (affordable housing) the overage would apply on both  the planning permission gained and if the subsequent   build was sold. As the work is quite complicated the fee is likely to be in the region of £3,000 upwards, a request to keep it as low as possible has been asked for. The searches are progressing along with the contract of sale. 

The question was raised from Cllr Bailey was can the Parish Hall committee progress with trying to obtaining grants for the extra parking facility that is to be allocated to the Parish Hall, the response was yes. 

Cllr Bailey has applied for a grant from Cllr Edgell for £1200 towards the night landing site this has been confirmed and validated. The shortfall to complete the nigh landing site is £1814, Cllr Davies said he has a small amount to grant to his parishes up to £250.

The question of S106 money was raised but it appears only money from developments within the Parish can be applied for


ii.              CLT, no report was given


3.             Resignation of a Parish Councillor.                                                                                               

Notices for the co-option of a Parish Councillor will be posted on the notice board and on the Burrington email and put in the magazine. 


4. Chairman’s Report 

i. The obelisk has been put in place, thank you to Cllr Pincombe and Cllr Short for undertaking the work. 

ii. Helicopter Flying.

The flying is still ongoing and again further letters have been sent to NDC and the two local MP’s from residents. 



iii.             Broadband

Cllr Pincombe has been in contact with a Parish Councillor from Kings Nympton where they have successfully got fibre broadband installed, the main reason for success was that a new development was being built in the village, on a new development Openreach are required to install fibre to new houses. On the back of this individuals lead by a steering group got a grant towards installing fibre into their homes. The question was raised regarding the consented planning permission for the 5 dwellings at Bedport, but fibre is being rolled out across the country in time.


5. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        

ii. There is a road closure from Forches Cross to the sawmills on the 29th July for work to be undertaken on the trees. It was commented that only one tree was taken down which was disappointing for the amount that needed to be done. 

  1. It was raised regarding the number of overhanging branches down Balls Hill towards Winswood, this will be reported, Cllr Short has spoken to owner regarding the problem but with little success.  


5. County and District Councillors items. 

i. Cllr Davies reported he has a small amount of grant money to distribute. NDC are suffering the effects of covid and a shortage of funds. The glass recycling bins have been distributed around the district. The unemployment out look is not good especially in Ilfracombe and central Barnstaple. But on a positive note the DCC covid dashboard has shown that the impact of tourists has been zero, which is very good news. 


6. Finance,    

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


Ms. G Boyd



Clerks salary


i.               The covid grant was highlighted if anyone has any invoices to present. 

ii.              Cllr Short has successfully obtained a grant of £400.


7. Planning


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington



Erection of a Steel Framed Agricultural Shed, Cross Park Farm



Change of use of School to Dwelling including demolition of 'temporary' classroom and replacement with attached 'Annex', Church of England School Burrington



Conversion of light industrial unit to dwelling - approval for building operations associated with planning permission 70633 at Northcote Workshop Burrington Umberleigh Devon EX37 9NF



Erection of agricultural shed, Callards Stables

Councillors had no objections but the comment put forward was the lack of land associated with this application for the required need for an agricultural shed.


Prior approval change of use of agricultural building to dwelling house Class Q, Marshes.







New planning regulations are being implemented in September. Cllr Davies said a Neighbourhood Plan would protect and be a material consideration in any planning applications, but the process is very long winded and costly.

It was raised the number of caravans that are appearing around the parish, as this had been raised it was felt to be the duty of the Parish Council to bring it to the attention of NDC so they are aware of the locations.


8. Parish Hall report. The hall is still closed. The question was raised when is the hall likely to reopen, but Cllr Bailey said bookings at this time of year are usually low, and there has been no real call for the hall to be opened, the Comrades Club are circulating a census to see if players are willing to play.


10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. 


11. Correspondence 

i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. An invitation has been circulated to all councillors for applications for the DALC Board of Directors.

It was highlighted the caravan that seems to be permanently parked in the Chapel car park, and its deteriorating state. The car park seems very full of vehicles being parked, Cllr Short is to contact owners to ascertain their plan for their vehicles.


VJ Day Celebrations on the 15th August, a socially distanced Church Service was held and the Beacon was lit at 9pm with a good attendance. 


The next Parish Council virtual Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 29th September 2019 7.30pm 



…………………………Chairman …………………………Date

Date of forthcoming virtual meeting:   Tuesday 27th October 2020 7.30pm


Parish Council Virtual Meeting held on the 16th June 2020



Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson, Mr A. Bonner Mrs J Pateman-Jones Mr K Pincombe and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)      

In attendance   Cllr K Davies District Councillor 

Apologies Mr P Keeley Cllr R Edgell-County Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation



i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 25th February 2020 were agreed and signed.


2. Clerks report,

i. Heads of Terms regarding the purchase of the field, Mr Sam Reed from Tozer’s Solicitors is acting for the Parish Council, all appears to be fine with the Heads of Terms so he is chasing DCC for an agreement of sale, which is promised to be imminent. 

Cllr Bailey has secured a grant of £1000 from the Norman Family Trust towards the DAAT Night landing site for which he was thanked, it was raised is the estimate from MAT Electricals for the electrical work still valid as the quote was undertaken in March 2019, the suggestion of crowd funding was raised again.                                                                                            

ii. CLT, no meeting has been held, but Cllr Short has secured a grant of £3840 towards the project. 


3. Chairman’s Report 

i. The obelisk is still ongoing. The tarmac area has yet to be decided

ii. Replacement defibrillator, the new defibrillator is now in place it is guaranteed for 6 years. 

iii. Helicopter Flying, a letter has been received from NDC planning enforcement, further instructions have been received from the planning officer that no evidence of breach has occurred although residents have been distressed by the situation. The site has been visited twice evidencing documents requested under condition 7 of permission 61579, consulting with Environmental Health and Cobham Military Aviation Authority reviewing photographic evidence, this highlighted that a local planning authority cannot control airspace, as no breach of planning control has been established the file will be closed.  

Cllr Davies said Planning Enforcement is be updated and to look at how harmful things are, if noise is an issue an app can be downloaded to record and send as a record of the intrusion. This is to be looked into. 

iv. The Annual Report is to be distributed at the end of June, it was agreed as a grant has been received to aid with anything to do with the corona virus all letters will be sent by post, to avoid contact, organisations have been asked for their contributions. 







4. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting.                        

ii. It was highlighted again that there has been a spate of trees falling across the road on the B3226 from Kings Nympton to South Molton and some are still looking precarious, it was suggested these should be assessed to ensure they are safe. As yet no feedback has been received.

iii. A private individual reported the trees from Forches Cross to Portsmouth Arms the feedback was that they didn’t feel anything was wrong but they were going to contact landowners. The A377 surface is bad also overhanging trees are making the carriageway narrower. 

5. County and District Councillors items. 

i. Cllr Davies also reported on the update of the Eaglescott Helicopters, NDC is in crisis like many local authorities, they are being given less bale out than they are losing so an anticipated loss of £3 million is expected. NDC were given £1 million so reserves are being eaten into. The local MP Selina Saxby has been asked for help. Recycling is still being collected, many staff are working from home approximately 25% are shielding or looking after vulnerable people. The West country has as present been fortunate and not had to many fatalities. All NDC meetings are being carried out virtually. The new climate change grant of £20,000 is now open to be applied for, but on inspection the hall is exemplary, but it was suggested could this grant be used to pay for some of the electricity connection to the night landing site if solar panels  were used or an electric vehicle charging point, Cllr Davies is to ask Mr Martin Slocombe for advice. 

The Discretionary grant has been applied for by many including Burrington Parish Hall, but it is still open to small business, B&B’s etc the criteria is on the NDC website. Cllr Davies has got half of his councillor grant to distribute this year. There is a six-week Public Space Protection Order consultation out this stated last Monday, this is regarding walking dogs, keeping to footpaths, public rights of way etc. There is a big push at NDC for residents to separate their glass from plastic and tins when recycling, it will make the process quicker and easier. The 361 Grant from NDC has been circulated on the email and notices put up. 

6. Finance,    

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                               


DALC affiliation fee



Came and Company Insurance



Ms G Boyd



AUK Supplies



Ms G Boyd    



Clerks salary



NDC dog waste bins



Burrington PCc



MUGA rent






Bethesda Graveyard Trust



Old Gospel Hall









i.               Agree and sign the Annual Governance Statement, proposed by Cllr Bailey seconded by Cllr Pincombe all in favour. 

ii.              Agree and sign the Accounting Statement, this included the Exemption Form as both income and expenditure where less that £25,000 for the year proposed by Cllr Benson seconded by Cllr Smale

iii.             Fixed Asset Register the fixed asset register currently stands at £121,955.

iv.            iv. Covid grant received, a grant of £495 has been received to help with any costs occurred in the parish during the epidemic, so if anyone has any costs related to the epidemic please report to a councillor. 

v. Precept to “top up” (£200) the NDDC grant to the Parish Hall this no longer obtained, after discussion this was agreed not to be granted this year, as the Hall has received a grant of £10,000 for the loss of income during the epidemic. 



vi. £60   donation to be made to the Church for electricity used by public light

vii £ 175 donation to be made to the Parish Hall for electricity used by the public lights, both proposed by Cllr Bonner seconded by Cllr Wooldridge all in favour.

viii. Public toilet grant, the NDC grant of £500 has been received, but after discussion it was agreed not to top up  the grant this year.

ix. £300 Grant to the Burrington Church Buildings Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

x. £100 Grant to the Bethesda Graveyard Trust for maintenance of the graveyard

xii. £50 Grant to the Old Gospel Hall for maintenance of the graveyard, the three above proposed by 

      Cllr Bailey seconded by Cllr Benson all in favour. 

7. Planning


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington



Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to three smaller and two larger dwelling houses at Bedport Farm Burrington Umberleigh



8. Parish Hall report. Parish Council representative on the Hall Committee is required, Cllr Wooldridge has agreed to represent the Parish Council.


10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report


11. Correspondence 

i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. 

ii). An email has been received asking for an advocate for the Police Commission to be a link between the community and the Police Commissioner, Cllr Short has agree to undertake this role. 


The next Parish Council virtual Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 28th July 2019 7.30pm 


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Date of forthcoming virtual meeting:   Tuesday 25th August 2020 7.30pm


Parish Council Meeting held on the 25th February 2020

Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson, Mr A. Bonner Mrs J Pateman-Jones and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)
In attendance Cllr R Edgell-County Councillor Cllr K Davies District Councillor
Apologies Mr K Pincombe Mr P Keeley

Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be
considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.

Public Participation

i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 14
th January 2020 were agreed and signed.

2. Clerks report,
i. Heads of Terms regarding the purchase of the field, the Heads of Terms are still being negotiated clarity has to be sought regarding the number of affordable houses that can be built, the overage, and the length of overage. So further negotiations are to be undertaken.
Mr Toby Russell is to be emailed regarding the Libor Fund grant.

ii. CLT, following a meeting a suggestion put forward was for assisted homes, it was anticipated the heads of terms would not exclude this if it ever came to fruition. It would come under the heading of community use.

3. Chairman’s Report
i. The obelisk is still ongoing. The tarmac area has yet to be decided ii. Replacement defibrillator,

South West Ambulance Service have agreed to leave the current defibrillator in situ until another one is purchased. Their quote for the next defib is £1,800 plus VAT to include training and a new cabinet, and to include replacement pads. The quote from South West Defibrillators is £795 plus VAT using the existing cabinet, with replacement pads at £59.50 plus VAT each time. The normal life span of the pads is 30 months, a training package can be purchased and the unit is guaranteed for 6 years. To date grants have been secured for from Cllr Edgell (£600) and Cllr Davies (£50), plus from the money raised by the Methodist Church Coffee mornings £204 has also been granted.

It was proposed by Cllr Pateman-Jones and seconded by Cllr Bonner to purchase the second unit plus an extra set of pads, all in favour. Cllr Edgell and Cllr Davies were thanked very much for their contribution, the Methodist Coffee morning will also be thanked for their contribution.

A letter has been received by all those who use Wallingbrook Heath Centre informing them

of the change in booking arrangements
iii. Helicopter Flying, a letter was sent by the Parish Council to NDC planning, this has been forwarded to Enforcement but as yet no further response has been received.


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4. Highways.
The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it Please keep reporting. 664
ii. It was highlighted that there has been a spate of trees falling across the road on the B3226 from Kings Nympton to South Molton and some are still looking precarious, it was suggested they ought to be assessed to ensure they are safe. This will be reported.
iii. An email has been received regarding the parking of cars at the junction of Twitchen Lane, this was discussed but felt to be very difficult to police, an acknowledgement will be sent.

5. County and District Councillors items.

i. Cllr Edgell reported that DCC Budget Main event this month has been approving the Budget for the next financial year, which went to Full Council last Thursday. Our settlement from Central Government was in line with expectations. The overall revenue budget will increase from £498m to £541m. Of the three

principle services, Adult Care and Health sees a £23.7m increase (10%), Children’s Services £11.5m (8.5%) and Highways £2.8m (5%) increase. These increases take into account inflation pressures. The next financial year also sees in Children’s Services the launch of the ‘Edge of Care’ service which is designed to stop children from being taken into care. Previous financial investments in the last few years have started to have an effect with children being able to come out of high cost placements which is good news – both for the children and also financially as high cost placements were the main drivers behind

previous overspends. Finally, on schools funding, as previously reported, the coming financial year will see a very large increase in the Schools Funding budget of £47.7m (total gross budget is £603m) however it is up to the Schools themselves, not DCC as to how this money is spent. Council tax – DCC’s share of the

precept will go up by 3.99% - with 2% specifically for Adult Social Care.

Potholes There is a new feature on the ‘Report It’ website, when a pothole is reported it goes out to the Pothole Inspector to look at. If it meets the safety defect criteria it will then have a ‘roadworks’ sign placed on it which you can see on the website along with an estimated repair time. There is a massive backlog at the moment so it is taking time for repairs to come through. Extra gangs have been put out on pothole repairs though recent inclement weather conditions will not have helped. An update was asked for regarding the Link Road, work has started on planted trees behind the existing so they can get established before the existing are removed. Work is due to start next year.

Cllr Davies asked for update of the Eaglescott Helicopters, there is a Climate Action week starting on Sunday 22nd March this email has been forwarded to Councillors. There has been an offer from Mr Martin Slocombe to carry out an energy audit on the Parish Hall, a convenient time has been arranged to meet with Councillor Bailey, this will be reported at the next meeting.
6. Finance,

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -

7. Planning


Burrington Parish Hall


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Litter picker

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Clerks salary

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Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm Burrington

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Hansford House, Prior notification of erection of agricultural building

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Hansford House, Prior notification of erection of agricultural building to house machinery

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i. The grant application from Awards for All has been refused for the night landing site mast and light so two other applications have been submitted, one to Coastal Recycling and the other to the Norman Family Trust. The suggestion was if these are not successful to go to crowd funding, this will assess the support for the project.

8. Parish Hall report. Cllr Pateman-Jones has resigned from the Hall Committee so a new Parish Council representative is required, a representative will be elected at the Annual Parish Council meeting.

Page 2 of 3

10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report

11. Correspondence
i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated.
ii). A letter has been received from The Plough Art centre regarding their funding issues, this was

discussed but no action is to be taken at present.
iii). Posters have been received from Ms Selaine Saxby MP giving contact details, these will be

forwarded to the magazine and email.
The VE And VJ celebrations were discussed the suggestion was to organise an event on Sunday the 10
th May.

The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 24th March 2019 7.30pm..............................Chairman ..............................Date

Dates of forthcoming meetings: Tuesday 28th April 2020 7.00pm ANNUAL PARISH MEETING


Parish Council Meeting held on the 14th January 2020



Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson, Mr P Keeley Mr K Pincombe Mrs J Pateman-Jones and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)        

In attendance    Cllr R Edgell-County Councillor Cllr K Davies District Councillor and three members of Roborough Parish

Apologies Mr A. Bonner 


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation

The Roborough residents were in attendance to report the increased activity at Eaglescott Airfield in particular the jet powered helicopters that are now using the base as a training facility. The residents have been disturbed by low flying jet helicopters since mid-September.  The noise can be heard while inside with windows closed and over the TV or radio.  It makes working outside very difficult, as the noise from these large jet engines is so persistent and overwhelming. While training, the helicopters hover for many hours at the end of the airfieldIn the past, military and police helicopters have trained for an hour or two on occasion, causing no issues whatsoever, however since September, the number of hours per day, and days per week has increased significantly. As a ‘community amateur sports club’ they are very worried that a large commercial company is beginning to operate at the airfield, and have a number of concerns regarding the future of this operation. The building of the new, large hangar (designated for the use of the ‘Community Amateur Sports Club’) has been followed by a rapid increase in visits from these large jet helicopters. The company concerned, Cobham Helicopter Academy trains both military and commercial pilots from around the world, and in October 2019 was asked to leave Bodmin airfield due to ongoing issues with surrounding residents. The front page of the airfield’s website currently advertises ‘The Cheapest Jet Fuel in the South West. ’As it appears to be at a reasonable cost to fly out of Eaglescott the situation could end up with another firm if encouraged. The residents were also concerned if there was an accident there are no emergency services close at hand. 

The planning permission for Eaglescott is a sport and recreation facility and for the benefit of Devon Air Sports, no commercial activity is permitted.  

It was suggested the residents keep a log as evidence of the activity, as Eaglescott are supposed to keep a comprehensive log of flights.

The residents were thanked for attending.  



i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th November 2019 were agreed and signed.


2. Clerks report,

i. Heads of Terms regarding the purchase of the field, the Heads of Terms are still being negotiated with Mr Reynolds progress has been made it has to be absolutely clear of the impact of the overage payment and exactly how this will affect any development that is subsequently undertaken on the field. Also: the number of affordable houses that will be allowed.

The planning for the Night Landing site has been approved. The contractor to connect the electricity supply has been informed to put the process in motion as a road closure notice has to be approved to get the electricity supply across the road. 


ii. CLT Cllr Short has agreed to be the secretary and chairman of the group

3. Chairman’s Report 

i. The obelisk is still ongoing. The tarmac area has yet to be decided

ii. Replacement defibrillator, 

South West Ambulance Service where the defibrillator was purchased from have been contacted, they say the equipment will be taken away at the end of February when the contract runs out, the box will stay, the renewal fee for another 7 years is £1800. The replacement that is being considered from another supplier is £950 with what seems like a slightly less cover package than the SWAS one. Cllr Bailey is to ask SWAS to see if an extension to the time is possible to allow time to apply for a grant.

iii.       Grass cutting on the field, two quotes have been received to cut the field 15 times during the    growing season from April, after discussion Mr Michael Bakers quote for £525 was proposed by Cllr Pincombe and seconded by Cllr Bailey all in agreement. Mr Baker is also to do a one-off cut around the trees for £70.

4. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it    Please keep reporting. 

ii. Finger posts Cllr Bailey has managed to get the signs for the post at Balls Corner, it is hoped to get ones for the Beacon Post as well.

It was raised again as it is most years regarding ploughing out of the base of the hedges on the road sides, the request is to be put into Richard Sables to request from Five Oaks to Collaton Mill.

Mr Terry Cole has done an area around his property which looks very good and proving that ploughing out is an excellent preventative measure to protect the road surface. 

iii. Dog bins, an email consultation was sent regarding the emptying of the dog bins etc, councillors felt all was in order. 

5. County and District Councillors items. 

i. Cllr Edgell reported that when the field is purchased County Councillors grant money is available to be claimed for project work. 

Cllr Davies said he has £50 remaining to be claimed in this financial year. Cllr Davies has been speaking to Mr Jeremy Mann from Environmental Health, who informed him that Wessex Housing has got funding to help Burrington CLT with ongoing plans to set up, help with planning fees, handbook charges etc. Cllr Davies has also spoken to Mr Ben Hayes the Rural Housing Enabler who informed him he will be able to get funding for utility charges when needed for the field. 

6. Finance,    

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                             


Burrington Parish Hall



Litter picker



Clerks salary



Office expenses







i.               The Precept, the concluding from has been completed to apply for the precept. 

7. Planning


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington



Notification for Prior Approval for a change of Use from Premises in Light Industrial Use (Class B1 (c)) and any land within its curtilage to Dwelling house (Class C3) at Northcote Workshop Burrington



Notification of Prior Approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to a flexible use within class B1/D2 space under General Permitted Development order 2015 Schedule 2, Part 3, Class R at Bedport Poultry Farm



Prior Approval for Change Of Use Of Agricultural Building To 5 Dwelling houses (2 Larger Dwellings & 3 Smaller Dwellings) (Class Q (A&B)) at Bedport Barn Burrington




Following on from the public participation discussion, it was agreed to send a letter to NDC planning to highlighting the issues raised. 

8. Parish Hall report. No report.


10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report


11. Correspondence 

i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. Sad to announce Lesley Smith MBE has passed away.

ii). Parish Forum on the 3rd December, Cllr Short and Cllr Patemen-Jones attended. 

iii). An invitation has been received from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. 

Royal Garden Party nominations, it was agreed Cllr and Mrs Bailey should be put forward.

Following to sale of the school Cllr Benson is to contact the Earl of Portsmouth office to see if there is any possibility of the parish receiving any proceeds from the sale.  


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 25th February 2019 7.30pm 


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date


Dates of forthcoming meetings:   Tuesday 31st March 2020 7.30pm 



Parish Council Meeting held on the 26th November 2019



Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson, Mr K Pincombe Mrs J Pateman-Jones and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)        

In attendance    Cllr R Edgell-County Councillor Mr Van dan Berg

Apologies Mr P Keeley Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation

Mr Van dan Berg was in attendance to inform the Parish Councillors of details of his planning’s that are before the Council.



i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 29th October 2019 were agreed and signed.


2. Clerks report,

i. Heads of Terms regarding the purchase of the field, the Heads of Terms are still being negotiated with Mr Reynolds it has to be absolutely clear of the impact of the overage payment and exactly how this will affect any development that is subsequently undertaken on the field. 

The planning for the Night Landing site has been approved, a grant for £2500 has been successfully applied for towards the purchase price of the field, to Cllr Edgell for which he was thanked.  Mr Toby Russell from DAAT has to be informed of the approved planning, the quote for the installation was discussed it was proposed by Cllr Bailey seconded by Cllr Patemen-Jones to accept the quote, as this entails putting the electricity supply under the road so a road closure will have to be undertaken, all in favour. A grant is available from DAAT through the Libor Fund for part of the cost of the project, Cllr Bailey and Cllr Short have applied to Awards for All for the shortfall of the cost for the project. 


ii. CLT a further meeting was held last night, with Mr Ken James from Holsworthy CLT was in attendance outlining the process that Holsworthy CLT went through to develop there housing, giving advice on how it is possible to obtain grants and do it one’s self and the work that goes into the process. A further meeting is being held on Friday the 29th November when a representative from Wessex Housing is  coming to speak on the way a Housing Association would undertake the process, but Housing Associations are a commercial venture, when ideally the CLT would like to keep any benefits of the project for the good of Burrington Community.


3. Chairman’s Report 

i. The obelisk is still ongoing.

ii. The tarmac area has yet to be decided

ii. Replacement defibrillator, 

The old defibrillator was damaged but has been repaired so is not fully working again.

The grant application to Awards for all will be submitted in the New Year.                         




4. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it

Please keep reporting. Overhanging trees where discussed this is covered if you log onto this website. Likewise, a Street light near the sewage works is constantly on, this can also be reported on this website. 

ii. Finger posts Cllr Bailey has spoken to Richard Sables and appears to have successfully managed to get the signs for the post at Balls Corner, this is from a different supplier than previously used, so if successful it is hoped to get ones for the Beacon Post as well. Well done Cllr Bailey. 

The amount of water flowing down Golland Lane was also highlighted, efforts have been made to sort the problem and it has been reported.  

5. County and District Councillors items. 

i. Cllr Edgell reported that County Councillors are up for re-election next May, so in the run up to the election councillors will be in purdah, so all grant moneys need to be allocated by the end of February otherwise the money will go back into the pot.

6. Finance,    

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                             


Burrington Parish Hall



Litter picker






Mr. M Baker grass cutting, including extra to cut the Green hedge



Mr R Elworthy millennium copse hedge



Clerks salary



Devon Communities Together, Housing needs survey



Mrs T Ford website 



NDC May election costs












i.               Grass cutting tender, it was agreed to accept Mr Baker’s tender, all in favour.

ii.              Set the Precept, discussion took place, a letter has been received from NDC asking for the Parish Councils expenditure for 2020/2021, but in the letter, this was received:

Parish Grant,

You will be aware that North Devon Council has been reviewing its position on Parish Grants for several years. On Monday 4 November 2019 the Council’s Strategy and Resources Committee met and approved in principle to remove the Parish Grant from 2020/21 onwards.

The Committee also approved in principle to make an annual contribution of £20,000 for the next 3 years towards a reserve, against which smaller Parishes could apply for funding for specific projects with an emphasis on sustainability and countering climate change. Further details of this funding opportunity will be made available in due course.

Council Tax Support Grant (otherwise referred to as “Top Up”)

This additional payment has been reducing on a phased basis with the last payment made in 2019/20. Therefore, there will be no “Top Up” payment made in 2020/21.

The Parish Grant has been granted to the Parish for more years than Cllr Bailey can remember and was a grant of £912 every year, being passed onto the Parish Hall, burial grounds and open spaces. 

The Council Tax support grant has been received since 2015 when it was £460 but last year it was £104, so both these grant opportunities have been lost.

In addition, the Parish Council is in the process of securing the field for £8,000, when secured the field will have to be maintained a quote has been obtained for maintenance of over £500per annum which is an additional ongoing cost to the Parish Council.

The Parish precept has been held for some considerable years, last year it was put up as Councillors were anticipating the loss of the Parish grant, and now with the expense of purchasing the field, it was proposed by Cllr Bailey seconded by Cllr Pateman -Jones to raise the precept to £10,000, all in favour.  


7. Planning


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area & scheme) at Cross Farm    Burrington



Building at Bedport farm, prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 5 dwelling for 2 larger and 3 smaller class Q (A +B) appeal



Extension to dwelling Kingsland Farm House



Base station installation for EE emergency services communications network at Land ar Aylescott Feeds & Driers Burrington



Erection of emergency lighting column for Devon Air Ambulance at community landing site



Notification for Prior Approval for a change of Use from Premises in Light Industrial Use (Class B1 (c)) and any land within its curtilage to Dwelling house (Class C3) at Northcote Workshop Burrington



Notification of Prior Approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to a flexible use within class B1/D2 space under General Permitted Development order 2015 Schedule 2, Part 3, Class R at Bedport Poultry Farm



Prior Approval for Change Of Use Of Agricultural Building To 5 Dwelling houses (2 Larger Dwellings & 3 Smaller Dwellings) (Class Q (A&B)) at Bedport Barn Burrington



70804 is a resubmission of the successful appeal application, going back to original design, no response will be made to this application. 

70727 this is an application on the second chicken shed, B1 is for office space, Mr Van den Berg explained it is for the residents of the 5 dwellings to use as office space to be able to work from home so cause less impact on the environment. D2 covers recreational facilities including a gym, also for the residents of the 5 dwellings. 

The response from the Environmental Agency, was that they approved if the class B1 and D2 where specifically only for the residents of Bedport. 

Councillors agreed to reply in the same manner that B1 was only for residents of Bedport and not any outside commercial activity, and D2 was restricted to a gym for residents of Bedport only, all in favour. 

8. Parish Hall report. No report.


10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report


11. Correspondence 

i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. 

ii). Following the recent Parish Forum and the interest that was generated in the planning aspect it was decided to hold a specific Parish Forum on the 3rd December exclusively on planning, Cllr Short and Cllr Patemen-Jones are to attend. 

An invitation has been received from the South Molton Community News to attend there Christmas Party on Monday the 2nd December. 


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 14th January 2019 7.30pm 


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date



Dates of forthcoming meetings:   Tuesday 25th February 2020 7.30pm 


Parish Council Meeting held on the 29th October 2019



Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr A. Bonner Mrs G Benson, Mr P Keeley Mr K Pincombe Mrs J Pateman-Jones and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)        

In attendance    Cllr R Edgell-County Councillor 

Apologies Mr P Bailey Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation



i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 24th September 2019 were agreed and signed.


2.  ‌Clerks‌ ‌report, ‌ ‌

i.‌ ‌Heads‌ ‌of‌ ‌Terms‌ ‌regarding‌ ‌the‌ ‌purchase‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌field. ‌ ‌

A‌ ‌reply‌ ‌has‌ ‌been‌ ‌received‌ ‌from‌ ‌DCC‌ ‌agreeing‌ ‌to‌ ‌some‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌Parish‌ ‌Council’s‌ ‌requests. ‌ ‌However‌ ‌

there‌ ‌remains‌ ‌some‌ ‌issues‌ ‌between‌ ‌the‌ ‌two‌ ‌parties. ‌ ‌The‌ ‌Parish‌ ‌Council‌ ‌will‌ ‌continue‌ ‌to‌ ‌negotiate‌ ‌

for‌ ‌assurances‌ ‌that‌ ‌there‌ ‌will‌ ‌be‌ ‌no‌ ‌financial‌ ‌risks‌ ‌to‌ ‌any‌ ‌future‌ ‌social‌ ‌housing‌ ‌and‌ ‌also‌ ‌that‌ ‌any‌ ‌

overage‌ ‌levels‌ ‌applied‌ ‌to‌ ‌the‌ ‌Parish‌ ‌Council‌ ‌are‌ ‌at‌ ‌acceptable‌ ‌levels. ‌ ‌The‌ ‌Parish‌ ‌Council‌ ‌will‌ ‌seek‌ ‌

legal‌ ‌advice‌ ‌to‌ ‌assist‌ ‌in‌ ‌these‌ ‌negotiations. ‌ ‌


Cllr‌ ‌Patemen-Jones‌ ‌has‌ ‌been‌ ‌in‌ ‌contact‌ ‌with‌ ‌Ms‌ ‌Rebecca‌ ‌Smyth,‌ ‌a‌ ‌local‌ ‌legal‌ ‌expert‌ ‌in‌ ‌this‌ ‌field,‌ ‌

and‌ ‌Ms‌ ‌Smyth‌ ‌has‌ ‌kindly‌ ‌agreed‌ ‌to‌ ‌support‌ ‌the‌ ‌Parish‌ ‌Council‌ ‌with‌ ‌a‌ ‌free‌ ‌initial‌ ‌one‌ ‌hour‌ ‌

consultation. ‌ ‌ ‌


The‌ ‌Parish‌ ‌Council‌ ‌confirmed‌ ‌that‌ ‌it‌ ‌was‌ ‌still‌ ‌in‌ ‌agreement‌ ‌to‌ ‌purchase‌ ‌the‌ ‌field‌ ‌even‌ ‌if‌ ‌the‌ ‌social‌ ‌

housing‌ ‌element‌ ‌does‌ ‌not‌ ‌come‌ ‌to‌ ‌fruition. ‌ ‌


ii. CLT a further meeting has been held and Cllr Short has agreed to be the secretary, two more meetings are planned. Cllr Patemen-Jones said she attended a housing event and met Mr Ken James, the Deputy leader of TDC who comes from Holsworthy and is on a CLT in that area. Cllr Patemen-Jones asked for advice and Mr James has agreed to attend a meeting to give advice and to explain how the Holsworthy CLT operates. There appears to be seven different funding accesses for different stages of the process. The Burrington group was lead to believe by Wessex CLT that there was a lot of funding to be had, but this does not appear to be the case if the CLT build the houses only if they sell to  a Housing Association, if the group was to sign up with Wessex then Wessex can get a stream of funding.


3. Chairman’s Report 

i. The obelisk is still ongoing.

ii. The tarmac area has yet to be decided

ii. Replacement defibrillator, 

It was             agreed to apply to Awards for All for the cost in the New Year.                                                                                                                      

4. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it

Please keep reporting.

ii. Finger posts Cllr Bailey is to proceed with this in due course, Cllr Bailey and Cllr Short are to put in a grant application to Awards for All for the short fall in the purchasing of the field. 

5. County and District Councillors items. 

i. Cllr Edgell reported again that there is a lack of funds for Adult Social care and children’s services and as this is a statutory obligation the money has to be found. As there is now going to be a general election it is hoped the financial position for these very important issues will be sorted out. The need for these services has increased along with the cost but the budget has not.

An email was circulated regarding a Parish Review as in boundary changes number of councillors etc. 

6. Finance,    

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                             


Burrington Parish Hall



Litter picker



AUK Supplies



NDC Dog bins








7. Planning                                                                                                   P C recommendations       NDDC 


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area and scheme) at Cross Park Farm Burrington    

















Erection of steel framed agricultural building at Cross Park Farm



Extension to dwelling Kingsland Farm 



Base station installation for EE emergency services communications network at Land at Aylescott Feeds and Driers



Erection of emergency lighting column for Devon Air Ambulance at community landing site

Recommend approval


Notification for Prior Approval for a change of Use from Premises in Light Industrial Use (Class B1 (c)) and any land within its curtilage to Dwelling house (Class C3) at Northcote Workshop Burrington

After discussion it was agreed to reply with no comment. 


8. Parish Hall report. No report.


10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report


11. Correspondence 

i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. 

ii). Following the recent Parish Forum and the interest that was generated in the planning aspect it was decided to hold a specific Parish Forum on the 3rd December exclusively on planning, members showed interest in attending.

Cllr Pateman-Jones is on DALC Executive Committee including the general purpose committee, she asked if any councillors had any points they would wish her to raise, it was agreed to ask regarding the pub as a community asset and also regarding if any other members had any experience of dealing with the purchase of a field and the heads of terms that go with such a purchase from DCC. 

It was also raised that Bables Tenement at the bottom of Bircham Hill appears to be being lived in, NDC will be informed. 


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 26th November 2019 7.30pm 


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date



Dates of forthcoming meetings:   Tuesday 14th January 2020 7.30pm 


Parish Council Meeting held on the 24th September 2019



Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr P Bailey Mr A. Bonner Mrs J Pateman-Jones and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)            

In attendance    Cllr R Edgell-County Councillor Cllr K Davies District Councillor and one member of the public.

Apologies Mrs G Benson, Mr P Keeley Mr K Pincombe 


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


Public Participation

The proposed buyer of the school property was in attendance at the meeting, he has secured a job in South Molton so wants to relocate to the local area. He is considering what plans to submit to NDC for alterations, but vehicular access will have to be secured along Twitchen Lane. 



i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 27th August 2019 were agreed and signed.


2. Clerks report,

i. The planning application for the night landing site is in the process of being submitted. 

A CLT meeting was held last Friday the 20th September, the objective is to agree which legal structure they want to set up but as yet no one has agreed to be secretary, a further meeting has been arranged for October if no secretary comes forward it will be difficult for the CLT to progress. 

Housing does now appear to be the number one priority and the LEA field is the site of preference. 

It was discussed regarding the paying for the hall hire for the CLT meetings, the first two meeting are to be paid by the Parish Council but as no constitution has been set up they are unable to obtain any grant monies, it was proposed by Cllr Bailey seconded by Cllr Bonner for the Parish Council to under write the cost of the meetings in the case of the CLT not being formed, all in favour.

ii. Heads of Terms for the purchase of the field, Cllr Short has been taking advice from experienced people and has been advised that the Parish Council need to take legal advice. 

The first issue is the maximum number of dwellings in the current terms it states 4 when in the Affordable Housing Needs survey, a need was shown for 6, the Parish Council would like no figure but consider DCC will. The overage enhancement of value is not normally levied on affordable houses but this needs to be confirmed. As it states at present any future profit on the field would incur a 60% reimbursement to DCC, the field is an exception site so this will affect the resale of any affordable houses. Any associated costs over the purchase price need to be included when considering any uplift in value.  It was proposed by Cllr Patemen-Jones seconded by Cllr Wooldridge for Cllr Short to send the Heads of Terms to Tozers our solicitors for clarification, then have a follow up meeting so as not to let this take overly time as DCC are asking for a response, all in agreement. 


3. Chairman’s Report 

i. School site update.

Further to speaking to the prospective buyer of the school he agreed the bell would stay in situ.


The visibility splay for the access was discussed and the fact that the access on the opposite side of the road was put in with no visibility splay.

Again, it was reported that the play equipment on the tarmac area has been party removed, but the metal poles are still in place, Mr Terry Pullen the Estates Manager for Chulmleigh Academic Trust is to be contacted again to see when these are to be removed. What to do with the tarmac area is still to be considered. 

The obelisk is still ongoing.

ii. Replacement defibrillator, 

It was             agreed to apply to Awards for All for the cost in the New Year.                                                                                                                      

4. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it

Please keep reporting.

ii. Finger posts were discussed Cllr Bailey has approached Richard Sables again, the cost to replace each one is in the region of £200-£300, Mr Sables said he would try hard for the Balls Corner one as it is an important junction. Cllr Davies said he is doing a lecture in Cornwall with a sign writer and she would be able to get them done as part of the lecture if the Parish Council supplied the marine ply, this will be undertaken for which Cllr Davies was thanked. 

iii. Footpath repairs some are being undertaken in the parish.

iv. The Oak Tree on the Village Green needs to be pruned back, Cllr Bonner, Smale, Bailey and Short are to liaise and undertake the job. 

5. County and District Councillors items. 

i. Cllr Edgell reported again that there is a lack of funds for Adult Social care and children’s services and as this is a statutory obligation the money has to be found. 

An application is to be submitted to the Locality Budget for £2.5k towards the cost of purchasing the field. 

Cllr Davies reported that there is a Highways Enhancement Fund that can be applied to also his District Councillor fund. 

Cllr Davies reported on the Parish Forum meeting held on the 19th September was very well attended with speaker Mr Michael Titchford from NDC planning, Ms Cara Stobart DALC, the police and Environmental Department. So many questions where aimed at Mr Titchford a follow up meeting is to be held with Mr Titchford to discuss just planning matters.

Cllr Davies distributed some “Walks in Chulmleigh” leaflets. Two of the North Devon homes at Pound Close are included in a project scheme for Zero Energy Buildings. 

6. Finance,    

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                             


NDC Planning 



Burrington Parish Hall



Litter picker



Clerks salary



Office expenses








7. Planning                                                                                                   P C recommendations       NDDC 


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area and scheme) at Cross Park Farm Burrington    



Variation Of Condition 2 (approved Plans) Attached To Planning Permission 41526 (subdivide 5 Holiday Units & Conversion Of Redundant Barn To 1 Additional Holiday Unit, With Alterations To 1,2,3,& 4 With Amendment To Condition 4 Of Planning Approval 38444 To Delete ''& Shall Not Be Let, Sold Or Otherwise Disposed Of Separately'') To Allow A Change In Layout To Plots 1-3  LB Bridge House and Farm Burrington Umberleigh









Extension and alterations to dwelling AT Aylescott Cottage Road from Aylescott Cross To Aylescott Farm

















Removal of Condition 5 (Separate Accommodation) Attached to Planning Permission 53243 (Alterations & Extension to Dwelling – Retrospective Application to Amend Design Approved by Planning Permission 48937 (Amended Plans) to allow for division of property to two separate dwellings, Jenny Fox Cottage



Erection of steel framed agricultural building at Cross Park Farm



Extension to dwelling Kingsland Farm 



Base station installation for EE emergency services communications network at Land at Aylescott Feeds and Driers

No objections


8. Parish Hall report. No report.


10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report


11. Correspondence 

i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. 

ii). There is a Highways Conference organised by DCC on the 15th October at Merton Village Hall, and one on the 7th October at Filleigh Village Hall, Cllr Bailey wishes to attend. 

Cllr Pateman-Jones reported that she had attended a DALC executive meeting and that DALC are changing their legal structure and becoming a limited company. Cllr Pateman-Jones is representing 10 parishes and asked if there was anything further that parishes wished for DALC to offer over and above what is already covered. 


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 29th October 2019 7.30pm 


…………………………Chairman …………………………Date



Dates of forthcoming meetings:   Tuesday 26th November 2019 7.30pm 


Parish Council Meeting held on the 25thJune 2019



Present Mr J Short (Chairman), Mr A. Bonner Mr P Bailey Mrs G Benson Mr P Keeley Mr K  Pincombe and Mr P Smale Mr J Wooldridge and Mrs A Snell (Clerk)  

In attendance    Cllr R Edgell-County Councillor 

ApologiesMrs J Pateman-Jones Cllr K Davies District Councillor


Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests,

including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be 

considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent

activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


The Declaration of Office forms were signed.

Public Participation


i. The Minutes of the meeting held on 28thMay 2019 were agreed and signed.


2. Clerks report,

i.              Night landing site. An email has been received from David Bowles:

David Bowles has discussed within Devon County Council (DCC) the transfer of the field and the offer from the Parish Council (PC) of £8,000 for the land. Mr Bowles confirmed that Devon County Council is prepared to transfer the freehold of the field to the Parish Council for that value on the condition that it will be used for the purposes detailed in the letter, e.g DAAT Night landing site, affordable houses scheme, allotments and a village recreation site. The discounted value also reflects that the upkeep of the site will be transferring to the Parish Council.

 DCC reserves the right to impose such usage conditions as part of any transfer along with overage rights in the event that (by mutual consent of both DCC and Burrington PC) the field is sold in the future for alternative uses.

 Mr Bowles also requested that the transfer of the field happens promptly. If the transfer is likely to be more than a reasonable time (3 months) then he would ask that the Parish Council take on the maintenance of the field and boundaries. This would be in the form of an interim licence (or appropriate agreement) until the transfer completes. Discussion can be held if it looks like the transfer is going to take more time.

It was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Bonner to accept the conditions, all in favour.

The next step is to try and secure a grant for the purchase price, and then organise a meeting to discuss setting up a Community Land Trust. Mr Toby Russell will be contacted regarding the cost of night landing site, and the required planning permission application, advice is to be sought on the siting of the landing site in relation to the houses.

A solicitor will have to be employed to ensure the contract and conditions are set out correctly.


ii.             Dog bins, the NDC contract has been signed collection starts in July.

iii.           Defibrillator training, in the region of 12 people attended the training. The existing defibrillator is out of date in early 2020, enquires are to be made to purchase a new one.




iv.           Annual Report, these will be delivered to many by Parish Councillors the remainder will be posted, the Who’s Who, footpath map, articles from the Church, Chapel, Twinning, hall and a notice for an afternoon tea on Saturday the 6thJuly, were all included. 

v.             An email has been received from Wicksteek regarding the playground inspection, it was agreed by all to have an unaccompanied inspection. 


3. Chairman’s Report 

i. School site update.

Part of the play equipment on the tarmac area has been removed.

The school site did not sell in the tender auction, it is now on the open market for £140,000 for both lots on offer  

The obelisk has been removed from the school site; a base has been put in place for the new site this needs to be concreted in.

ii. Clerks contract, the clerk left the room, discussion took place it was proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Bonner to offer pay scale Band 18, all in favour, this will be reviewed again next year. The contract was signed.


4. Highways. 

i. The DCC website is devon.cc/report-it

Please keep reporting.

The sign post finger signs are still being pursued. 



5. County and District Councillors items. 

i. Cllr Edgell reported again to the meeting that there is now a replacement to the Community Fund, there are now three grant opportunities, a grant to apply for between £5,000 to £20,000 but the grant will pay 75% the remaining 25% has to be sourced elsewhere, this is for bigger projects. Crowd funding and a smaller grant scheme of up to £300.

Cllr Edgell also reported that he has a Locality grant of £10,000 for his parishes. 


6. Finance,    

Approve and sign the following cheques from main account: -                                             


Burrington Parish Hall



Litter picker



Clerks salary



Office expenses



Came and Company



WH Buckingham



West of England Fire Protection










i.              Agree and sign the Annual Governance Statement, proposed by Cllr Pincombe seconded by Cllr Bailey all in favour. 

ii.             Agree and sign the Accounting Statement, proposed by Cllr Bailey seconded by Cllr Benson, all in favour

iii.           Fixed Asset Register, this was circulated to councillors, it was agreed the annual review needs to be undertaken, it was suggested to ask Cllr Patman-Jones accompanied by Cllr Benson. 

iv.            Community Priorities for Open Space, this is to be updated and returned to NDC. It was suggested to include upgrading the MUGA light to LED ones.

v.             The insurance was discussed it was proposed by Cllr Bailey seconded by Cllr Wooldridge to accept the offer of a three-year contact, all in favour.





7. Planning                                                                                                   P C recommendations       NDDC 


Outline application for erection of four dwellings (all matters reserved) (amended site area and scheme) at Cross Park Farm Burrington    



Variation Of Conditon 2 (approved Plans) Attached To Planning Permission 41526 (subdivide 5 Holiday Units & Conversion Of Redundant Barn To 1 Additional Holiday Unit, With Alterations To 1,2,3,& 4 With Amendment To Condition 4 Of Planning Aproval 38444 To Delete ''& Shall Not Be Let, Sold Or Otherwise Disposed Of Separately'') To Allow A Change In Layout To Plots 1-3  LB 

Bridge House And Farm Burrington Umberleigh



Erection of dwelling and double garage together with driveway on land off Barton Road, Burrington



i.              Agricultural need for barns, no response.


8.LEA field opposite the Parish Hall. This has been minuted.


9. Parish Hall report. The hall has been reassessed on all its Hallmark levels, currently the hall holds levels 1,2 and 3, the results are awaited.  


10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust. No report


11. Correspondence 

i). DALC Newsletters have been circulated. 

ii. A leaflet has been received regarding Flying the Red Ensign for Merchant Navy Day on the 3rdSeptember. 

Cllr Keely reported that he has replaced the flower planter by the Burrington sign and tidied by two of the PC benches, for which he was thanked. The flower planter at Townbridge is also in a very poor state of repair it was suggested to replace it with a tyre, Cllr Pincombe has volunteered one. 


The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 30thJuly 2019 7.30pm 






Dates of forthcoming meetings:  Tuesday 27thAugust 2019 7.30pm