a) Equal Opportunities Policy  

ŸWe ensure that all people have equal access to an environment free from prejudice and discrimination.

ŸWe value, support and help individuals to develop their full potential. Where selection processes are used they are reviewed regularly to check that they remain relevant and free from bias either in content or scoring.

ŸWe respect and promote positive attitude to all individuals with disabilities and those who are different in gender, race, ethnic origin, colour, sex, sexuality, religion, marital status, age or social class. We oppose all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination.

ŸThis statement will be adhered to and kept under review.


b) Health and Safety Policy

1st Aid kits are available in the Kitchen, Cloakroom and Clubroom.

A regular maintenance schedule is adhered to and the caretakers & committee regularly inspect the premises for any damage which may be a safety issue.

Any accidents are reported in the accident book placed in the Cloakroom. 

We ask hirers to report any damage or concerns to the caretaker or committee immediately. The Hall committee will report any incidents in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).

Hirers play a key role in maintaining a healthy and safe environment by operating in a way that is sensible and relevant to their usage. The points below seek to support hirers in maintaining this standard and they are responsible for their own health & safety during their use of the facilities.


ŸCalls to ‘999’ emergency services can be made on a mobile phone from a person present. Nearest public phone is in the centre of the village.

ŸThe entire building is non-smoking at all times.

ŸNo activities are allowed which involve danger to the public.

ŸNo obvious fire hazards are allowed on the premises.

ŸNo unauthorised heating appliances are to be used.

ŸNo hazardous substances (as regulated by COSHH) are to be used or stored in the hall.

ŸNo highly flammable substances shall be brought into or used in any part of the premises.


Regarding Safe Escape in the event of a Fire

Hirers should acquaint themselves with all exits (normal & emergency) and these must be kept clear (internal & external) at all times such as not to impede emergency evacuation. All fire doors are marked and must not be wedged open. All exits must remain unobstructed.

Hirers are responsible for their own fire drills and ensuring their hirers are familiar with emergency

evacuation procedures.

In the event of an outbreak of fire however slight, the building must be evacuated immediately – fire extinguishers are provided at all exits to assist in clearing a path for emergency exit only.   Wherever feasible and safe to do so, doors and windows should be closed to reduce the spread of the fire. The Fire Service should then be called on 999.

The map reference of the Hall is on the main notice board SS 638 168

Postcode: EX37 9LA

Assemble in the playing field opposite.

The alarm sounds as a long continuous siren.






 Regarding the use of the Kitchen

Any hirer intending to provide catering (beyond cold or hot drinks and cold proprietary packaged biscuits/cakes) must ensure there is a person, responsible for food preparation and complies with current legislation.

Children are only allowed in the kitchen under the supervision of a responsible adult.

Rubbish: Hirers must remove all food waste at the end of their booking. Wheelie bins are provided outside the bar area. Excessive rubbish created, such as by parties, should be removed by the hirer.

A hand wash facility is provided near the green cooker.

Cleaning facilities are provided. Please leave the kitchen tidy.


Further general points

ŸNo safety equipment must be tampered with. If any faults are observed they must be reported as soon as practical to the Committee.

ŸIn the event of a power failure – an emergency lighting supply is automatically triggered to illuminate exit routes.

ŸFirst Aid boxes are located in the kitchen, cloakroom and the club area. Hirers are asked to advise the caretaker, if any items have been used, so they can be replaced.

ŸA qualified First Aider is not provided by the hall facility. Hirers are advised to consider and resolve their own First Aid requirements.

ŸChildren are to be supervised at all times.

Ÿ Hirers are responsible for the safe operation of their own equipment.


ŸThe Hall’s electrical facilities are regularly inspected by authorised personnel and a certificate issued. (WH Buckingham)

ŸCertain rooms/cupboards are generally locked for authorised access only – as stated on the doors.

ŸDesignated parking for disabled use is available at the front of the building.

ŸDue to the Hall being in a residential area we request all hirers to respect our neighbours and to keep noise levels to a minimum.


c) Financial Policy


Please see constitution for more details.


Accounts are subject to external scrutiny annually, as required by the Charity Commission.

The Treasurer presents a financial report at each meeting and the adopted accounts are presented at the AGM.

A subcommittee (Finance and General Purpose) are empowered to have meetings as necessary and then report back to the full committee. They have spending limit, without requiring authorisation from full committee, which is reviewed annually. (£750 2011)

All cheques are signed by two authorised committee members.


d) Hire and Use policy

Please see Conditions of hire for more details.


All areas of the hall are available for hire, as a whole or as individual rooms and areas (except billiard room by special arrangement with comrades club secretary).

The management committee reserves the right to refuse a booking of hire without explanation.

No one under the age of 18 years old can hire the hall.

All hires are subject to the Conditions of hire and Public Entertainment License.

Payment is required in advance and a deposit may be required against damage.



e)  Election of committee members and recruiting staff policy



The representative members are elected annually by their organisations and their names are put forward  at the Hall AGM.

The 7 elected members are elected at the Hall AGM.

The two co-opted members are elected if necessary at any committee meeting following the AGM.

Members are given a copy of the constitution and asked to sign the membership declaration.



Should there be a vacancy for an employee; the position will be publicly advertised, followed by interviews held by members of the committee. The equal opportunities policy will be adhered to.


f) Environmental Policy 

The Trustees of Burrington Parish Hall recognise that our activities and those of our hirers, impact upon the environment. Consequently, we embrace the principles of sustainable living and are committed to environmental improvement and pollution prevention. We undertake to comply with environmental laws and seek to promote sound environmental practice in our activities.


            Ensure compliance with relevant regulatory requirements

            Promote awareness of our environmental policy to hirers

            Minimise waste through reuse and recycling

            Minimise energy and water consumption and promote the efficient use of resources

            Improve current equipment when and where possible (installation of Solar Panels 2009 & Air        source heat pumps 2010)


            Minimise and Conserve

            We will make every effort to reduce the resources we consume, including energy and      water and             minimise the amount of waste we produce.


            Recycle and Reuse

            Where practicable and affordable, we will reuse materials, recycle waste and procure       recycled             products.


            Measure and Monitor

            The Trustees will review this policy annually.


            Inform and Communicate

            We will make our Environmental Policy publicly available and will promote recycling and reuse through the Terms and Conditions of our Hall Hire.



g) Activities involving Children policy


The Preschool and Toddler Group use the hall on a regular weekly basis. They operate under Ofsted regulations so are familiar and adhere to regulations involving children.

We do aim to provide hirers with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the hall and to ensure hirers are aware they have responsibility to ensure all activities involving children comply with current relevant legislation.

The MUGA is available for use by children outside of school times, this area is unsupervised.



h) Policy for encouraging new groups:

All groups that use the hall are currently represented and if a new group is initiated, a member of the hall management committee would approach the new group and encourage representation on the hall committee.


I) Expenses for Training of committee members

If a committee member attends a course relevant to the management of the hall, the committee would pay


J) Communication E-Mail and Social Media Policy

We aim to provide a committee environment sensitive to the diversity of our members; therefore, please do not use communications including and not restricted to email or social media, in an offensive or disrespectful manner, to any member of the community when addressing Parish Hall issues.

(Adopted by full committee 12.10.16)